Ivan Betskaya - biography, personal life, Catherine II, works, education in Russia, photo



Ivan Ivanovich Petskaya, a valid secret adviser to Empress Ekaterina II, was the extramarital son of Ivan Yurevich Trubetsky. The boy was born on February 3, 1704 in the capital of Sweden at that time when his father was captured after the failure of the military Russian campaign against the Swedes. The mother of Petsky allegedly became the Baroness harm, but other sources indicate a different name - Countess Sparre. In the future, the name of Ivan Ivanovich will be associated only with his father, about the mother there will be no later sources of information.

The young man got a good Swedish education under his father's supervision. And in the adolescence was sent to the Danish Cadet Case, which ended with the highest marks. The trauma, obtained on the service in the cavalry, put the cross on his military career.

Ivan Betskaya

After the departure of Prince Trubetskoy to his homeland in 1718, the young beatka was still educated in Europe, and then traveled a lot, gaining experience. There is information that he studied the science and works of French reformers directly in the capital of France, as well as in Leipzig. The promising young man, perfectly possesses many foreign languages, noticed the prince of Vasily Dolgoruky and took it to the position of personal secretary for his stay in Paris as a Russian ambassador.

The first years of service in Russia

At the age of 22, Ivan Ivanovich is translated to Russia at the invitation of his father, who offered him the place of the secretary-translator. The new responsibilities of Betsky included a correspondence with foreign government officials. Gradually, thanks to the help of Prince Trubetsky, Ivan made a good career at the Military College, and then at the board of foreign affairs.

Ivan Betskaya

According to state orders, Fetskaya moves many times abroad. During these trips, he visits Germany, Austria, where he gets acquainted with the mother of the future Russian Empress. They talked for a very long time, and the favor of Johann Elizabeth lately passed her daughter, why historians believed that Ivan Ivanovich was a real father of Catherine II.

At this time, Fetskaya converges with Antioch Kantemir, a great Russian diplomat, under whose leadership the worldview of Ivan Ivanovich was largely. Later, Fetskaya will enter the group of support for the reign of Anna John and will sign, along with Kantemir and Yaguzhinsky, a document in which supporters ask her to come to the throne. In 1733, Bezzka will receive the title of Major, and then lieutenant colonel.

Ivan Bezzka and Antiha Chantereir

Thanks to the protection of his father, as well as the daughter of Trubetsky, who was married to Prince Ludwig Hesse-Gomburg, he became a worse to the society of Queen Elizabeth II. In the rank of General Adjutant Ivan Ivanovich again goes on a trip to Europe and returns to Russia in 1740.

Catherine II and Peter III

From 1742 to 1747, Ivan Ivanovich served as a chamber under the Duke of Peter Ulrich, who will later become Emperor Peter III, her husband Catherine II. Educated in the liberal spirit, read by Petska, did not like the taste of Chancellor A.P. Bestuzhevo-Rumin and was removed from the imperial yard. Ivan Ivanovich received a resignation and again went on a trip to Europe.

Catherine II and Peter III

In countries such as Holland, Germany, France and Italy, the statesman visits educational institutions, meets the great minds of the era, visits the Salon of Mrs. Joffrene, the center of poetry and literature of Paris. Friends become Grimm, Voltaire, Didro, Rousseau. Ivan Ivanovich for 15 years absorbed the advanced ideas of the time, which then came in handy in Russia.

1762 caught the beetk in the capital of Austria. Arriving in Petersburg, he was immediately awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. It was established that in a coup organized by Catherine II, Ivan Ivanovich did not participate. Despite his sympathy, Peter III, the Empress leaves Beetsky at the court and makes him the manager of the new unit, which heard buildings and parks of the Queen. From this time, a new stage begins in the biography of a talented figure.

Academy of Arts

The first thing, entrusted to Beetsome Catherine II, was the organization of the Academy of Arts, which was transformed into an independent institution in 1762. Bezzka for his task took up with all the zeal: he achieves a separate building for the Academy on Vasilyevsky Island, participates in the development of the charter of the educational institution, the main authority of which is appointed by the Council of Professors.

Ivan Petskaya created the Academy of Arts

The term of study at the Academy was six years, after which, according to the examinations, the best students went to internship to Europe. Ivan Ivanovich himself sacrificed a lot to his brainchild and took the personal control of particularly gifted students. After graduating from his presidency, he left the Academy all his library collected over 30 years, as well as collections of paintings and sculptures.

Reform Education

In parallel with the Board in Ah Betskaya became the main developer of education reform in Russia. He consistently sets out his thoughts and pedagogical ideas in the treatise "General Establishment on Education of Monasts."

The aim of education in special institutions he sets the creation of a new breed of people, a special third class, which through his own families and their children will be incurred into the world of the idea of ​​humanism and justice. You can remember one of the quotes of Beetsky, illuminating this question:

"In other people's states, the third chin of the people, established for several centuries, continues from the genus in the genus: But as here (in Russia) this chin is not yet, it is impaired, it is ...".
Ivan Bezzka - Education Reform Developer

Bezzka believed that such people would be able to establish the right relationship with serfs, which would beneficially affect the state of society as a whole.

It was assumed that the disciples would be withdrawn by the consent of parents from families at the age of 5, and then, after training in the boarding house and to achieve the 18th anniversary, will be returned back. At the same time, Ivan Ivanovich promoted a liberal approach to education: a refusal of corporal punishment, a system of encouragements, freely developing games, study in pleasure.

Moscow Educational House

Bezzka "believed the need to follow in the footsteps of nature, not overcoming and not overwhelming her, but contributing to her." According to this type, the first Moscow educational house was created in 1763, in which abandoned children were taken. The second such house appeared in the capital in 1772. But the ideas of Beetsky crashed on the reality of the Russian society of that time: the institution lacked qualified personnel and financing.

Educational institutions

At the initiative of Beetsk, the first guesthouse was created for women. They became organized in 1764 Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden. The principles of education were the same as in a previously organized educational house.

Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden

A year later, Bezzka takes part in the organization of the Cadet Corps of the Ground Forces for boys of noble origin. Graduates of the Shuttle Corps have the right to enter military service as officers.

Shantehet case

After seven years, with the assistance of Proofing Demidov, a merchant school was organized, whose goal was to teach the children of this class of many useful cognitive items: accounting, geography, history, economics, law.

Personal life

Ivan Ivanovich never was officially married, but his family he considered his pupils. The first favorite was Anastasia Sokolov, who subsequently became the wife of Admiral Osip Deribas. She won a large amount of money, as well as two buildings in St. Petersburg.

Ivan Bezzka died alone

In old age, there have been changes in the personal life of the statesman. Petskaya took one of the pupils of Smolny's pupils of Alimov. After her end of the boarding house, Ivan Ivanovich settled the girl in his house and suggested the cohabitation, but young beauty did not agree to such a position and soon married to the poet A. Rzhevsky. After leaving his protege, Ivan Ivanovich suffered a heart attack. Until the end of the life, he has resigned, he lived in full solitude.

Last years

Since 1773, in connection with the rebellious moods that were twisted in Russian society, Catherine II revised its attitude towards the ideas of education, which introduced a bezkoy. He was resigned. But, since all his savings, Ivan Ivanovich spent a lifetime to maintain his teaching and educational institutions, he was unexpected for himself without livelihood.

10 years later, according to the testimony of contemporaries, Bezzka suffered a stroke, after which it was partially paralyzed. Even blindness was added to all diseases. 12 years after hemorrhage to the brain on the last day of the summer of 1795, because of deep old age, Ivan Ivanovich died at home. He was buried by a statesman in the Church of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Igor Skilar as Ivan Petsky

At the end of February 2017, the TV series "Catherine" comes on the channel "Russia 1". Takeoff". This television film is a long-awaited continuation of the Motheric Picture of "Catherine", which was released in 2014 and won the sympathy of viewers and critics. She was marked by two domestic prizes "Teffi" and "Golden Eagle".

In the new season, describing the years of the Board of Catherine Great, new heroes and artists appear: Vladimir Yaglych, who played Grigory Potemkin, and Pavel Tabakov, who fulfilled the role of the young Paul I. The audience will see the legendary Igor Sklyar.

Quotes Ivan Beetsky

  • "The root of all evil and good - upbringing."
  • "The mind decorated or enlightened by science does not make a good and direct citizen, but in many cases there is nothing to harm if someone from the most delicate youth of his age is raised in virtues."
  • "To approve the heart of young men in praising inclinations, to excite the hunt for hard work in them, and in order to fear of idleness; teach their decent behavior, courtesy, condolences about poor, unhappy; Teach them to house-building ..., to root in them in advantage ... The tendency to the tidiness and purity. "
  • "A man who feeling like a man ... I should not allow anyone to act like animals."
  • "There are no congenital vices and villains, but they inspire their bad examples"

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