Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - biography, feat, photos, torture and death, personal life, film, actress, Anastasia Mishina



On January 27, 1942, the article of Peter Lidova "Tanya" was published in the newspaper "Pravda". The sketch was told on the heroic death of young Komsomolskaya, the partisans called the name of Tanya during torture. The girl captured the Germans and hanged on the square in the village of Petrishchev, in the suburbs. Later it was possible to establish a name: it turned out to be Komsomolka Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The girl called the name of Tanya in memory of the idol, the Hero of the Civil War Tatiana Solomakh.

Not one generation of Soviet youth increased by the example of the courage, dedication and heroism of young people, such as Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who gave life to the fight against fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War. The guys knew that, most likely, would die. They do not need fame - they saved their homeland. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya became the first woman who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) during the Great Patriotic War.


Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was born on September 13, 1923 in the village of Osinov Gai, the Gavrilovsky district of the Tambov region. Mom's love Timofeevna (in Churikova's Majmik) and Father Anatoly Petrovich worked as school teachers.

Father Anatolia studied for some time in the spiritual seminary. Rose into the family of the priest Peter Johnventich Kozmodemiansky, who served in the church in the village of Osin Guy. In the summer of 1918, for the help of the counter-revolutionary priests, the Bolsheviks suffered and death. The body was found only six months later. The priest is buried by the walls of the Znamensky Church, in which the service was led.

In the village, the Zoe's family lived to 1929, and then, fleeing from the Donos, moved to Siberia, in the village of Shttleino Irkutsk region. There the family lived a little over a year. In 1930, Olga's older sister, who worked in the People's Commissariat, helped Kosmodemyansky to move to Moscow. In Moscow, a family lived on the outskirts, near the station near Moscow, in the Timiryazevsky Park area. From 1933 after the death of his father (dad girl died after surgery on the intestines) Zoya with the younger brother Sasha remained three of them with mom.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya graduated from the 9th grades of the 201st School (now Gymnasium No. 201 named after Zoe and Alexander Kosmodemyanskih) city of Moscow. Studied for "excellent"; He loved the story and literature, dreamed of entering a literary institute. Due to a direct nature, a common language with peers found.

Since 1939, according to the memories of the mother, Zoya suffered from nervous disease. At the end of 1940, Zoya got sick with sharp meningitis. In the winter of 1941, after severe recovery, the strength went to Sokolniki, in a sanatorium for people, patients with nervous diseases. There I got acquainted and made friends with the writer Arkady Gaidar.

To come true for the future of Zoe, as well as peers, prevented the war. On October 31, 1941, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, together with 2,000 volunteers from the Komsomol, came to the draft point, located in the Colosseum Cinema, from where he went to the prerequisite training in a sabotage school. The kit was made from yesterday's schoolchildren. Preference was given to athletes: Yurik, strong, hardy, able to withstand heavy loads (such people were also called "people with increased patency").

When entering the school, recruits warned that in sabotage work to 5% survive. Most partisans dies, captured to the Germans when performing shuttle raids in the opponent's rear.

After preparation, Zoya became a member of the intelligence and sabotage part of the Western Front and abandoned in the rear of the enemy. The first combat task of Zoe was successful. It as part of a subversive group mined the road near Volokolamsk.

Feat Kosmodemyanskaya

Kosmodemyanskaya received a new combat assignment, in which in a short time, the partisans were ordered to burn the village of Anashkino, Gribsovo, Petrishchevo, Usadkovo, Ilyatino, Grachev, Pushkino, Mikhailovskoye, Bugailovo, Korovina. To undermine the fighters, several bottles with an incendiary mixture were issued. Such assignments to the partisans were given in accordance with the order of the Supreme Commander of Joseph Stalin No. 0428. It was the policy of "scorched land": the enemy led an active attack on all fronts, and to slow down the promotion, the objects of life were destroyed on the way.

According to many, these were very cruel and unreasonable actions, but it was required in the realities of the terrible war - the Germans were rapidly approaching Moscow. On November 21, 1941, on the day of the exit to the task of diversants-scouts, the troops of the Western Front led heavy battles in the Stalinogorsk direction, in the Volokolamsk district, Mozhaisk, Tikhoretsk.

To perform the task, two groups of 10 people are highlighted: Group B. S. Khorinov (19 years old) and P. S. Provorova (18 years), which included Kosmodemyanskaya. Under the village of Golkovo, both groups were in the ambush, the losses: some of the saboteurs were killed, and some partisans captured. The remaining fighters were united and the execution of the operation continued under the Kriunov team.

On the night of November 27, 1941, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, together with Boris Krhinov and Vasili, I set fire to Petrishchev (this village performed by the German transportation of the Germans) Three houses that have a connection knot, and the Germans were quartered before shipping to the front. And also destroyed 20 horses intended for transportation.

For further execution of the task, the partisans were collected in an agreed place, but Cranes did not wait for their own and returned to the camp. Clikov grabbed the Germans. Zoya decided to continue the task.

Captivity and torture

On November 28, after the darkness of the darkness, the young partisan tried to set fire to the shed heads of Sviridov, who gave the nights of the Fascists, but was noticed. Svirida raised the alarm. The women arrested the girls arrested. During the detention, Zoya did not shoot. Before the task, she gave a girlfriend's weapon, Claudia Miloradova, who was coming to the task first. The Pistol of Claudia was faulty, so Zoe gave a more reliable weapon.

From the testimony of the residents of Petrishchevo Vasily and Praskovy Kulik, in the house of which led the Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, it is known that the interrogation was led by three German officers with a translator. It was stripped and sequels with belts, drove to spread in the cold. According to witnesses, the Germans failed to snatch information about partisans from the girl, even by inhuman torture. The only thing that said, called Tanya's name.

Witnesses have shown that local residents of A. V. Smirnov and F. V. Solina, whose houses were injured from the arsons of partisans in torture. Later they were sentenced to shooting under Article 193 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for cooperation with the fascists during the war.


On the morning of November 29, 1941, beaten, with frostbitten legs, Kosmemyanskaya Kosmodemyanskaya brought to the street. There, the Germans have already prepared the gallows. The girl's chest hung a sign on which in Russian and German was written: "Homes of houses". Many Germans and local gathered on the spectacle. Fascists photographed. At that moment the girl shouted:"Citizens! Do not stand, do not look. It is necessary to help to fight the Red Army, and for my death our comrades will distort the German fascists. The Soviet Union is invincible and will not be defeated. "

Incredible courage is to stand on the edge of the grave and, without thinking about death, call to dedication. At that moment, when Zoe put on a loop on the neck, she shouted the word legend:

"How much do we hang, everyone does not exist, we are 170 million. But for me, our comrades will be distorted. "

I did not have time to say anything more.

Hannored Komsomol dates were not shot from the gallows for another month. Above the insistered body continued to mock the fascists passing through the village. On the eve of the new 1942, the rugged knives, bare, with a sliced ​​breast, Zoe's body removed from the gallows and allowed to bury the villagers. Later, when the Soviet land was cleared of fascists, the ashes of Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya reburied in the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.


Young Komsomolic is a symbol of the era, an example of the heroism of the Soviet people shown in the fight against the fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War.

However, information about the partisan movement of that time decades was classified for decades. This is due to military orders and methods of execution, on a simple view of the average man, too cruel. And inexpensively leads to any kind of speculation, and even simply - to the insinuations of "critics from history".

So, in the press there are articles about the schizophrenia of the Kosmodemyanskaya - allegedly, the feat made another girl. However, we are irreversible that the Commission consisting of representatives of the Officers of the Red Army, representatives of the WLKSM, a member of the VCC (b), witnesses from the village council and villagers, with identification confirmed that the corpse of the shot girl belongs to the Muscovite Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, which is noted in the act from February 4, 1942. Today there is no doubt about it.

Heroes killed and comrades Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya: Tamara Makhinko (crashed during landing), sisters Nina and Zoya Suvorov (killed in battle under Sukhinichi), Masha Golotyukov (grenade broke in his hands). The heroic and the younger brother Zoe - Sasha. Alexander Kosmodemeyansky 17-year-old went to the front, having learned about the heroic death of the sister. A tank with the inscription on the side "Zoe" was a lot of fighting. Alexander heroically proved to almost the very end of the war. He died in the battle for the support point in the town of Fir Cirudenkrug, near Königsberg. Awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.


The image of the heroine Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya found widespread in monumental art. Museums, monuments, busts - reminders of the courage and dedication of the young girl are still in sight.

In memory of the Zoe Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya, the streets are named in the post-Soviet space. Street Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya is in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine.

Other objects are called the name of the guerriana-diversantchiks: Pioneer Camps named after Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, schools and other educational institutions, library, asteroid, electric locomotive, tank regiment, vessel, village, peak in Zailish Alatau and BT-5 Tank.

The execution of Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya is displayed in works of art. The most recognizable works belong to the artist Dmitry Mochal and the creative team of "Kukryniks".

In honor of Zoya, the poems of Agnia Barto, Robert Christmas and Julia Drunina. In 1943, the Stalinist Prize was awarded Margarita Aliger, who dedicated to the Kosmodemyanskaya poem "Zoya." The tragic fate of the girl toned and foreign authors - the Turkish poet of Nazima Hikmet and the Chinese poeti Qina.

About the fate of the Kosmodemyanskaya shot quite a few films. In 1944, the picture "Zoya" directed by Leo Arnstema came out. Galina Vodyanitskaya was involved in the lead role. No less known "in the name of life" and "Battle for Moscow".

Another bright filmmaker - the painting "Zoya", the premiere of which was held in 2021. Here in the image of the heroine appeared actress Anastasia Mishina. Anna Ukolov, Wolfgang Cherni, Olga Lapshin and other eminent artists starred in the film.

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