Geclberry Finn - character biography, actors and roles, character


Character History

Hero of a series of works of the American writer Mark Twain about Tome Sawier ("Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Adventures of Geclberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer abroad", "Tom Sawyer is a detective", "Conspiracy of Tom Sawyer"). Teenager 12-14 years old, the buddy of Tom, mixed in numerous general adventures with him, comes from a poor incomplete family. Only in the first novel, the story is conducted on the person of the author. In the rest of the texts of the series, Geclberry Finn speaks.

History of creation

The name of the hero - Huckleberry (Hacchalbury), which is traditionally translated into Russian as Geclberry, - translated from English means the name of a shaggy berry, like blueberries or blueberries. In a figurative sense, during the time of the brand of twee, this word was used in the meaning of a man who means little that does not have the influence. "

Mark Twain

The image of Gope Finn is written off by tween from his own friend's childhood, whose name was Tom Blankenship. The author writes about it in autobiography:

"In" Geclberry Finn "I brought Toma Blinkenship exactly as he was. Lucky, unwashed and always hungry, but with the best-hearted heart among everyone I knew. He enjoyed unlimited freedom and was the only truly independent person in our town and, as a result, constantly and serenely happy. We all envied him. "

In the life of a little buddy, Mark Twain was many moments that frankly coincide with the events of books. The Tom family was unsecured, and the elder brother was really helped by one challenge African American hide. For the return of escaped, the monetary remuneration was relied, which would have had a poor family, without a doubt, by the way.

Geclberry Finn

In addition, on the slave-owned southern America, the fence of blacks was considered a shameful act for people with white skin. But the guy did not pass a runaway slave and helped that. These events in a somewhat modified form entered the second novel Mark Twain.


The characteristic of the hero and the peripetics of the lifeless boy in our day will seem dramatic. However, tween novels tell about the adventures, and the heroes themselves are happy to live as they live. Daddy Finn, Hek's father, is a homeless drunkard, and the Hero's mother died. Hope himself will sleep near the river, in a blank barrel, where sugar was kept before. The hero looks like a toned and grows as grass, a sleepwear. Another adolescents are forbidden to make friendship with the "unfavorable" hect, who smokes the phone, lobotrycathes, does not go to school and at the same time it looks like a satisfied with such life.

Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn

Tom Sawyer, however, this ban violates, for which sometimes it is punished. Together, friends are experiencing a string of adventures and even find treasure. Gek suddenly becomes richer, and the hero's life turns over. He appears a receiving mother - the widow of Douglas, which takes on the upbringing of the hek. The hero is not used to such a lifetime and, most importantly, to the fact that he is trying to raise, so runs away from under the supervision of the widow. In Jim and two adventurer who are famous for the "Duke" and "King", Geklberry Finn comes traveling along the Mississippi River.

Geclberry Finn and Negro Jim

Hek's life before he found a treasure and rich, looked unsightly for adults, but she liked the hero himself, which personal independence put a much higher pure suit and household amenities.

"He had no need to wash, nor to wear a pure dress, and he knew him surprisingly. In a word, he had everything that makes life beautiful. "

Before the "adoption", the guy was fully granted himself and could do what he wants. Nobody forced the hero to go to school, wearing uncomfortable clothes and behave in a certain way as accepted in society.

The Douglas widow is thoroughly taken for the upbringing of the hero. In the house of the widow, Gek is surrounded by servants, who turn to him as if the hero had been a small owner - wash, comb hair with a brush and comb, put to sleep on clean sheets that seem to be unpleasant. The widow insists that Gek visited the church and ate with a fork and knife.

Widow Douglas and Geclberry Finn

The young man seems unbearable these conditions, and he escapes, withstanding Douglas under the guardianship only three weeks. Tom Sawyer cunning forces a friend to return, but it helps for a short time. The desire to regain independence is the reason that the hero leaves the city forever, where he was born, and sent to a dangerous journey through the river, before this falsifying his own death so that people no longer sought him.


Books about the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Gope Finn several times shielded. In 1981, the three-sieves Soviet film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn", filmed by the director Stanislav Govorukhin. Young heroes make their ways to the cemetery at night in search of adventures and are witnessing how Indian Joe makes murder. Later, the heroes are once again faced with him when they are looking for a treasure. In the role of Tom Sawyer and Gope Finn, actors Fedor Stukov and Vladislav Galkin are acting.

Vladislav Galkin in the role of Geclberry Finn

In 1993, the USA's adventure of the Finn's Adventures with Eliji Wood was published in the United States. There is a story with a runa slave and traveling to the raft along the Mississippi River.

Elajja Wood in the role of Geclberry Finn

The last film based on the works of Mark Twain came out not so long ago, in 2014. It is called "Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn." There, the character of Huck Finn was played by Jackie Tyoshin, who before that was starred in the main role in the comedy TV series "Wizards from Waverly Place".

Jake T. Austin in the role of Geclberry Finn

In 1992, a 12-serial cartoon series of adventures Geclberry Finn was released in France. In Japan, they also did not pay this topic with attention and removed the anime series "Huckleberry No Bouken" in 1976, and in 1991 the Animated Animation Film appeared. After a couple of years, the series decided to restart, and a new version came out, with a new director and the name "Huckleberry Finn Monogatari".

Geclberry Finn in the cartoon

Geki Finn happened to appear on the screen in the form of a fox. In 2000, a cartoon film was released in the United States, where the characters of the "Adventures of Sawyer Tom" are depicted in the form of animals. Tom itself became a young cat, and Becky Tetcher turned into a white kitty.

Geclberry Finn in Fox

The rest of the cartoon is removed close to the novel Mark Twain, with the exception of several modified finals and rearrange some events. For example, an episode where Becky and Tom are lost in the cave, in the cartoon moved to the easiest end, and Lis-Hop starts friendship with the former graveyard of Tom (which there was not in the text Twain).

Interesting facts

In the American state of Alabam, the works of Mark Twain with edits, cleaner what is able to insult African Americans. Such "offensive" words in the novel about Geclberry Finn found as much as 219. It's funny that at one time Mark Twain was also injured because of racial communions, but then the matter was exactly the opposite.

Geclberry Finn - character biography, actors and roles, character 1771_11

The writer is an ardent enemy of slavery and ideology of racism, his position did not hide and straightly voiced it in the books. It just caused the indignation of contemporaries. The book Mark Twain about Geclberry Finn even seized from the Public Library in Massachusetts. On this occasion, Twain wrote to the publisher:

"They excluded Geek from the library as" garbage, suitable only for slums, because of this, we will undoubtedly sell another 25 thousand copies of the book. "

In the second half of the twentieth century, this book began to exclude from programs in some schools in some schools, but already because of the "racist statements", which in it unexpectedly discovered.

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