Aizek Azimov - biography, photo, personal life, books



Isaac Azimov - a great science fiction writer, the fictional worlds whose world fascinated by one generation of readers. This talented person has written more than half amented books and stories, trying herself in different genres: from beloved science fiction to detectives and fantasy. However, few people know that in the creative biography of Azimov there was a place not only for literary activities, but also for science.

Childhood and youth

A future writer was born in Belarus, in the town called Petrovichi, which is not far from Mogilev on January 2, 1920. Parents Azimov, Yuda Aronovich and Khana-Rachek Isaakovna, worked with mills. The boy called the name of the late grandfather from the mother's side. Half Eizek will subsequently assert that initially the surname of Azimovov wrote like ozimov. Jewish roots were very worshiped in the Aizek family. According to his own memories, in Russian, parents did not speak with him, Idish became the first language for Azimov, and the first literature is the stories of Sholom Aleichem.

Writer-Fortist Aizek Azimov

In 1923, Azimov was immigrated to the United States and settled in Brooklyn, where their own confectionery shop was soon opened. A future writer went to school for five years. According to the rules of children, they took from six, however, the Parents of Isaac sent the date of birth of the Son for 1919, so that the boy would go to school a year earlier. In 1935, Azimov graduated from the tenth grade and began to study in college, which, unfortunately, was closed in a year. After that, Izek went to New York, where he entered the Columbia University, choosing the Chemical Faculty.

Isaac Azimov in youth

In 1939, the azimov was assigned a bachelor's degree, and after another two years, the young man became a chemistry master. Isaac immediately continued his studies in graduate school, but a year later changed the plans and moved to Philadelphia, where he worked as a chemist in the military shipyard. 1945 and 1946 Aizek gave the service in the army, after which he returned to New York and continued to learn. Aspirator of Azimov graduated in 1948, but did not stop at the achieved and gave documents on the so-called postdocate for the biochemistry department. At the same time, Azimov began to teach at the University of Boston, in which he worked as a result of many years.


Tract for writing woke up in Aisek Asimov early. The first attempt to write a book was at 11 years old: Aizek described the adventures of boys from a small town. First, the creative zador was enough for a short time, and Azimov scored an afflicted book. However, some time later decided to read the first chapters to his comrade. What was the surprise of Aizek, when he delighted the continuation. Perhaps at that moment Azimov realized the power of the writer's talent given to him, and began to treat this gift more seriously.

Writer Izekzov

The first story of Isake Azimov "Captive at Vesta" was published in 1939, but did not bring a particular fame to the writer. But the next short work entitled "The arrival of the night", published in 1941, produced a aurist in the fan of fans of a fantastic genre. It was a story about the planet, the night on which comes once every 2049 years. In 1968, the story will even call the best of ever published in this genre. The "arrival of the night" will subsequently be repeatedly included in numerous anthologies and collections, and will also survive two attempts to film (unfortunately unsuccessful). The writer himself will call this story "Water-Build" in a literary career. Interestingly, at the same time, the "arrival of the night" did not become the favorite story of Azimov in his own creativity.

Books Aizek Azimova

After that, Aisek Azimov's stories will become long-awaited for fans. In May 1939, Isaac Azimov began writing the first narrative of robots called Robbie. A year later, the story "Liar" is a story about the robot who knew how to read the thoughts of people. In this work, Azimov will first describe the so-called three laws of robotics. According to the writer, for the first time these laws formulated the writer John Campbell, although he, in turn, insisted on the authorship of Azimov.

Isaac Azimov and John Campbell

Laws are heard as follows:

  1. The robot cannot harm a person or his inactivity to allow man to harm.
  2. The robot must obey all orders who give a person, except when these orders contradict the first law.
  3. The robot must take care of its safety to the extent that this does not contradict the first or second laws.
Writer Izekzov

At the same time, the word "robotics" ("robotics" appeared), which later included in the English dictionaries. Interestingly, according to the studies that established in the medium, the traditions of the robots were told about the uprising of artificial intelligence and on the riots directed against people. And after the release of the first stories of Isaka Azimov, robots in the literature will begin to obey the three laws, becoming more friendly.

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In 1942, the writer starts a series of fantastic novels "Foundation". Isaac Azimov initially thought this series of self, but in the 1980s "foundation" will be united with already written stories about robots. In another version of the translation into Russian, this series will be given the name "Academy".

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Since 1958, Aizek Azimov will pay more attention to the popular science genre, but in the 1980s will return to fiction and will continue the "Foundation" cycle. Perhaps the most noticeable stories of Aizek Azimov, in addition to the "foundation", were the works of "Robot", "the end of eternity", "they will not arrive", "the gods themselves" and "empire". The writer himself highlighted the stories "the last question", "a two hundred year old man" and "ugly boy", considering them the most successful.

Personal life

In 1942, Isaac Azimov met the first true love. Romanticity this acquaintance attached and the fact that it took place on Valentine's Day. The wicked writer became Gertrude Bywherman. Lovers got married. This marriage gave the writer Daughter Robin Joan and David's Son. In the 1970s, the spouses divorced.

Isaac Azimov and his wife

Isaac Azimov not long stayed alone: ​​In the same year, the writer fell asleep with Janet Opal Jippson, who worked as a psychiatrist. With this woman, Azimov met in 1959. In 1973, the couple signed. There are no children from this marriage.


The writer passed on April 6, 1992. The cause of the death of Aizek Azimov doctors will call heart and renal failure, complicated by HIV infection, which the writer accidentally infected in 1983 during the operation on the heart.

Isaac Azimov in recent years

The death of Aizek Azimov shook fans who are inherited only the books of the Great Writer.


  • 1949-1985 - "Detective Elaider Bailey and Robot Daniel olivo"
  • 1950 - "I, Robot"
  • 1950 - "Pebbles in the sky"
  • 1951 - "Stars like dust"
  • 1951 - "Foundation"
  • 1952 - "Space currents"
  • 1955 - "End of Eternity"
  • 1957 - "Nude Sun"
  • 1958 - "Starr and Saturn Ring Lakki"
  • 1966 - "Fantastic Journey"
  • 1972 - "Gods themselves"
  • 1976 - "Two-year-old man"

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