Valery Bryusov - biography, photo, personal life, poems, books



The block considered himself unworthy to review this genius and all the more - to be printed with him in one journal. The fact is that the chief poet of the Silver Century, rereading the work of Valery Yakovlevich, was so struck by his creation, which immediately put himself on the rank below. It is worth saying that the poet, whose poems quoted by lovers of verbost to this day, was deified with contemporaries. Many seen in the Bryus Messiah, who coming around the waters of intricate lines and denotes new turns of literature.

Portrait of Valeria Bruceov

In fact, this master of the pen is considered to be the founder of the Russian symbolism and the pretends of aqmeism, which has acquired both admirers and followers and insidious ill-wishers.

It is noteworthy that Valery Yakovlevich is known not only in poems - this talented writer also showed himself in translations, journalism and nontrivial prose. Bryusov is familiar with the works of "August", "I forgive everything", "I love", the "first snow" and other remarkable works that were immortal.

Childhood and youth

Matter of Russian Symbolism was born with cold winter day 1 (13) December 1873 in the heart of Russia. The future poet grew and brought up in a wealthy merchant family along with the sister's hope, which became a professor of the Moscow Conservatory.

Poet Valery Bryusov

Valeria Yakovlevich has an interesting pedigree. His grandfather in the father's line, Kuzma Andreevich, was a serf landlord of Bruce and two years before the abolition of serfdom - reform held by Alexander II, was bought out to the will and began his trading. Thanks to persistence and hardworking, Kuzma Andreevich was out of the dirt in the prince and acquired a two-storey mansion on color boulevard in Moscow.

According to the mother of the grandfather of the writer, Alexander Yakovlevich Bakulin, famous for contemporaries as a poet-Basinople and the author of the Basni Provincial Collection. Perhaps this person was influenced by Valery Yakovlevich.

Valery Brucers in childhood and youth

As for Father Valery, Yakov Kuzmich was a figure mysterious and ambiguous, sympathized with the ideas of populous revolutionaries, which, movable by the socialist ideas of Herzen, wanted to get closer to the intelligentsia and find their place in the world. The head of the family was a gambling person: fascinated by horsepower, Bryus-Senior MiG knew all the state at the bets and almost left without a penny in his pocket.

It is noteworthy that Brasov's parents were not pious people, they were not engaged in the upbringing of their offspring, but they were protected from "religious fairy tales". Thus, the future poet knew about the naturalistic ideas of Darwin much more than the details of the existence of Tsar Solomon and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Valery Brucers in youth

Valery Yakovlevich early was addicted to the literature. Instead of playing with boys in the courtyard, the future author of the poem "The coming Gunns" spent the time for reading classic works and boulevard novels, it can be said that the young man swallowed the books one after another. Even scientific articles that came across randomly in the hands of Brysov did not remain without proper attention.

Favorites Valery had the author of adventure literature, who presented the world of "Captain Nemo", Jules Verne and a writer, writing a "rider without head", Thomas Main Reed. Also known that Valery Yakovlevich received a brilliant education, he studied in two prestigious gymnasiums, and in recent years of staying at the school bench began to show interest in the Queen of Science - Mathematics - and successfully solved the most complex equations and tasks.

Valery Bryusov

Perhaps the name of Bruces would stand on a par with Archim, Francois and Rene Descartes, however, a young man chose another, creative, path. Having deserved a maturity certificate, a young man continued to receive education and became a student of Moscow University. Lomonosov - studied at the historical and philological faculty.


Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov since childhood knew his vocation, so already at the age of 13 he was engaged in writing poems. Yakov Kuzmich supported the offspring in all endeavors, so he sent the creative sweeps of hotly beloved Chad on publications and even sent him essay on holidays with his family to the children's magazine "Sincere Word". Written by eleven-year-old boy "Letter to the editor" was published in 1884.

Although the early poems of Bruce was folded with a bang, the first young people should not be called successful. It is worth noting that when young Valery took the inkwell and feather, he was inspired by the classic of Russian literature Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Later, Bruces began to admire the seed Yakovlevich Naddon.

Books Valery Brysov

It is noteworthy that already in 1893 the young poet sets itself the goal of becoming a distributor of symbolism in Russia. Symbolists tried to induce the existence of each soul and give the main character to the whole spectrum of human experiences. Lion Trotsky said that the emergence of this flow is "the desire to forget, to be on the other side of good and evil."

The views of Bruces were preceded by the french poets, he enjoyed the works of Baudelaire, Vilan, Mallarm and ultimately became the author of the drama "Defendha" ("end century", 1893). In 1899, Valery Yakovlevich received a diploma and became hard to engage in literature and we develop the theory of symbolism. At about the same time, Bryusov became close to Balmont.

Valery Bryusov and Konstantin Balmont

The acquaintance of two poets in the future turned into a strong friendship, they tightly communicated up to the emigration of Konstantin Dmitrievich. It came to the point that at the beginning of the 20th century Breusus devoted a friend Tertia Vigilia ("Third Guard"), which literary critics consider the first sprout of the urban stage of the writer's creativity: the author is increasingly and more often in his writings, the expanses of a noisy city and scrupulously describes Even the smallest details.

After three years, the creative biography of Bruceov is replenished with the collection of civil lyrics "Urbi Et Orbi" ("Hoodie and peace"). The collection includes an elegy "woman", Ballade "Rab", as well as sonnets, poems, OD and Epistle. The works of Valery Yakovlevich from "Urbi Et ORBI" influenced Alexander Blok, Andrei White and Sergey Solovyov.

Valery Bryusov, Nina Petrovskaya and Andrey White

Next, Valery Yakovlevich becomes the author of the collection "στεφανος" ("wreath", 1905), which is, according to Brysov, the apogee of his creativity. All works from the "wreath" are written under the influence of a fierce revolution, which could not not affect the mood of the author. There are few love poems in this book, but the active civil position of the poet is expressed.

In 1907, Valery Yakovlevich becomes the author of the Debut Roman "Fire Angel". The cruisality of Brysov, Andrei White and Nina Petrovskaya, however, was the basis of the plot, and the main characteristics of the main characters occur, but in medieval Europe. The writer seasonings the work of fantastic elements and borrow the motives of Goethe taken from Faust.

Valery Bryusov - biography, photo, personal life, poems, books 16839_9

Later, the work of Valery Brysov corrected with the revolution, and judging by the works of the poet, he, like Marxists, began to praise the Bolshevik coup and became the founder of Russian literary Leninians, contradicted his own postulate outlined in the poem "Young Poet" (1896).

According to the writers, Valery Yakovlevich sought under the overall hum of becoming part of the new era, but did not find support for the public and could not withstand competition from the new Soviet poetry, which was uniform with Mayakovsky and Igor Northergean.

Personal life

Publicist Dmitry Bykov used to say that it is difficult to find a reputation in Russian literature worse than Bryusovskaya. Indeed, some contemporaries and literary critics believed Valery Yakovlevich by a narrowd and arrogant man. This is not surprising, after all, the first meeting of poems, published in 1895, the author, without a conscience, called "masterpieces" ("Chefs d'Oeuvre"), besides, it is worth remembering the preface to this collection, where Valery Yakovlevich declares that his work belongs Eternal art.

Valery Bryusov with his wife

Yes, and in the collection of "Urbi Et ORBI" a lot of contrived self-relocation, which the writer put readers openly to the court, not seasoning with excessive metaphors. But be that as it may, it is worth saying that Valery Yakovlevich had a tremendous influence on his followers, acting as a teacher for students who tried to imitate Master's manner in their work. And if for critics he heard vain, then the colleagues on the workshop were considered to be Bolsova with a guide star, the priest of culture.

Valery Bryusov with a pupil Kohl

These include not only symbolists, but also aqmeists (for example, Nikolai Gumilev, Mikhail Zenkevich, Osip Mandelstam), as well as futurists (Vadim Shernevich and Boris Pasternak).

As for personal life, Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov is married only once: in 1897, the writer made a proposal of his hand and heart Czech on the origin of John Rudnt, who answered consent. Lovers lived hand in hand until the death of death, and John was both a faithful wife and a muse, inspiring the poet for new works. There were no children in the family.


The founder of symbolism in Russia died on October 9, 1924 in Moscow. The cause of death is the inflammation of the lungs. The Great Poet was devoted to the land at the Novodevichy Cemetery. It is known that after the sweeping of the beloved John Matveyevna published the unnecessary works of the spouse.


  • 1895 - "Chefs d'Oeuvre" ("Masterpieces")
  • 1903 - "URBI ET ORBI" ("CITY AND MIRU")
  • 1907-1911 - "Ground Axis"
  • 1907 - "Fire Angel"
  • 1909 - "All Tunnels"
  • 1911-1912 - "Altar of Victory. Tale of the IV century "
  • 1912 - "Shadow Mirror"
  • 1913 - "Nights and Days"
  • 1916 - "Reya Sylvia. Eluli, son Eluli "
  • 1916 - "Seven Colors of Rainbow"
  • 1916-1917 - "Ninth Kamen"
  • 1917-1919 - "Recent Dreams"
  • 1922 - "Dali"
  • 1924 - "MEA" ("Hurry")
  • 1928 - "Unnecessary poems"

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