Ekaterina Dolgorukova (Dolgorukaya) - biography, photo, personal life, Alexander II



Marriages in dynastic families, as, in fact, love itself, have always been delivered to the service. It's not for nothing in vain in a popular song that no king is allowed to marry love. Russian imperial surname did not avoid such a fate, although in some cases feelings still had a place to be. It is difficult to imagine that he felt one of the parties of such an alliance, being in a situation where his or her presence in court causes only bewilderment and indignation. Catherine Dolgoruki could answer this question.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgoruky (on other transcription - Dolgorukova) belongs to one of the oldest Russian names - Dolgoruki, the descendants of the Rurik himself. Among her ancestors, many loud names, including the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky. From the side of the father, the hereditary military, Prince Mikhail Dolgorukh, was the Admiral Osip Deribas, the founder of Odessa, and the President of the Imperial Academy of Arts Ivan Petskaya.

Portraits of Ekaterina Dolgorukova

Mother Vera Gavrilovna accounted for the sister of Decembrist Fyodor Vishnevsky. The family consisted in related links with the descendants of General Field Marshal Ivan Yurevich Trubetsky. Of course, the biography of such a titled person could not remain ordinary.

Prince Dolgoruky, according to one information, wondered a family condition, who lived by means, according to others, concluded an unsuccessful deal. The mother with six children remained without funds. Emperor Alexander II took children to care: the sons entered the St. Petersburg military institutions, and the sisters were adopted in the Smolny Institute, who oversaw Empress.

Ekaterina Dolgorukova in his youth

According to the testimony of the French diplomat Maurice Paleologus, the girls were distinguished by rare beauty. From the notes of Ekaterina itself, it is known that life in the Smolny Institute did not like.

Roman with emperor

Sorokolenny Alexander II first met Katya in 1859, being visiting Dolgoruky in their estate. The future favorite was then 11 years. During his studies, the girl in the Smolny emperor was inadened her. A completely different interest in Catherine, Alexander originated when that was 17 years old, and the study at the Institute of Noble Maiden was completed. The Alexander who did not meet the failure of the female was amazed that the girl remained adamant for a long time and did not respond to the insistence of Emperor of All Russia.

Ekaterina Dolgorukova in youth

Only after a year the relationship went into close. The place of dating was Belvedere not far from Peterhof. If Alexander traveled abroad or on rides in Russia, the princess secretly followed him and settled separately. Over time, the princess Dolgoruky got access to the palace.

Moreover, that Catherine is constantly attended by side, Alexander appointed a girl Freillan his wife. He really trusted Catherine, discussed state issues and international problems with it. The legitimate wife of Emperor Maria Alexandrovna, who has been engaged in his own health, did not take explicit actions to stop this relationship.

Ekaterina Dolgorukova and Alexander 2

Alexander and Catherine's connection caused acute dislike and indignation in the family of Romanov and Aristocracy. In the children of Emperor and Princess, they saw competitors in the prestrolls, especially since the Dolgoruky with the children lived in one palace with the heir to Alexander III.

Oils in the fire poured the legend that 200 years ago an ancient elder foreshadowed premature death from the house of Romanov, who marries one of the long-range. As a confirmation, Peter II death per day, appointed for a wedding with Prince Catherine Alekseevna Dolgorukova. By the way, these dramatic events are mentioned in the cycle of films about the Russian history "Mystery of Palace Dobor".

Ekaterina Dolgorukova and Alexander II

After the death of Empress Mary Alexandrovna in 1880, on the 14th year of relationship, barely withstood the laid mourning, Alexander II married Catherine Dolgoruk. In such a pile wedding, the Emperor's funeral moved by the Orthodox traditions, which should have been holy shoes. Such a hasty Alexander explained the assumptions fear of his life and wanted to provide a decent future to the beloved woman and children.

Nevertheless, this morganatic marriage was called a happy Mezaliance. At the time when they became legitimate spouses, Alexander and Catherine had three children - Olga, Catherine and Georgy. Another child died in infancy.

Alexander II and Ekaterina Dolgorukova with children

The life of children has developed in different ways. Olga married Alexander Pushkin's grandson - Graph George-Nicholas von Menberg. Catherine was married to Prince Alexander Baryatinsky, later - Prince Sergei Obolensky, became a professional singer, lived in England.

With his son, it became more interesting. George graduated from the Sorbonic University, subsequently married the daughter of Prince Konstantin Oldenburg, who, in turn, was the grandson of Catherine Pavlovna, the daughter of Emperor Paul I. Such is the turn of history.

Ekaterina Dolgorukova with children

With his decree, Alexander II complained Ekaterina the title of the bright Princess Yuryevskaya, the children were legalized by the back of the day and got the name Yuryevsky. In the name of Catherine Mikhailovna to the bank invested more than 3 million rubles - a huge amount of the amount. But, according to some reports, living in Nice on a wide foot, the princess uttered money and left almost nothing heirs.

13 (1) March 1881, Alexander II killed by the Peace. After the death of the spouse, the fate of Knyagini Yuryevskaya was relatively calm. Understanding how the dislike of the courtyard will affect the family, Catherine left the children to Nice, married no longer came out. Under the pseudonym Victor Lafert published a book of memories of her husband.

Ekaterina Dolgorukova with a dog

Occasionally, Ekaterina Mikhailovna came to St. Petersburg. In one of these arrings, noticed that he plans to return to coming and giving balls. To which Alexander III, in response, advised to go to the monastery.

In France, she often visited her husband's granddaughter, Olga Aleksandrovna. In the Small Marble Palace in St. Petersburg, the Museum of Memory of Alexander II arranged open to the general public. The extensive correspondence of the sovereign and Princess, showing their sincere passionate attachment to each other, photo family members, drawings.


Princess Ekaterina Dolgoruky died in Nice in 1922, buried in the Russian cemetery. Together with her, the younger sister Maria Mikhailovna Berg was buried in the sclepe.


The history of Love Catherine and Alexander found a response in literature, painting and cinema. The image of the princess embodied the actress Daniel Daryu, Romi Schneider, Vera Sotnikova, Natalia Antonova, Marian Tsaregadskaya.


  • 1883 - Ivan Kramskaya. "Unknown" (presumably, portrait of Catherine)
Ekaterina Dolgorukova (Dolgorukaya) - biography, photo, personal life, Alexander II 16351_9


  • 1933 - Great Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov. "Book of memories"
  • 1938 - Lucille Deco. "Katya - Blue Demon Tsar Alexander"
  • 1988 - Valentin Azernikov. "Chronicle of Love and Death: Alexander II and Princess Yuryevskaya"
  • 2011 - Elena Arsenieva. "The last gift of love"
  • 2012 - Evgeny Belyankin. "The Mystery Wedding of the Emperor. Roman about the tragic love of Emperor Alexander II "


  • 1938 - "Katya"
  • 1959 - "Katya - Loaded Queen"
  • 1967 - "Sophia Pepovskaya"
  • 1994 - "Roman Emperor"
  • 2003 - "Emperor's love"


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