Geinz Guderian - biography, photo, World War II, personal life, cause of death



Gayntz Guderian, he is a high-speed Heinz and Heinz-Hurricane - German General, a member of both world wars and a few books. Despite the active participation in the combat operations of fascist Germany, Guderian managed to avoid accusations during the Nuremberg process.

Geinz Guderian

Gainz Wilhelm Guderian was born on June 17, 1888 in the small town of Cool, in Western Prussia. Today, the district is part of Poland and is called Hellno. The roots of the Guderian pedigree go to Prussia, several generations of his family were either landowners or lawyers. The first military in the family was the father of the future general, Friedrich Guderian Gainz.

In 1890, the younger brother, Fritz, and after a year of the Father translated to serve in Colmar. There, 6-year-old Gainz went to school, but soon the family was again forced to move. In St. Avold, where Gainz Sr. received a new appointment, there was no school, so both sons were continued to study in another city.

Gyinz Guderian in youth

Since both boys dreamed of a military career, it was decided to give them to the Kadetsky corps of Karlsruhe, from where Guderian in 1903 was translated into the city of Gross-Lifterfeld, to a similar building, but for older age, which graduated in 1907.

After that, the young man was directed by Fenrich (candidate for officers) in Lorraine, where it was in the battalion under the command of the Father. After six months of study in the military school in Metz, Gainz received the title of lieutenant, in which he remained before the beginning of the First World War.

Military Career

In the first world war, Guderian served in communication troops, was repeatedly awarded. In the period from 1919 to 1939, Heinz changed several sites of service and even visited the Soviet Union - as part of the inspection, he visited Kama's tank school under Kazan.

Officer Geinz Guderian

Reichsver Valil Guderian as a military specialist and thoughtful theorist in the field of tanks during hostilities. The man read the lecture by the officer's composition and carefully studied the military actions of the Napoleonic armies, as well as the German tactics during the past war. It was he who was the main supporter of the opinion that tanks must act as a separate combat unit, and not in the composition of infantry.

In 1937, the first in the biographies of Heinz, the book "Attention, tanks! The history of the creation of tank troops. " The service in peacetime, the military ended as a commander of the XIX Army Corps.

General Heinz Guderian and Combridge Semen Krivoshin during the transfer of Brest-Litovsk Red Army

During the Polish campaign, a man commanded the 19th motorized corps and received an iron cross of the 1st degree, as well as the Knight Cross. Gainz became one of the participants in the meeting of the troops of Germany and the USSR in the city of Brest-Nad-Bug - this moment is even captured in the photo of the time.

During the invasion of Germany to France Guderian earned a dubious reputation. The military preferred to use Blitzkrieg tactics, and it brought good results, but Heinz did not always consider it necessary to notify the actions of the army command. However, neither this, nor even temporary removal from the command from the Evald von Claystat prevented Guderian in the summer to get the title of Colonel-General and stand at the chapter of the 2nd tank group.

General Geinz Guderian

After the attack on the Soviet Union, Gainz managed to capture Smolensk in July 1941, but then Hitler changed the plans and ordered Guderian to go to Kiev. The skillful command of the general allowed the army of the Third Reich to reflect the attack of the Red Army, which eventually led to the formation of the "Kiev boiler", in which the entire south-western front of the Soviet troops hit.

Next, everything was not so good. Guderian was ordered to navigate to Moscow, and in November 1941, the 2nd tank group, taking the eagle and Mtsensk, attacked Tula and Kashir, but did not succeed in persistent results. Log in Moscow, the troops of the Wehrmacht could not. The German command was poorly aware of the size of the city and did not realize that the forces would not have enough for the environment of the city, nor for the frontal attack on him.

Gayntz Guderian in war

When RKKK began a counteroffensive, Guderian requested permission to take off his troops, but received a refusal, the challenge of which did not lead to anything. Defeating the instructions of the headquarters, Gainz took part of the troops, for which on December 26, 1941 he was removed from the command and translated into the team reserve.

However, in February 1943, after the defeat of the fascist troops near Stalingrad, Adolf Hitler realized that without the experience of Heinz, he could not do, and personally asked Geinz to take the position of chief inspector of armored troops. Its responsibilities now included the restoration of the battered tank army, as well as the management of the design and production of tanks. The new position gave the Gainz the opportunity to avoid bureaucratic wires and contact Hitler directly.

Alfred iodl, Gudetz Guderian, Wilhelm Keitel, Adolf Hitler and Karl-Otto Zaur

The "Citadel" surgery was the last major German attack in the East and set the goal of restoring the initiative of the German army. The troops of the USSR were known about the plans of Germany, and they were engaged in strengthening defense.

On May 3, 1943, a meeting was held to consider the operation plan. During the discussions, the impassiveness of Guderian took the top of prudence, and he summoned on the Duel Field Marshal von Kulia, the conflict with whom began during the operation of the take of Moscow - he contributed to the removal of Heinz in 1941. However, the duels in the end did not happen, since she pretended to Hitler personally.

Geinz Guderian

"Citadel" broke 2 of 3 principles of tank operations set forth by the military in the book "Attention, tanks!". According to his recommendations, the area should be open and without reinforced defense, and for the enemy actions should be a complete surprise. In a conversation with the Führer on May 14, 1943, Guderian pointed to the meaninglessness of the plan, with which the Führer was inclined to agree. As a result, the "Citadel" was postponed until July, but in the end she was still completed by the defeat of the German troops.

In July 1944, an attempt was made on the Fuhrer. After that, Gainz received the position of chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces, but in March 1945, General once again entered the argument with Hitler. The result was the liberation of the Heinz from office and sending him on vacation.

German generals Schlelele, Guderian, Stampf and Milch playing cards in Nuremberg prison

On May 10, 1945, Guderian Gainz was captured by the US Army and delivered to Nuremberg. In the process, the general passed as a witness - despite the desire of the USSR to present him charges in the execution of the prisoners of the RKKKA military servicemen in 1941, the allies did not approve such a move.

In 1946, Gainz, as a prisoner of war, was imprisoned in Allandorf, from which he was released after 2 years. After that, Guderian was often invited to the meetings of British veterans, where he with his former opponents analyzed last battle. In the early 1950s, Heinz became a military adviser and helped to form the Bundeswehr.

Personal life

Gainz's personal life was measured and calm. In his youth, he met with Margarita Gerne, a daughter of a Major General of the Medical Service, and in 1913 he married her. The wife, with whom Guderian lived all his life, became the faithful and close friend, which is visible in the letters of the military spouse. The pair had two children: in 1914, the eldest son Gunter was born, in 1918, the younger Kurt. Gunter Gainz went in the footsteps of his father and participated in World War II.

Geinz Guderian with family

Guderian was tied to his father whom he considered a model of man and a soldier, and he was seriously worried about his death in 1914. Despite the lack of accusations during the Nuremberg process, the beliefs of the Heinz do not cause doubts - in his memoirs he mentioned Hitler with admiration and emphasized his numerous talents.

In the peaceful life of Heinz wrote 2 books in the genre of military memorarist - "Memories of the soldier" and "Memories of the German General".

On the role of his armored troops during World War II, 2 documentary films were removed. "Duel of two generals" from the cycle "Closed Archive" talks about the confrontation of the strategic geniuses Mikhail Katukov and Geinza Guderian during the battle for Moscow.

The 3rd film from the "Military Machine of Hitler", "Armored Troops", talks about Banzerwaff Guderian of the Second World War.


Geinz Guderian died on May 14, 1954. The cause of death was a liver disease, which a man suffered from 1951.

Gudersa Guderian's grave

Guderian's grave is located in Goslar, at the Alter Friedhof Goslar Cemetery.


  • 1914 - Iron Cross 2nd Class
  • 1915 - Order of Friedrich, Knight's Cross 2nd grade with swords
  • 1916 - Iron Cross 1st Class
  • 1934 - Honorary Cross of the First World War 1914/1918 with swords
  • 1935 - Order of Sexmen-Ernestinsky House, Commander Cross 2nd grade with swords
  • 1937 - Memorable military medal with swords
  • 1938 - Medal "In Memory March 13, 1938"
  • 1938 - Medal "In Memory October 1, 1938"
  • 1939 - Buckle to the Iron Cross 2nd Class
  • 1939 - Buckle to the Iron Cross 1st Class
  • 1939 - Order of Saint Savva of the 1st Class
  • 1939 - Knight's Cross Cross
  • 1941 - Oak leaves to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

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