Prince Oleg Probe - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Board



Veusive Oleg is a historical character, about whose biography is known. Researchers draw information about it from the chronicles recorded by monks, as well as from the "Tale of Bygone Years" of the authorship of the chronicler of Nesor. Prince Novgorod seized Smolensk, love and Kiev, making the final capital of the ancient Russian state. He expanded the borders of native lands, interacting with the peoples and tribes living in these territories. The Board of Prince Oleg Novgorodsky marked the beginning of the existence of ancient Russian power.

Childhood and youth

About the orphanage and youth of Prince Oleg, it is difficult to reason, as the chronicles have several interpretations of his appearance in the near circle of Rüric. According to one of them, he had to be a relative of the prince and his brother his wife Efanda. This tells the "Tale of Bygone Years", and the Ioamakhovian chronicle confirms the fact.

Oleg Vechemy

On the other, the prince was a simple governor, who used the confidence of the ruler. This interpretation offers the Novgorod first chronicle. Historians also talk about the Scandinavian saga about Old Orvar, illuminating the facts of the Board of Oleg and proving that Scandinavians knew the things of Oleg.

Governing body

According to legend, the nickname was given by Oleg because of the excitement. Being the head of the squad and the state, he was simultaneously a monarch, priest and magician. Legends, enveloping the arrangement of the ruler are associated with this nuance.

Oleg prophetic in campaign

The son of Prince Rurik, Igor, was a child, when the parent was on her deathbed. The ruler decided to transfer the power of Oleg. Enterprise, wisdom and military spirit of the new prince celebrated chronicles. The board of things of Oleg began with adventures: ideas about getting full power over the drain of the Dnieper and the seizure of the water path to Greece. It was required to conquer the tribes that lived in these territories.

Archaeologists confirm that by the time of the arrival of Oleg to the power of Novgorod as such did not yet exist. His place was occupied by three settlements, summarized by the devints, the city fortress, built in the 9th century. Rurik and Oleg were the rulers not so much Novgorod as Starogod, as he was called. A large shopping center, the city of Ladoga, whose importance gradually decreased in 859-862 due to numerous wars and implemented duties. The cities affecting, remained unknown, but the Novgorod appeared here turned out to be legendary.

Prince Oleg Oleg

The man turned out to be a man who managed to unite the ancient Russia. The prince was the first to hit the Khazar Kaganat, who had his homeland, and began cooperation with the Greeks. After the death of Rurik, he became the ruler and in the north. The new ruler was obeyed by Crivichi, Ilmen and Finno-Ugric tribes, among whom were Cugh and Weighs. Smolensk and Lyubech were under the rule of Oleg.

The southern campaign, undertaken by the prince along the famous trading path "From Varyag to Greeks", allowed to conquer Kiev by 882. The rulers of Askold and Dir cunning were expelled, and together with Novgorod Kiev began to obey the new prince. Therefore, the specified by the historians is covered as the time of creating an ancient Russian state, which Oleg Rules from 882 to 912.

Camping Oleg of Oleg in Tsargrad

Prince's policies provoked important events for power. The territorial core, laid down by Oleg, recognized the tribes, including: Vntychi, Polyana and Northerners, Radmichi, Oitlini and others. By appointing his own governors, the prince performed annual detours, the Filion, which became the prototype of the tax service and the judicial system.

Fighting with Khazari, Oleg freed East Slavic lands from Dani, which for 2 centuries passed to oppressors. In 898, Hungarians were approaching the borders of the state, but the prince managed to establish peaceful relations with militant people and agree on trust coexistence.

Oleg Probe Bests Shield to Gates Tsargrad

In 19907, a campaign was held on Constantinople, which in some sources is called Tsargrad. The result was a trade agreement concluded in 911. According to him, Russian merchants might not pay the duty for trade in Constantinople and for half a year lived for free in the monastery of St. Mammont, receiving and repairing and repairing vessels through Byzantium. There was also a mutual peace treaty between the countries.

It is curious that the mention of the described campaign is not found in the sources of the Byzantine authors. Some researchers questioned and a prisoner agreement, as it became the result of several agreements. Oleg sent ambassadors to confirm the world, and they returned to the ravis with gifts. There is a version that it was the Byzantine campaign that he brought him a nickname prophetic for prudency and calcality, and not for the magnificent, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years".

Prince Oleg Oleg

According to some documents, Oleg acted in Caspian campaigns against Persians. The historical events of that time are described vaguely and fragmentary, so it is difficult to restore them. But the opinions of scientists combine hypotheses and incidents associated with the name of Prince Oleg. So, the historian of the 13th century Ibn Isfandiyar describes a raid of Rusch to the Persian Abuskun. After the defeat in this fight, the Russian squad defeated the city in 909-910, although the anger of Persians and revenge again overtake the invaders.

Arabic al-Masidi scholar testified that in 912 the ruler of Rusov, who was not named after, was held from the Black Sea to Azov through the Kerch Strait. In his descriptions, Al-Massidi mentioned the character, whom one could compare with Oleg in the similarity of the names.

Personal life

Being a regent with the son of Rurik, Oleg did not transfer the authority in the hands of Igor until the moment he was 35 years old. Oleg did not plan to do the heir to the heir. Although Igor Rules Kiev during the time of the mentor and his absence, the authorities returned to Oleg, who may wanted to transfer her to descendants.

Oleg Vechemy

Personal life of a strong ruler, as well as its origin, is shrouded in secret. To talk about who his wife and children were, it was difficult, but according to the laws of that time, the warriors would not have reached the confidence and the randomness of the commander, not strong in the amourous affairs. Warriors would not submit to a person who did not confirmed the authority on the standards of that era. And the concept of masculinity was often often in polygamy.

After spending most of the life in conquering campaigns, Oleg could not make an official marriage, but he had his wife. According to some chronicles, he did not leave behind the children. But the Moravian sources allocate the character on nicknamed Varyag, who fled from Russia and had the patronymic name Olegovich.

Volkhv predicts Oleg's death

In the documents there is a link to the fact that he was a brother Olga, spouse Igor. Some researchers also suggest that Olga could be a daughter of Oleg, since the version of its appearance is not transparent. The chronicle of the 15th century and the attached Piskarevsky list directly confirms the justice of this speculation. The planned marriage of Olga and Igor could testify that Oleg hardened this way to rally Russia.


The legend described in the "Tale of Bygone Years" is directly related to Oleg's biography and carries a painful stamp with which the ruler lived. Volkhv predicted the prince death from his beloved horse. The saying did not have weight for Oleg until the horse died. Mixing over the foresight, the prince decided to look at the remains of the animal. The snake crane came out of the skull was stung by Oleg. Her bite caused the death of the ruler.

Death Oleg Oleg

The legend that Alexander Pushkin took advantage of the song about Oleg, is a literary reception inherent in the works of the Middle Ages. So personalities gained greater weight in the eyes of readers. Icelandic saga, describing the death of the Viking Orvard Odde, duplicates history, but its original source remains unknown. Some researchers suggest that the hero is a prophetic Oleg.

Oleg took death in 912, but scientists continue to dispute about its origin, biography and death, leading examples of all new evidence. So, the Novgorod chronicle declares other versions of the death of Oleg. The narrative of him ends with reference to the death of "over the sea". Perhaps we are talking about a foreign campaign of Oleg, who describes al-Masidi in his records. The author testified to the emergence of Rus in the Kerch Strait.

Estimated Moghive Hill Oleg's Oleg Not far from Old Ladoga

There is a chance that the ruin of Azerbaijan and the division of production with the Khazari caused the conflict. The units were rallied against the rules and entered into battle, breaking enemies and kill their commander. The Caspian campaign could be for the things of Oleg last.

The memory of the Great Prince is kept thanks to literary works, films and portraits created by the inspired figures of culture and art.

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