Alexey Vronsky - biography, appearance and character, quotes, act


Character History

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" was created by the author from 1873 to 1878. Russia experienced the consequences of reform on the abolition of serfdom, held in 1861. The update of life, new public flows and the stereotypes layer was particularly vividly noted in the literature of those years. In the work of Tolstoy, much attention is paid to the personal life of heroes, conflicts and the peripeties associated with their feelings and hopes.

History of creation

The plot of the novel is complicated, as well as the characteristics of its acting persons. The author gave each image a detailed description and many motivations for each act of characters. Psychological instability of heroes, their mental torments provoke unexpected actions.

Writer Leo Tolstoy

Conservative Tolstoy, preaching morality and morality, dismissed about their heroes, trying to observe objectivity and be indulgent. He describes every hero, outlining its positive and negative sides, making the image volume and realistic.

The development of heroes occurs throughout the entire action of the novel. It is especially clearly traced in such characters as Kitty, Levin and Vronsky. The latter is described by the author pickily and scrupulously. The change in the hero is traced from the first pages to the finals of the work. Not only the mental warehouse of men is changing, but also his appearance.

Tolstoy book

At the beginning of the work of the Vronsky - a young man, tightly folded, healthy, ruddy, grooming azart of young years. It is a squirrel in elegant clothes, demonstrating violence and tightening every detail of the wardrobe and appearance. In the future, the hero is seriously changing outwardly from experiences, stress and uncertainty. Responsibility he voluntarily takes on himself, erases seductive traits from him. The appearance description in this regard becomes symbolic and significant.

Suddenly, a beard appears on his face, the head grows the Lysin, which the hero diligently covers the combatants. Outfits of the Vronsky disappear, as well as the familiar earnings in the light. The burden of communication with the canopy of an easy-to-peer input crossed into a heavy cargo, psychologically magnificent and burdensome.

Vronsky and Karenina - Art

Not ready for such life peripetias, at the end of Roman Vronsky appears a desperate man who quickly aged and nothing awaiting anything from the future. His soul is full of suffering, there are no shades of frivolism and optimism inherent in the young scoop, easily seducing any secular lady.

Describing the actors, the author uses those who are loved by the taking of narration. Classifying the heroes and conducting parallels between them, thick creates specific polygons, in which the comparison of the main and secondary characters is intersect. So, the writer holds parallels between Karenina and Kitty. Anna is compared with prince Tverskaya. Vronsky, in turn, compared with the carinen. The author even gives the heroes of the same name, as if comparing the two chosen chief heroine.

Illustration for book

Vronsky loses to Anna and Levin's husband, who among the secondary characters can also make him competition on moral qualities and life achievements. Surface secular fierce, not distinguished by talents or intelligence, Vronsky appears a mediocre man. With its energy and ambitions, he remains not at the affairs, having achieved anything in his career, unsuccessfully building a family life and losing his face in society.

At the same time, any business argues in the hands of Vronsky, which indicates that he is not aware of it. Alexey draws well and even was noted in Italy. Being in your own estate, he skillfully led them by building life and conducting reforms.

None of the case was brought by the hero to the end only for one reason - he lacks the depth. He boldly rushes in the puchin of undertakings and does not bring anything to the end, be it love, service or creative self-realization. The author accuses Vronsky only in this.

Anna Karenina and Vronsky

In the rest of the Tolstoy allows the reader to judge Alexey, although it hints that the Vronsky's suicide is guilty in the suicide. The depth of the soul of his sweetheart remained inaccessible to the superficial young man. In comparison with the Karenina Vronsky, there was not enough attentiveness, understanding and interest in the personality of a woman. At the same time, in love and sincere, Alexey donated to everyone that had to be close to Anna.

After the death of Anna Karenina Daughter of the Vronsky, who received the last name of the mother, remained to live with Alexei Karenin. Vronsky did not apply for her upbringing, realizing that he would not be able to give it what was necessary. Anna's children were kept by Karenina, who managed to accept the happening.

"Anna Karenina"

Alexey was a pupil of the Prazzian Corps. His father died early, and the mother did not inspire a young man because of frivolous vicious ties, although he was quite respectful to her. Vronsky served as Fatherland and placed the rank of the lump-adjutant. Collectants considered him an honest person, a romantic and the goodness. Nobility and ambitiousness perfectly got along in nature a hero, although the template thinking spoiled the possible prospects of the Vronsky.

Alexey Vronsky and Karenina

As a representative of young people, Alexey considered family loyalty and devotion to outdated values. He neglected by representatives of the lower estates and was capable of unsightly acts in the rust of Azart and hotness. Intrigue with Kitty reveals these characteristics of the hero. He was not interested in the girl, but only played her.

The first meeting with Karenina provoked the Vronsky to focus all their strength and ability to attract her attention. Despite the young age, he began to pursue a married woman, seeking reciprocity. Each meeting of heroes, accompanied by the death of the vocational work or a blizzard, becomes the echo of the approaching tragedy.

Having received the desired, Vronsky calms down, but does not know how to handle a woman with an immense spiritual world. Family life, accompanied by the zextlans of jealous Anna, will face his perception of the world. Vronsky believed in the ease of joint existence, the possibility of entering the light, forgetting about the gloomy views of society, a consistent tradition.

Illustration for book

Anna's filtered reputation was not weighing in his eyes. Therefore, Vronsky continued to her career, participated in the noble election, conducted reforms in the estate, defending his own independence.

The torments of Anna, suffering from the loss of social status, registered in the treason and betting of the Son, were not available to windy Vronsky. He experienced pity for his beloved, tried to console her, not understanding the entire tragicity of its position and existence in the new conditions of life. This became the main reason for the distance. Forky feelings quickly faded. Communication was supported only by a high degree of responsibility that heroes voluntarily accepted. The irritation of the Vronsky grew, and he began to alienate from Anna.

Karenina suicide has become a shock for Vronsky and at the same time liberation from a serious burden. All that was an illusory world in which there was a Vronsky, collapsed at one moment. The only way out of the current situation was the departure to Syria in the status of a volunteer.


Frame from the film

In 1914, the director Vladimir Gardin drew attention to Roman. His picture was the first in Russia on the screen adaptation of the novel "Anna Karenina". Anna embodied Maria Germanov. In Europe, the plot used an incredible demand. From 1917 to 1919, three pictures were shot, the authors of which were Italian Hugo Falen, Hungary Marton Garas and German Frederick Cnidel.

In 1927, the famous ribbon Edmund Goulding with Greta Great in the lead role was released on the screens.

Frame from the film

The first film with sound, telling about the tragic fate of Anna Karenina, was released in 1934. In the image of Karenina, Rita Waterhauses performed. It was followed by the work of Clarence Brown, shot in 1935 with the participation of Greet Garbo and Frederick Marcha.

Duvievier Carnocartina Julienne with Vivien Lee saw the light in 1948. Vronsky played Kiron Moore.

Ciron Moore in the image of the Vronsky

Alla Tarasova became the first Soviet Anna Karenina. Tselplexacle Mkhat them. Nemirovich-Danchenko was broadcast on the screen in the record. The premiere of the production was held in 1937. The role of Vronsky performed Pavel Massalsky.

In 1950-60s, the romantic plot of Tolstoy was used for decrees in Argentina, Brazil and the UK. In the last tape of 1961, Carey Bloom and Sean Connery starred.

The first color decree was the picture of Alexander Zarkha, filmed at Mosfilm in 1967. The canonism of the setup is not disputed to this day. In the image of Anna, Tatyana Samoilova appeared before the public, and Vasily Lanova played Vasily, her former spouse.

Vasily Lanova as Vronsky

In 1974, the world saw the Italian series of the series and the Soviet musical of Margarita Pilihina with Maya Plisetskaya in the main women's role.

In 1975, the French melodrama "Passion of Anna Karenina" came to the screens, and after that, the interest in the novel. In rare productions, Jacqueline instells and Sophie Marso, who played Anna. Vronsky in these ribbons played Christopher Rive and Sean Bean.

Yaroslav Boyko (left) in the image of the Vronsky

The British in 2000 released the passage series based on the novel, and in 2009 Sergey Soloviev replenished the resources of Russian cinema of the same name with Tatyana Drubich in the image of the carina and Yaroslav Boyko in the role of Vronsky.

Theatrical production of Joe Wright in 2012 revived the interest of the audience to the classical literature. The famous Hollywood actors shone in the main roles: Kira Knightley as Anna and Jude Lowe in the image of Karenina. Vronsky played the rising star of cinema, Actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the image of the Vronsky

The love triangle inspired Karen Shakhnazarov on the film, released in 2017. In the picture "Anna - Karenin - Vronsky", Elizabeth Boyarskaya, Vitaly Kishchenko and Maxim Matveyev starred. Behind this film was followed by a full-length directorial version called "Anna Karenina. The story of Vronsky. "

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