Richard III - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, king of England



The King of England Richard III of the rules of the country 2 years (1483-1485), but more than other British monarchs left a trail both in history and in the literature. The bloody atrocities of the last king from the kind of planagenets, who climbed into the throne, washing his hands with the blood of nephews, and put the end of the wars of the scarlet and white rose, the first described Thomas Ma and William Shakespeare. Following the classics, Richard III became extremely popular as a literary character, the hero of the plays and historical novels, the authors of which are still looking for the truth about the most controversial ruler of Britain.

Childhood and youth

Richard was born on October 2, 1452 in the Castle of Photoringa in Northamptonshire. The newborn was the penultimate of the 12 children of Richard Platagenet, the Duke of York (the descendant of the King Edward III), which was unleashed in 1455 by War Aloi and White Roses, opposed the house of Lancaster in the face of Heinrich Vi. Mother of the future monarch - Cecilia Neville, a representative of a noble English order.

Portrait of Richard III

Many of the brothers and sisters of Richard died in infancy. He grew up with the more younger in the age of Margarita and George in Steerman. The older brothers Edmund and Eduard spent all the time with the father in military campaigns against the scarlet rose.

Richard was 8 years old when his father died in battle at Wakefield together with Edmund. A year later, in 1461, Edward, after the battle of Tauton, defeated Lancaster, turned into a flight Henry VI and proclaimed himself as King England Edward IV.

Eduard IV.

The rule of the older brother presented Richard the title of Duke of Gloucester. He almost did not know the Father, he began to faithfully serve the king, unlike the younger brother George (Duke Clarence), which will later be accused of state treason and executed in 1478. The English thinker Thomas Mor, and after him, Shakespeare described Richard to a very unattractive low-spirited hunchback with chosen her left, which was subsequently refuted by historians.

Today it is believed that Richard was thin, medium height. The developed scoliosis somewhat deformed his spine, and one shoulder was higher than the other. The aristocrat had blue eyes and blonde hair, pale, a little emaciated face. Lifeline portraits of the duke do not exist, the only reliable is the image in the arcooked frame, made 25 years after his death.

Ruins of the castle in Ventestell, where Richard III grew up

The young duke perfectly fencing and kept in the saddle, this is evidenced by his early participation in military campaigns. In 1471, 19-year-old Richard fled along with the king in Holland. Having gathered here by the army of mercenaries, the brothers opposed the rebeling lancaster and finally plunged them in battles at Barnet and Tüxbury, killing the only heir to the enemy dynasty - Prince Eduard. In the same year, Heinrich VI in Tower was killed.

After the fall of Lancaster, Edward IV almost moved away from hostilities, and Richard gave to the Office of the restless northern lands, suffering from scottish raids. And right up to the death of King in 1483, the Duke Gloucester lived in his possessions, not appearing at the court.

Board and Military Campaigns

The death of 40-year-old Edward IV on April 9, 1483 was a surprise for everyone. However, it turned out later, it came from natural reasons. Eduard and his great-grandfather, founder of the Edmund Langley dynasty - the only of yorkors who do not die for a violent death. The new king immediately proclaimed the eldest son of the late - 12-year-old Edward V (out of 10 children of the king survived 7, of which 2 Sons - Edward and Richard).

Elizabeth Woodville

Relatives of the widowing queen Elizabeth Woodville began to be blocked that the regency for a minor son passed into her hands. However, according to the will, left by the king, the guardian at Prince was appointed his uncle Duke Gloucester. On his side, representatives of a major nobility - the Duke of Bakingham and the Lord Hastings, who did not want Woodville's elevations. They prolobed the appointment of Richard Regent.

The first thing that Richard did - Prince fenced from the influence of the maternal relatives. Eduard V, together with Brother Richard, moved to live in the palace, and Elizabeth had hidden in Westminster Abbey. The coronation of a new monarch was appointed on June 22, 1483. However, instead of her, the inhabitants of the kingdom received the shocking truth: the London Preacher James Show informedly reported that the sons of Edward IV were illegitimate and cannot qualify for the throne.

Portrait of Richard III

In favor of this statement, the Bishop of Batsky spoke, which recognized that the marriage agreement was concluded between Edward IV and Lady Eleonor Batler, and by the time of marriage of the king in Elizabeth Woodville, the contract remained in force, making this marriage actually illegal. For a long time to convince Londoners in the truthfulness of what was said: about the Sostroma King Eduard and the number of his mistresses went legends.

In this situation, Richard remained the only legitimate heir, because George was executed, and his sons had no rights to the throne because of the crimes of the Father. So on July 6, 1483, the Duke solemnly crowned in Westminster Abbey, declaring himself Richard III, the king of England. The sons of Edward IV declared with bastards went to Tower, which was then not a prison, but one of the residences, and no one had ever seen them. The people crawled rumors that the boys were killed by order of the uncle-ruler, but this hypothesis was never proved.

Silver coin with the image of Richard III

After the coronation, Richard began to travel around the ownership so that the subjects could be swirling to the new ruler, and then with heat began for the implementation of reforms. Being primarily a politician, he strengthened the army and improved legal proceedings. After that, he was mistaken for changes in the economy: canceled defeats, expanded trade, increased import tax to protect the English merchants from competition. His short board also marked the flourishing of cultural life.

All this did not like it to the enemies, including the former allies. If Lord Hastings was executed for betraying before coronation, then the Duke of Bakingham began to build a goat along with Elizabeth Woodville immediately after the climbing of York on the throne. Tandem conspirators decided to put Heinrich Tyudor in power, Graph Richmond, marrying him on the elder daughter Edward IV - Elizabeth York.

In October 1483, Bakingham people raised an uprising in several cities of the Kingdom. But Richard III skillfully suppressed him, and I appointed a high reward for the heads of the rebels. Soon Bakingham was captured, and in November, Kaznen. With the same attitude towards Margarita Beaufort and Lord Stanley - the mother and stepfather of Heinrich Tudor - escaped punishment. As it turned out, in vain. Perhaps it would save the life of Richard.

In subsequent years, the king survived the death of two closest people - the only son of Eduard and the wife of Anna Neville. The monarch experienced by the tragedy became, according to the enemies, the perfect target. And in August 1485, the progress with the support of France with an almost 5 thousandth army landed in Wales. Richard moved towards the army, surpassing the enemy by 2 times. The parties agreed near the town of Bosworth, where August 22 and a decisive battle took place.


This fatal day began for York with bad news - his most powerful comrades Lord Stanley and Count Northumberland betrayed him and moved to the side of the enemy. Realizing what goes to the right death, Richard went out on the field of Brani alone, accompanied by faithful warriors.

The king decided to crash into the crowd of the riders around the surrounding Henrich and bruit the cudor. Walking through the hail of shocks, he almost reached the goal, but here they went to the attack Knights Stanley. Raised the last descendant of planagenets from the horse was torn off by the soldiers of Heinrich.

The monarch's body was immersed on the horse and drove into the streets of the leter on the fun of the worn, and then, as a commoner, they burned out in a remote monastery of Franciscans. For a long time, there was one of the versions that, when destroying the monastery during the Anglican Reformation of Heinrich VIII, the remains of Richard were dropped into the Suar River.

Tomb of Richard III

Battle of Bosworth ended with the victory of Tudor, the future of Henry VII - an indirect descendant of the house of Lancaster (his mother Margarita accounted for a secondary sister Henry VI). Thus, the war was officially over and white roses. And the tudor dynasty seized the English throne for 118 years.

Personal life

At the beginning of the 1470s, Richard married Anne Neville - the youngest daughter of the powerful graph of Richard Neville on nicknamed Warwick - Delo Kings. Initially, my father gained his daughter with the only heir to Lancaster's house - Edward, Prince Wales. But after the murder of the bridegroom, Yorks in the battle at the Tuksbury, a widowed princess adopted the proposal of the Duke of Gloucester.

In 1473, Anna and Richard had a son of Eduard Middlegem. It is reported about 2 illegitimate children of York - John Gloucester and Katerina Platagenets. They were born before the marriage of the Duke, the personality of their mother is unknown. Subsequently, the king arranged the life of extramarital children - John was dedicated to the knights and became a military man, and his daughter was getting married. Historians suggest that after marriage with Anna Richard was faithful to his wife.


The official heir to Richard III - Eduard - unexpectedly died in April 1484. And next year, Anna Neville died, suffering from tuberculosis. And although everyone at the courtyard knew that the Queen was deeply sick, besides her condition aggravated the death of the Son, Richard began to blame Anna and the desire to marry Elizabeth's niece (daughter of Brother Eduard IV).

However, the kings have no personal life, and Richard decides to reveal a marriage in the interests of the state, sending the offer of Juan Portuguese, King Zhuana II sister. However, this marriage was no longer destined to take place.


Modern historians gradually come to the conclusion that Richard III's personality, like his biography, covered in many myths. Not one century was believed that the image of the last planagenet is the personification of evil and cruelty. In many ways, such a judgment was imposed by chronists who joined the throne of the tudor dynasty.

Lawrence Olivier as Richard III

The appearance of the ugly and bloodthirsty ruler of the former dynasty favorably shade their own imperfections. In addition, he finally formed the unsightly portrait of Richard's contemporary - Sir Thomas Mor, whose authority did not cause doubts. He was followed by Shakespeare, who was at all addressed the history of Richard. Artistic fiction: the classic put on the king of the stigma of the destruction and the poisoner of his wife.

Surprisingly, over the years, and even with centuries, the interest in the personality of Richard is not UGAS. The contradiction of the monarch's personality was based on dozens of works: films, books, the performances of the most different genre - from melodram to detectives written by the authors of many countries of the world.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Richard III

And after the remains of Richard III were found and identified in 2014, it is safe to expect another creative burst dedicated to the ambiguous historical person.


  • William Shakespeare Richard III
  • Robert Lewis Stevenson "Black Arrow".
  • Simon Vilar "Anna Neville"
  • Anna O'Brien "Innocent Widow"
  • Maryan Palmer "White Wear"
  • Gin Pleidi "Doomed on the Crown"
  • Cynthia Harrod-Iglz "Dynasty" (Book "Podkinish")
  • Svetlana Kuznetsova "Richard III"
  • Josephine Tey "Daughter of Time"
  • Patrick Carlton "Under Veprem"
  • B. Hanyan "Richard Grace of God"
  • M.Hoking "The one who issues himself for the king"
  • Faith Kamshi "Chronicles of Arcia"
  • Sharon Kay Fanman "Sun in Glory"

Films (as Richard)

  • 1955 - Richard III (Lawrence Olivier)
  • 1962 - "Death Tower" (Vincent Price)
  • 1985 - "Black Arrow" (Alexander Filippenko)
  • 1983 - "Black Viguka" (Peter Cook)
  • 1995 - Richard III (Ian McCellen)
  • 1996 - "In Search of Richard" (Al Pacino)
  • 2013 - "White Queen (Anyrin Barnard)
  • 2016 - "Empty Crown" (Benedict Cumberbatch)

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