Nikolay Martynov - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Migal Mikhail Lermontov



Name Nikolai Martynova familiar to every educated person - it is followed by George Dantes. Both entered the story as the killers of great Russian writers and poets: the first deprived of the life of Mikhail Lermontov, the second - Alexander Pushkin. Moreover, their biographies have adultery facts. For example, a duel of Natalia Goncharova's spouse with an opponent took place only from the second time, and the creator of the "Hero of Our Time" studied together with the future opponent in one school of junkers.

Childhood and youth

In the lives and destinies of the future killer and the victims, many coincidences - literary criticism is celebrated both to the writer, the service in the Caucasus and the parish in this world almost at the same time: Mikhail Yuryevich was born on October 3, 1814 (according to the old style), Nikolai Solomonovich - 9- The number of the same month, but a year later.

Portrait of Nikolai Martynov

The father of the latter was in the rank of Stat Counselor, being one of the richest inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod, so that his big family of eight children did not know difficulties and deprivation. In addition, Martynov was considered in people deep believers and devouts: the sister of Solomon Mikhailovich Daria was a magnia of the Cross-Promotional Women's Monastery, she knew Seraphim Sarov himself.

From ornamental years, the boy grew up in the generic manor of Martynovo-Znamensky, located next door to Serednikovo, where Lermontov was often located, and by the time of arrival at the school, Junkers had a good education over his shoulders. In an educational institution, the long-standing familiar exercises in a pair of fencing classes and tried to print the first works in the handwritten journal.

Personal life

"Martynov was seemingly kind small, was not afraid of himself, he was very engaged in his appearance and loved the Ladies' society," his friends testified to Nikolai.However, the Dame Society responded to him - thanks to the cheerful moral and pleasant exterior (descendants can judge the last on the preserved portrait), he enjoyed the opposite sex.

He was lucky and in his personal life - in 1845, Nikolai took his wife Sophia Socialist, the daughter of the Kiev provincial leader of the nobility, who gave her husband 10 (or 11) children. After the death of the spouse, a man is especially imbued with mysticism, believing that the early departure of the beloved woman is the action of a curse after the murder of the Great Poet.

Military service

At the end of the Martin school, several years later gave the Guards Heavy Cavalry of the Russian Empire, in March 1837 he was delegated it to the Caucasus, where he took part in the campaign of the Caucasian detachment at the head of General Velijamin for Kuban.

Next year Nikolai returned to the cavalry regiment, and in 1839 he was credited to the cavalry of the Rothmistrome with the secondment to the Grebensky Cossack shelf. In early 1841, he retired on family circumstances and by the time Duele with Lermontov had the rank of Major and the Order of St. Anne 3rd degree with a bow.


Started and educated young man cramped to literary art, trying to create in verses and prose. However, some experts considered the poetry very mediocre, and in the poems ("terrible sleep", "Herzel-Aul") and a story ("Guasha") felt an explicit imitation of the works of Lermontov. Already at the end of the life of Martynov, he wrote memories of the fatal duel.

Duel with Mikhail Lermontov

There are several reasons for clarifying relationships on the pistols at the foot of the Mashuk.

Nikolai Martynov and Mikhail Lermontov

According to one version, Martynov did not squeeze the next numerous "subproof" comrade over his attempts of creativity and above him. On the other hand, Lermontov, as in the case of Pushkin, was ordered to "remove" from above. According to the third, Mikhail betrayed publicly, after taking herself, the letters liked him from Nicholas sisters.

The fatal words about the "invitation" on the duel sounded on July 13, 1841 in the House of Verry, where all the enlightened youth of Pyatigorsk gathered, and she herself took place after 2 days. After what happened, Nicholas were deprived of ranks, rights and conditions, concluded for 3 months to the fortress for serving the sentence and put a long-term member in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.


On December 25, 1875, the heart of the murderer Lermontov stopped fighting, the cause of death remained unknown. Nikolai Solomonovich was buried in the family crypt, however, in 1924, the estate of Alekseevskaya school colony was settled in the estate, who ruined the grave and drowned the remains of the dead in the pond.

According to the testimony of children, on the day, when Mikhail Yuryevich was killed, his father went to the monastery, where he ordered a memorial prayer about the former comradist, and after the car was blocked and drove to inaccurability.

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