Robert Irwin Howard - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



American Robert Irwin Howard became famous as a literary figure who worked in fantasy genres, horror and detective. He came up with the Hero of Conan Barbara and created a cycle about the Hayborsky era, as evidenced by the film-biography called "the whole huge world".

Childhood and youth

Robert Irwin Howard was born on January 22, 1906 in the family of a rural doctor and traveler who lived in Texas. The boy's childhood passed in moving through American cities and ranch, and the impressions of this time later entered the literary story.

Parents of the future writer were people in read and educated, but because of the rampant investment they lacked money for life. To send a son to school, they cared for sick tuberculosis and as much as possible performed any death caprication.

The difficult financial situation affected the interpersonal relationship, and the mother of noble origin gradually began to hate his father. The child regularly witnessed confrontations and conflicts and at an early age realized that the world was full of violence and evil.

Negative emotions and secret experiences affected their studies, and the future writer in order to avoid punishment sought to break out of the school walls. He ran across farms and oil development, entering into fights with other teenagers, so injuries, bruises and abrasions were added to the list of family problems.

The desire to fight the offenders made Howard to do the variety, and, having tried a number of sections, he loved the struggle and boxing. Training and viewing matches with the participation of Jack Johnson and Bob Fizzimmons helped through the strength to resolve any question.

On days, the streets free from the street, the teenager greedily read books, and soon the parents and teachers discovered his literary talent. In early 1915, he began to write fantastic stories and did not go out of the house for a long time, as if hermit or arrestant.

In the scenes of early works, the bloody battle between the Vikings, Arabs and representatives of other fictional tribes were required. Then, under the influence of Jack London, Robert Irwin began to write about reincarnation, as well as ritual rituals known since ancient times.

Personal life

In the personal life of Robert Irwin attended the only woman who published his own books under the name of the teacher Novaalin Price. Lovers were thinking about marriage, but missed the moment and parted. This story described in memoirs has become masses.


In 1924, Howard began a professional career, selling a scary fairy tale "Spear and Klyuk". Then he began working on a novel, reflecting the chronology of his life, but did not decide to publish the work and hid the draft.

In order to cover the cost of creativity, Robert Irwin served in the city newspaper, and then he was a clerk in the post office and an Alemer Assistant in one of the office. Prosecical and poetic miniatures created during this period were filled with otherworldly images and had a mysterious halo.

In 1926, WEIRD TALES journal bought the story of Howard, who was immediately printed as the "Kingdom of Shadows". It was the first work in the genre of combat fiction, which, judging by the photo from the sketches, the writer loved until the end of the days.

King Kull, who became the predecessor of Conan-Varvara and other heroes, was loved by American readers for a number of objective reasons. The young writer created a continuation published as "Mirrors Tuzong Tuna", and then moved to the series devoted to the exploits of other men.

In the spring of 1928, the author's bibliography was replenished with works, where Puritanin Solomon Kane was in the center of the original plot. The first swallows in this cycle became the horror of the history of the "moon skulls", the "hills of death" and "under the color of bloody shadows".

Gradually acquired popularity, Robert Irwin sold works into the Pulp Sport Story magazine, belonging to the Street & Smith publishing house. There, he first introduced the world to the book of stories about boxers, as well as heads and excerpts from the debut novel "The owner of fate."

In 1930, Howard became a member of the Circle of Lovecraft and in the style of mystical horror, he released a story "behind the Black River." And then he thought that old interesting facts ended, readers and critics need a new hero.

So there was a cycle of works about the universe of sword and magic, where the character named Conan lived surrounded by monsters and people. Among the stories that went to the quotes were "Black Circle People", "Black Colossus", "Phoenix on the mast", "Witch will be born" and "crawling shadow".


In the summer of 1936, Howard fell into despondency and depression due to the incurable Mother's disease, which he madly loved. When a woman fell into a whom, a shot in his head was the cause of his death, because there was no desire or forces to live on.


Cycle "Solomon Kane"

  • 1928 - "Under the cover of bloody shadows"
  • 1929 - "Skulls among stars"
  • 1930 - "Moon of Death"
  • 1932 - "Wings in the night"

Cool Cool

  • 1929 - "Kingdom of Shadows"
  • 1929 - "Mirror Tuzong Tuna"

Cycle "Conan"

  • 1933 - "Alay Citadel"
  • 1933 - "Elephant Tower"
  • 1933 - "Black Colossus"
  • 1933 - "Cleant Shadow"
  • 1934 - "People of the Black Circle"
  • 1935 - "For the Black River"
  • 1935 - "Shadows of the Lembula"
  • 1935 - "Dragon Hour"
  • 1936 - "Nails with red hats"

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