Victor Orban - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Prime Minister of Hungary 2021



Hungarian politician Viktor Orban for the first time became the country's prime minister for 35 years. Now a man occupies this position for 3 years in a row and in the European leader's environment is considered one of the first friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Among the heads of the EU countries, ORBAN is considered odious and radical figure, which does not prevent him from bending his line built on anti-immigrant politics and the desire to stop the intervention of Western states into the internal affairs of Hungary.

Childhood and youth

Victor was born on May 31, 1963 in the Hungarian town of Tekesfehemar in the rural middle class family. The boy became the eldest son of the entrepreneur and the agronomist of Dzeru Balinte Orbana and the correction teacher and the speech therapist Erzhebet Shapos. His younger brothers Dzero and Aron later built a career in business.

The childhood of Orban passed in the village terrain, no wonder his grandfather Mihai devoted the life of agriculture and animal husbandry. Up to 14 years old, Victor and his family lived in Alsudobos villages and Felksut, where he began to go to school. Later, the Orbany moved to Temkesfeherwar, and there in 1981 the guy graduated from high school of Teleka's blanks, where, among other things, was in advance english in English.

There was a 2-year-year sentence of military service, after which the young man entered the University of Budapest to learn the jurisprudence. Having received a master's degree in 1987, Victor began working as a sociologist at the Institute for the Preparation of Management Personnels of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Two years later, the young specialist became a scholarship of the Soros Foundation and began to study political science in Oxford Pepperruk College.

In 1990, Orban returned to Budapest to start a political career at the updated post-communist space of Hungary. By the time, Victor was already founded by the Fides party, which was the unification of young democrats.

Personal life

Family life The policy has developed exemplary: at 23, Victor married Aniko Levai lawyer, and this union turned out to be strong and durable. The wife of the Prime Minister is engaged in charity and oversees the International Children's Salvation Service. The spouse gave her husband with five children. Raquel's eldest daughter was born in 1989, and now herself grow two girls. Her middle sister of the ball also managed to please the grandmother's parents. Junior Rose and Flora are still satisfied with personal life.

The only son of Orban Gushpar is seriously engaged in football and even represented the national team. Now he is focused on the management of a firm that wins state tenders with enviable constant. However, journalists cannot catch the prime minister in corruption and couch, since contracts are legally impeccable.

Victor is heard by an exemplary family man who is happy to spend time in a circle of loved ones. At Christmas of 2019 in "Instagram", a happy grandfather posted a photo with his favorite grandchildren. It is known that the man and his spouse belong to various confessions: Aniko professes Catholicism, and the politician was brought up in the Calvinist Reformed Church.

Career and politics

In 1990, Orban for the first time became a parliament deputy, representing the Fidez batch. Saving in the government throughout the two deadlines, in 1998 Viktor became the country's prime minister. By that time, his political views shifted from liberal to the center-night. The politician performed for social reforms, including free higher education, maternal benefits, reducing tax rates, elimination of unemployment.

With the young premiere of Hungary, it was possible to reduce inflation, join NATO and accelerate integration into the European Union. At the same time, Orban demonstrated a craving for authoritarianism, seeking to increase his own powers and a decrease in the influence of Parliament. Increased claims played with Victor, a keen joke: the subsequent elections "Fides" and its leader lost.

In 2010, the authorities returned to Orban again, and he was no longer going to share it anymore. Having received a constitutional majority in parliament, the politician turned into a modern dictator with unlimited powers. The first thing was rewritten by the Constitution, the structure of the Constitutional Court and Parliament was updated, where key positions began to belong to members of the Fides party.

National politics are put to the head of the corner, when the statements of the Prime Minister constantly sound the messages about the threats of identity, with which the persons of Hungarian nationality are subjected due to uncontrolled migration. In the European Parliament, Orban stated that he would protect his people and the borders from the influx of refugees. At the same time, a man seeks to defend the rights of ethnic Hungarians living in the territory of other states - Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, etc.

Victor is not afraid to conflict with the West, causing the criticism of the European Union. At the same time, the Hungarian autocrat establishes close ties with Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, focusing on their support. However, at the negotiations with Donald Trump, Orban chose to agree on alternative gas supply sources in Hungary, in order to independently depend entirely from Russia in commodity. At the same time, the politician ignored the requirements of the United States to take a tough position in relation to China and Russia, justifying these economic benefits.

Victor Orban now

The beginning of 2020 was disturbed: the coronavirus pandemic led to a state of emergency throughout the planet. News and statistics only convince that the situation with COVID-19 does not have the prospects for rapid resolution. In this regard, in Hungary expanded the powers of Orban for an indefinite period, making it impossible early elections and suspending individual laws.

From March 30, 2020, the Coronavirus Law operates in the country, according to which the Government manages the country through operational decrees and decrees. These measures caused a squall of criticism in society, and without the perturbed unlimited authority of Orban and his party. However, in modern conditions, critical statements may threaten a criminal period if they are interpreted as obstacles to the state in effective protection against the proliferation of coronavirus.

For each fifth resident of Hungary, it is obvious that political competition, the independence of the media and the eligibility of the judicial system have long been torn in history. However, in the conditions of the "mafia state", where the power is concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister and its close, it is unlikely that someone seriously counts on a quick change in the current situation.

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