Tennessee Williams - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, playwright



Tennessee Williams - a playwright, whom literary critics call American Czech. The author's plays - stories about the loneliness of the main character, about the inability to find harmony with the outside world. The characters of the writer are sophisticated, and the world surrounding them seems rude. Many plot lines, types, details appeared in the works of the Creator on the basis of events that took place in his life.

Childhood and youth

Real Name of American Classic - Thomas Lanir Williams III. Dramaturgome was born on March 26, 1911 in Columbus, in Mississippi. At an early age, the boy had lost diphtheria that he had undermined his health. Father Thomas Cornelius, who traded the shoes and focused, was dissatisfied with the fact that the heir grows not so strong as other children. Between him and Mother Tennessee Edwina constantly happened scandals.

Soon the family moved to St. Louis. Here the teenager entered Soldan School. Already then Thomas became interested in literature, his favorite authors were the American poet Hart Crane and Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. From 1929 to 1931, the young man was a student of the University of Missuria, where he studied at the Faculty of Journalism. At that time, he began writing poems, stories, plays and to present essays on literary contests.

Personal life

The writer's personal life was filled with dramatic events, some then formed the basis of its works. In the late 1930s, the guy understood: men attract him. Fred Melton became the first beloved young man.

In 1940, Tennessee was carried away by the Canadian dancer by Kip Cennan, but he soon announced the marriage. Williams survived the real drama that increased the news of the death of Kip in 1944. The author reflected the feelings to Canada in the play "Something vaguely, something clear."

Bright was the shortage of an American with Mexican Pancho Rodriguez and Gonzalez. The guy was referred to the playwright with jealousy and abused alcohol. The novel ceased in 1947, but almost until the very death of Tennessee, men remained buddies. New love in the young Italian Rafaello inspired the writer on the creation of the "Roman Spring Mrs. Stone."

The most long-term in the biography of Williams was the relationship with Frank Merlo, who lasted almost 15 years. The man became not only inventious for the heart of the writer, but also assumed the functions of the secretary, was engaged in household issues. Passionate nature of both, however, led to the treason, which was the cause of the gap. Soon after parting, the doctors discovered the last stage of lung cancer.

Having learned about this, the playwright returned to the lover and took care of a man before his death in 1963. Frank's care Immersed a classic in deep depression, he saw a lot and used prohibited drugs. The writer was repeatedly hospitalized and placed in clinics for mentally ill.


The first play "Spring Thunderstorm" The young man released in 1937. But before the release of the "glasswar", the works of the playwright remained without the attention of the public. In this drama, the American reflected personal experiences of the period of work at a shoe factory, which turned out to be hated for his fine and sensitive soul.

The main character of Tom Wingfield recalls the time when I lived with Mother Amanda and sister Laura. A quick-tempered and ambitious mother would passionately want the Son to receive an increase, and his daughter married. The lady does not pay attention to the fact that the work in the shoe shop is oppressed by a young man, and the girl is nototherly due to the physical disadvantage - one leg of the laurra is shorter than another.

The prototype for the characters of the play was the family of playwright - unbalanced Edwin and sister Rose, which suffered from attacks of a prolonged depression. The essay was successful for readers, was put on Broadway.

In 1947, Williams wrote a new creation "Tram" desire "." In the center of the plot - the conflict between Blanche Dubois and Stanley Kovalski. The lady, remaining without work, comes to the sister Stella, who is waiting for a child. The sophisticated, accustomed to the sophisticated setting, the manner guest is immediately caused by the rejection of the husband Stellie Stanley.

This coarse, ugly worker acts as the opposite of the heroine. A man does everything to make a blanche, destroy her happiness. By sending a spouse to the maternity hospital, Kowalski rapes Dubois, after which she goes crazy. The play was greatly successful and was shielded in 1951. The main roles in the painting were brilliantly played by Vivien Lee and Marlon Brando.

In the same year, the playwright publishes a new drama "Tattooed Rose", telling about the fate of the fate. Serafina Della Rosa loses her husband Rosario. Gun with the body of a man she keeps in the urn at home. Time passes, the heroine gets acquainted with the driver of Alvaro. He admits that together with her spouse he cared for the local beauty of Estel. This news wounds a woman, but a new feeling towards the driver softens anger.

In 1955, Williams's bibliography is replenished with a "Cat on a hot roof". The story transfers readers to the house of the political planter on nicknamed big dad. The days of his life are considered, and the eldest son Hooper seeks to become the main heir. Father's love is still given to the younger Brick.

However, there is no children, although a man is married. Brick's heart stores the mystery associated with his wife Maggie and the best friend of the Skipper. This product of the writer is also fused. In 1958, the audience saw a film in which the images of young spouses presented Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman.

In 1973, a mystical "play for two" appeared in the works of the author, which Williams renamed Creek later. According to the plot, the brother and sister find themselves in the abandoned theater. To get out of a strange and dangerous place, they need to reveal the circumstances of the suicide of parents.

Throughout the work of Tennessee, Tennessee was inspired by the works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Shortly before death, in 1980, he wrote a "trigorin diary" - adaptation of Chekhov "Seagulls". The author continued to work every day until the last day of life, although his late essays had no longer had the success of the 50s.


The playwright died on February 25, 1983. Upon prior to the conclusion of Medispert, the cause of death was hit by a male cap from a bubble with a medicine into the respiratory tract. However, later in the reports there was information that the writer died from overdose alcohol and sedatives.


  • 1937 - "Spring Thunderstorm"
  • 1944 - "Glass Zvernets"
  • 1947 - "Desire" tram ""
  • 1951 - "Tattooed Rose"
  • 1955 - "Cat on a split roof"
  • 1957 - "Orpheus descends to hell"
  • 1959 - "Sweet-haired bird of youth"
  • 1961 - "Night of Iguana"
  • 1969 - "At the Tokyo Hotel's Bar"
  • 1973 - "Piece for Two (Creek)"
  • 1977 - "French Quarter"
  • 1980 - "Trigorin Diary"
  • 1981 - "Something vaguely, something clear"
  • 1982 - "House, doomed to collapse"


  • 1950 - "Glass Zvernets"
  • 1951 - "Tram" Desire ""
  • 1955 - "Tattooed Rose"
  • 1958 - "Cat on a split roof"
  • 1959 - "Suddenly, last summer"
  • 1961 - "Roman Spring Mrs. Stone"
  • 1962 - "Sweet Bird of Youth"
  • 1964 - "Night of Iguan"

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