Eno Raud - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Eno Rauda was destined to become a great writer, because he was brought up in a creative family. The Estonian author became famous for the fantastic cycle of works on the adventures of the Zaktsitral, which became a symbol of childhood for readers whose worship was accounted for the 70-80s of the twentieth century.

Childhood and youth

Eno Rouda was born on February 15, 1928 in the city of Tartu, by nationality Estonian. From the early years of the biography, the atmosphere of creativity was surrounded by his atmosphere, because his father was a famous Soviet writer. Mother worked as a teacher, it was she who instilled his son interest in literature, reading children books from a home library.

Eno Raud in childhood

Raud since childhood had a lively and colorful fantasy. The baby he invented fairy tales about the adventures of the gnomes, and the teenager began published in the children's journal. The talent of the author, among the first, noticed the mother whose advice and comments had an impact on creativity.

Writer's maturity fell on the war years, which later found a print in the work of "Fire in a darkened city". After graduating from school, Eno entered the University of Tartu, where he studied Estonian philology. For some time he worked in the library, then he was a literary editor, but in the end he decided to devote himself to creativity.

Personal life

Raud's personal life has developed successfully, he was married to the writer Aino Pervik, who gave him three children. Raine went in the footsteps of his parents and took up literature, Pirot chose the profession of the artist, and Mikkel was realized as a musician.


Raud, first of all, is famous as the author of works for children. He wrote a lot about nature, about animals, about unforgettable adventures and was not afraid to raise such serious themes as responsibility, independence and loneliness, feeding them in an affordable and often joking manner.

A bright sample of creativity of the writer is the cycle of stories about the revived rag doll by name Sipsyk. She seems to be the embodiment of the children's dream of talking toys and the sensation of the mystery, which the characters are so carefully stored.

According to the plot, the rag man was the result of the works of the Little March, who wanted to make a gift to the younger sister. But the hero found the toy so ugly that he called her "Sipsykom". What was the surprise of the boy when the doll suddenly began to talk to him and Ana, becoming a guide to the colorful world of adventure.

The first edition of the book was decorated with the illustrations of the artist Edgar Walter, but in the following years, the Herman Gorodnikov and Roman Kashin attached to the recreation of the image of the sipsy. The works were translated into several languages ​​and became a symbol of Estonian children's literature.

No less popular among readers were stories about coupling, clutching and moss beard. The author calls them hiltsitrals - creatures that less than a person and remotely resemble the gnomes, which is also a kind of reflection of children's fantasies of Eno Martinovich.

Eno Raud with his wife

It is not surprising that the cycle heroes are described in detail and with love. The writer pays special attention to their characters, habits and reflections, because of which the story is replete with interesting facts, and the characters seem to be in pages. Surviving the adventures in which, at first glance, there is nothing extraordinary, they learn to trust each other and know simple truths.

Stories about Zaktsitralch are considered a sample of environmental literature, but they can find philosophical reflections on love, friendship, loyalty, freedom and life in society. Therefore, "coupling, pollotics and moss beard" turned out to be relevant for kids and adults.

The author did not forget about the older children - in his bibliography, you can find the book "History with" flying plates ". It is not only written easily with humor, but also contains elements of a detective, seasoned with mysticity and mystery. The product "Stainless Saber" deserves attention.

Another focus of Eno Martinovich's creativity was writing scripts for cartoons. The first screens came out a "small scooter", followed by Jac and Robot, Vacuum Cleaner, Green Desire and Others, who became no less instructive and popular than books.


The writer died on July 10, 1996, the reasons for his death were not disclosed. In memory of Raud, photos and numerous works, immortalized in quotations.


  • "You need to do anything, and then life will become more interesting."
  • "You can love one cat, two, well, in extreme cases, three. But if they are more, what kind of love is it? "
  • "There is no such act for which you can punish loneliness."
  • "It is much more interesting to imagine things that do not really happen."


  • 1954 - "So or so"
  • 1957 - "Stainless Saber"
  • 1962 - Sipsyk
  • 1967 - "Fire in a darkened city"
  • 1968 - "Pawn"
  • 1969 - "Coinokamera who wanted to know everything"
  • 1969 - "History with" flying plates "
  • 1972 - "Bear House"
  • 1972 - "Coupling, Pollottina and Mokhovaya Beard: Book First"
  • 1975 - "Coupling, Pollottina and Moss Beard: Second Book"
  • 1979 - "And again coupling, clutch and a moss beard: a new book about the huxistrals, part 1"
  • 1982 - "And again the coupling, clutch and a moss beard: a new book about the zaxitrals, part 2"
  • 1987 - "Fish walks, rubbing"

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