Scipion - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Roman Command



Publists Cornelius Scipion African was a commander of ancient Rome, a consul and a member of Salia - the colleges of the priests of the God of Mars. The brave warlord, who expanded the borders of the state, suffered from the goose of the Roman aristocracy all his life.

Childhood and youth

Scion was born on June 20, 235 BC. NS. In the Roman republic as a result of Cesarean section. He was the eldest Son of the Consul. Cornelia, Manalia, Fabia, Emilia, Claudia and Valeria occupied key posts in the state structure.

There was a legend about the conception of Szipion Jupiter, who in the form of a snake appeared his mother Pomponia. The woman was the daughter of Plebea Consul Mania Pomponia Maton.

Otherwise, there are few people known about the early years of the Roman commander. His memoirs in Greek were destroyed, like a biography written by Plutarch.

Personal life

The man was happy in marriage. His wife was called Emilia Paulla, she was the daughter of the consul Lucia Emilia Paul. Woman gave birth to four children. The eldest son of the Publi Cornelius received the position of the priest and the predictor. The younger louches of Cornelius showed himself as Pretor. Both did not leave descendants.

The commander of the military man continued from two daughters. Both were called Cornelia. The youngest became the mother of the Grakhs.

The personal life of the commander is mentioned in the Book of Valerius Maxim. According to the author, in the mature age, Scypion had an extramarital connection with his maid, to which the spouse closed his eyes.

Military Career

The future triumph joined the Roman wrestling against the Carthage at the beginning of the second Punic war. During the battle of Ticin, the young man saved the life of his father, alone attacked the adversary forces with reckless courage.

In 211 BC NS. Uncle Communion Gnea Cornelius Scipion Calwus was killed in the battle at the top Bathide in Spain, which was under the rule of Hannibal. Carthaginians held the Senate in fear. SCIPIPI offered himself as a prisoner for the command of the army, having struck with his courage to the existed patrician. Soon the Roman landed at the mouth of the Ebro River and made a sudden attack on New Carthage, the key headquarters of the enemy forces.

Meeting of Szipion and Hannibal before the battle at replacement

Having won, Scipipion showed astounding generosity, refusing to adopt a bride as a military mining of the Iberian leader Allice. The Roman returned the woman to the bridegroom, and her parents sent a cash redemption back. Gratified Alluts led his tribe to him, from the enemy turning into an ally.

In 206 BC NS. The general won a decisive victory in orpe, forcing Carthaginian to flee from the peninsula. Supposing a short-term rebellion among the soldiers, tired of a heavy mountain campaign, the commander returned to his homeland.

In 205 BC NS. Scypion was elected a consul, but envious senators did not allow him to go to Africa for war with Hannibal. He received only a garrison in Sicily, where the wounds lied the remnants of the troops broken into the battle of Cannes. Nevertheless, the commander with the help of supporters gathered 30 ships and 7 thousand soldiers.

On the island, the warlord made the local knew to allocate money for the creation of cavalry and still went to the African continent. October 29, 202 BC. NS. Scipipion fought with Hannibal in the battle at replacement. Carthage put 80 combat elephants, 36 thousand infantrymen and 4 thousand cavalry. The Roman had 29 thousand infantry, which sent to the frontal attack, and the cavalry went from the rear, which ensured victory.

Genhable Scypiona

The cowardly and bloodthirsty Senate demanded that the city with the Earth, but the strategist dictated moderate conditions. From the Carthage, only the capitulation of the fleet and annual tribute were required.

The winner of Hannibal returned to Rome with the triumph, having received the nickname africa for his successes. Nevertheless, the politician continued to suffer from the envy of patrician, which dismissed rumors about his breaking and selling. A few years later, disappointed Scipipion went to retire. The remainder of the days he lived in the residence in Liternum.


The commander passed away in 183 to n. NS. The reason for his death remains a mystery. According to one version, a man killed the complications of fever, on the other - he committed suicide. The burial place is also unknown, but historians suggest that the grave is outside Rome. Scipipion did not forget what he was replied in the capital, and before his death ordered to carve words on the tombstone:"Ungrateful Fatherland, you will not even get my bones."



  • 1342 - "Africa", Poet Francesco Petrarca
  • 1963 - "Elephants Hannibal", writer Alexander Nemirovsky
  • 1995 - "Hannibal", Writer Ross Lekkki
  • 1998 - Scypio African, Writer Ross Lekki
  • 2000 - "Carthage", Writer Ross Lekki


  • 1914 - "Kabiria"
  • 1937 - Scypio African
  • 1971 - Scypio African
  • 2006 - "Hannibal: legendary commander"


  • 1712 - Opera "Public Cornelius Scipion", author Carlo Francesco Pollarolo
  • 1722 - Opera "Public Cornelius Scipion", author Leonardo Vinci
  • 1726 - Opera "SCIPIP", author Georg Friedrich Handel
  • 1847 - Anthem Italy, the author of the text of Goffredo Mameli, the author of the music of Michele Novaoro (mentioned in the first lines)

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