Herbert Efremov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Designer 2021



Herbert Efremov is a unique person, as a hero of socialist labor, and the hero of the labor of Russia. So the Motherland appreciated the contribution of the scientist to strengthen the nuclear shield, in particular, to the development and creation of hypersonic missiles. Efremov is the main developer of the Avangard Rocket Complex, set on combat duty in the last days of 2019.

Childhood and youth

The designer was born in the officer's family and the head of the rural library in mid-March 1933 in the village of Small district of the Vologda region. In the future, the military and cultural worker gave life to three more children - the Son and two daughters. Both parents were Russians by nationality, and the exotic name of Efremov must Herbert Wellsu, whose books did the mother read during pregnancy.

In the early biography, a native of the Vologda region lived in the Far East of the country of Soviets (on Sakhalin), and at its extreme West (in Kaliningrad). The family of the family was translated from one outpost to another, and the household went along with a man. In high school, Herbert studied in Leningrad and Moscow Region Reutov, where the designer lives now.

After graduating from school with a silver medal, the young man entered the Leningrad "Military". After the 3rd course, Herbert passed the practice at the landfill in the vicinity of Zlatoust, where "met" with liquid jet engines. In 1956, Efremov, who received a diploma in the specialty "Instrument-making", came to work as an engineer in the design office of Vladimir Chelyai (now this is JSC "MPC" NPO Engineering ").

Personal life

The personal life of the gunsmith is stable. With the wife of Irina Sergeyev, Herbert, Alexandrovich lives in marriage for over 60 years. Spouses raised her son and daughter. Roman Herbertovich Efremov - Professor of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", which holds the position of deputy director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Scientific activity

At 29, Herbert Alexandrovich became the leading designer - Deputy Head of the KB. The development of the Chelomeyevsky bureau, in which Efremov took part, often exceeded the brainchild of the "competitive firm", headed by Sergey Queen. For example, for refueling the Royal Rocket R-7, it was required about a day, which did an instant answer to the blow of a potential opponent. Therefore, the bet was made to the winged missiles of Vladimir Chelomaya P-5. American aircraft carriers opposed Soviet submarines with anti-religious missiles.

In this regard, Russia's charges of Russia's charges in the stealing of the secrets of hypersonic technologies in America, and Barack Obama - in the treacherous of national interests by transferring to Russian super secretaries, is absurd of the mouth. In an interview with Efremov, he explained that he was engaged in supersonic missiles, when the future black president of the United States still went to school.

Herbert Alexandrovich has repeatedly met with Queen, as well as with the USSR Defense Minister Dmitry Ustinov, the leaders of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev. Photos of these meetings did not publish the media, because the invention of Efremov had a vulture "completely secret."

The Leningrad Party Head, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU Gregory Romanov in the mid-70s of the 20th century, hesitated Herbert Alexandrovich, that the scientist defended only the PhD dissertation, and ordered immediately to proceed to Doctoral. "Once!" - replied the worker of the defense industry Party residents with royal surname.

When in 1984, by the man of humus suddenly died as a result of the thrombus, after 3 weeks, Efremov was appointed to his position. Under the leadership of Herbert Alexandrovich, the defense enterprise was able to survive the difficult times of restructuring, disarmament and initial capital accumulation.

NGOs of mechanical engineering was forced to be taken for the production of peaceful products (solar panels and storage facilities for vegetables and fruits), but product customers were summed up with payment, the revenue came with a delay and rapidly depreciated as a result of inflation. The Americans offered the goals of the production association to remake under the release of Coca-Cola. The company was largely able to survive and maintain engineering and technical personnel through cooperation with the Indian Armed Forces and the creation for India a marine winged Rocket "Bramos", whose name is formed from two rivers - Brahmaputra and Moscow.

Herbert Efremov now

Herbert Aleksandrovich is still faithful to a heart in his youth. Efremov - Professor MSTU named after Nikolai Bauman, honorary general director and general designer of the enterprise, for which an ordinary engineer came. On September 19, 2020, another one was added to the award-winning of the scientist: Vladimir Putin awarded Herbert Alexandrovich to the Order of Andrei Prolonged with swords and congratulated the veteran of the defense complex using video links.


  • 1959 - Order "Honor Sign"
  • 1963 - Hero of Socialist Labor
  • 1963 - Order of Lenin
  • 1971 - Order of the Red Banner
  • 1974 - State Prize of the USSR
  • 1982 - Lenin Prize
  • 1995 - Honorary Citizen of Reutov
  • 2002 - Government Prize of the Russian Federation
  • 2003 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree
  • 2003 - Marshal State Prize G. K. Zhukova
  • 2003 - Order "Padma Bhushan" (India)
  • 2005 - Leonardo Da Vinci Medal
  • 2012 - International Prize "For Faith and Liability"
  • 2013 - Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of II degree
  • 2017 - Hero of the Labor of the Russian Federation
  • 2020 - the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called with Swords

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