Alexander Mitta - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Film School, Director, "Crew" 2021



Alexander Mitta - Soviet and Russian film director, who over the years of creativity won the unconditional love of the audience. On his account there are quite a few cult filmtin. He also became the author of the first Soviet film-catastrophe "crew". Today, most of the time Mitta gives the upbringing of a new generation of cinematographers and social activities.

Childhood and youth

This surname of film director Alexander Mitty - Rabinovich. He was born in March 1933 in the intelligent Moscow family, Jews by nationality, where parents and grandparents were betrayed by the ideals of October. Tragic fate of Mother Alexander Naumovich. The woman was serving a sentence in Siberian camps, and her life ended early. The son put on his feet's feet, only in the old years, who found a soul mate.

Alexander Naumovich was a boiler gifted: he was trying in painting, he painted himself and dreamed of becoming an artist. But the world of cinema and manil Sasha Rabinovich from ornamental years.

After graduating from school, Alexander Rabinovich traveled documents to an art university. But soon the young man was expelled from there: the talent of Sasha was closely in the narrow space of socialism. The unrecognized artist decided to continue his education in another metropolitan institute - engineering and construction. His mentor was the famous constructivist and architect Konstantin Melnikov. In 1955, Alexander graduated from the university, but I did not want to work as an architect. The experience of a short stay in the art university allowed Rabinovich to receive orders for caricatures in the Crocodile, and then - on the illustrations in the children's journal "Cheerful pictures".

Once the artist brought his caricatures to "crocodile". The drawings liked the editor, but he refused to take the work, saying that "Rabinovich in the Crocodile" is already a bust. "

In 1955, Alexander Rabinovich became Mitta. By the way, in the youth Mitta did not hide and was not ashamed of Jewish origin. And as a pseudonym even took the Hebrew surname of one relative in mom.

The second higher education, Alexander, went to receive in VGIK, where at that time they taught Otar Ioseliani, Larisa Shephenko, Georgy Shengheli. 2 months a young man visited Alexander Dovzhenko's course, but soon Mikhail Romm became his master. At one course, Andrei Tarkovsky and Vasily Shukshin studied with Alexander.


The cinematic biography of Alexander Mitty began in 1961 from the graduation work. Alexander and his classmate Alexey Saltykov put his tape "MO MO MOSFILM" in the studio "My Kolka!". It was the basis of the same name of the creator of the Creator of Alexander Khmelerik, the same name of the creator of the Creator.

Nobody expected the graduation melodrama about children's and school problems will enter the twenty of the most popular paintings of 1961. From May to December "My friend, Kolka!" Saw no small 24 million spectators of the USSR.

A teenage topic, so successfully beaten in the graduation film, rose more than once. In 1962, Alexander Mitta has already released the picture "without fear and reproach." Third tape in the filmography of the director, in the name "Call, open the door", interested in the nasty style of a young master. There was no boring ideology and cut-off from life. On the contrary, children's and youthful problems are shrilled vitally revealed. This ribbon is interested in both children and adults. In 1966, the picture received the main prize of the Venetian festival of children's films - the "Golden Lion of the Holy Mark".

In 1969, the creative biography of Alexander Naumovich was replenished with a new page: the young director first became an actor. Mitta played Vladik's intellectual in Marlene Huziyev's painting called "July Rain".

The teenage topic was so close to Mitta that he again continued her in the next picture "Point, dot, comma ...", released on screens in 1972. And for this tape, Alexander himself wrote a script. The skill of the director became generally recognized. At the beginning of the 70s, the movie received a great many cinematic awards, including international (in Salker).

From the usual teenage topics, Alexander Mitta moved to the ribbons "Moscow, my love" (melodrama), "Tale about how King Peter Arape was married" (Tale), "Gori, Gori, My Star" (tragicomedy) and, of course, In the new for Soviet cinema of that time the film-catastrophe genre. So, a picture-legend "crew" was removed. In times, when no one heard anything about the computer graphic, I had to realize the realism to really burn several aircraft.

By the way, the funds for this expensive project Alexander Mitta searched independently, since the ministry refused to give money for "unnecessary" and "uninteresting" tape. Sponsor the director still found - they became Aeroflot. This is a commercial film filmed for extrabudgetary funds. "Crew" - the leader of the rental in the entire history of Soviet cinema. But Mitta himself did not receive almost nothing from a successful project, but he became a legend.

The actors approved on the main roles instantly gained all-union love. This is a novice artist Leonid Filatov, who took the place of Oleg Daly, Alexander Yakovlev, whose role could get Tatiana Dogileva, and Georgy Zhorzov, who replaced the previously chosen Alexei Petrenko.

The next new stage in the work of the director Mitta was the musical tale of allegory called the "Fairy Tale", in which Andrei Mironov played the main role. The picture is interesting because, by shooting it, Alexander Naumovich decided for himself, what of the two cinematic schools to him closer - Sergey Eisenstein or Konstantin Stanislavsky. The tape turned out to be a kind of "hybrid" of different creative ideas, brilliantly combing incompatible.

The bright work of the master was the film "Step" of Soviet-Japanese production, telling about the mother of Caiko, who lost the child during the epidemic of polio. A woman arrived in the USSR for a vaccine in the hope of saving the surviving son, but could not cross the border with the medicine due to the complex policies between the countries. A long confrontation of Japanese mothers, the Soviet doctor and authorities allow the ribbon to end on a positive note.

Another film, after which Alexander Mitta made a long 10-year pause in the work - "Lost in Siberia". This is a joint British-Soviet picture about the English archaeologist exhibited in Stalin's camps. During these years, Mitta did not shoot new films, but he visited the United States and a number of European countries, where he admired the experience and taught director.

In 2000, Mitta again loudly reminded himself by the series "Border. Taiga novel. " For this tape, Alexander Naumovich in 2002 was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Soon the director released another 2 films of different genres - the criminal drama "Red Saturday" and the series "Swan Paradine".

One of the last works by Alexander Mitta was a film about the famous artist Mark Shagale during his life in Vitebsk. Ribbon "Shagal - Malevich" went on rent in 2013.

In 2018, Alexander Mitta participated in the VII of the Moscow Film Festival "We will live!", Where he took a place in the jury. The competition was presented a large program of young directors who are just beginning their way to cinema.

Alexander Mitta is the author of several books. The first literary work "Vitya in Tiger Shkure" appeared in 1960. In the new century, the director released the edition of the movie between hell and paradise: Cinema on Eisenstein, Chekhov, Shakespeare, Kurasava, Fellini, Hichkoku, Tarkovsky ... ".

According to Alexander Naumovich, the book is useful and young cinematographers studying the basics of skill, and readers interested in mass art. Together with his wife, the film director participates in shares on the creation of bulk books for children.

One of these wonderful books "Miracle Bed" was published in 2015. The genre is easy for perception and complex for writing - child poetry. The book includes three stories about the boys-a phenomenon that began to invent the inventions in order not to get out of bed or to run animals on the moon. The author of the poems is Alexander Naumovich himself. The book is decorated with funny illustrations of Constantine Rotov.

In an interview with an Eclectic online magazine, the director talks about his work style:

"You won't go against yourself: I thought about the horror several times - and it was not terrible. My horizons are lyrical comedies, adventures, fairy tales, all that is connected with fantasy, fiction ... "

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Naumovich was stormy. Lilia Mitta's beloved Lily Mitta led from the family. Majorova's husband, Igor, wrote for "truth." And all the spouses were wonderful until the publishing house did not appear the cartoonist Sasha Rabinovich. Rumors crawled about the novel. Lily's husband came to Alexander in a communal service to "figure it out on male."

However, seeing the room where there were 5 tables, dumped with papers, and a small plot of the sofa, regretted the opponent. And Alexander Mitta's growth was much lower than Igor. Men talked. Majorova's husband decided that the problem was exhausted with this conversation and Lily will soon throw out of the head of the poor cartoonist. But this did not happen - the wife finally went to the communal service to Mitte.

2 years old husband did not give a divorce lile, although at this time the son of Eugene was already born at Mitta and Majorova. Junior Mitt is known as an artist, whose work is exhibited in private and state collections in Russia and abroad.

Over time, the couple received his own apartment on the Small Georgian. To get it helped Alexander Naumovich his friend Vladimir Vysotsky. He and Marina said often at the director. There were also actors Theater "Contemporary", creative companies were collected in the hospitable Mitty House after each premiere.

Joint photos of friends and colleagues are pride of the director's family archive.

Alexander Mitta now

The main activity of Alexander Naumovich is now connected with the work of his film school. The educational institution presents workshops to teach scenarios, directors, operators, producers and actors. Here are the master classes of experienced representatives of the Russian cinematic industry.

The film school teach disciplines to create a series, full-length or documentary film. Classes are carried out in the evening, which allows you to combine education with work. Online lessons appeared in the workshop. Exit courses are held for residents of provinces and even other countries. Alexander Mitty School Master Classes lead such famous personalities as Dmitry Astrakhan, Pavel Sanaev and Timur Bekmambetov. Announcement of events and seminars for 2021 placed on the official website of the film director for 2021.

Mitta is convinced that it is impossible to teach a person to work, but to explain what funds are created film sedores, quite feasible. Alexander Naumovich calls himself primarily. He shares the secrets of skill with students. The director has a rich teaching experience. Previously, he led cinematographic courses in Germany, he trained students on VKSP.

Knowledge Master conveys with a soul, laying into the consciousness of young people Balance between creativity and discipline:

"The process of working on the scenario should create a sense of the holiday, a flight of the soul, but not to fly away and not be in front of the abundance of the material with which you will not know what to do, you need a voluntary self-restriction system."

Despite the abundance of successful work and age, Alexander Mitta remains a man wise and modest, the big fame of the director did not spoil and not broke.


  • 1961 - "My friend, Kolka!"
  • 1962 - "Without fear and reproach"
  • 1965 - "Call, open the door"
  • 1969 - "Gori, Gori, My Star"
  • 1972 - "Point, point, comma ..."
  • 1974 - "Moscow, my love"
  • 1976 - "Tale about how king Perr Arap was married"
  • 1979 - "Crew"
  • 1982 - "Fairy Tale Wanders"
  • 1991 - "Lost in Siberia"
  • 2000 - "Border. Taiga novel "
  • 2002 - "Red Saturday"
  • 2004 - Swan Paradise
  • 2013 - "Shagal - Malevich"

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