Francois Hollande - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Former President of France 2021



Francois Hollanda is the former president of France, the second in its history leader who did not occupy the presidency of ministerial posts. According to the results of the first 100 days, Hollande was considered the most unpopular head of state, however, politician did not change this status and for the presidency all time. Francois was especially famous for a turbulent life, acute dislike for the ricers and support of representatives of sex minorities, the expansion of the rights of which was the key to the election campaign of Holyland.

Childhood and youth

Francois Holland was born on August 12, 1954 in Ruang, located in the Department of Primorskoye Seine. The family was considered wealthy: Father Georges Gustave Hollande worked as a LOR doctor, and Nicole Frederick's mother, Margarita Tribert, a nurse at a local factory. Francois is the younger son of the parents, he had a brother Philip's senior for 2 years. The first years of school life, the boy studied in a Catholic school, showed passionate football, being a forward in a children's team.

In 1968, the Falland family moved to the prestigious area of ​​Paris Nei-sur-Sene, where Francois entered the elite lyceum, in which he was remembered as a clever, able to clearly express his thoughts of the student having a good sense of humor. Even in the youth, the future head of the French Republic began to dream of fame on a political field, the first higher education received at the Institute of Political Research at the Faculty of Law and Business, and after graduated from a business school.

In 1976, Francois went to the service in the army, where the young man did not want to take due to myopia. But Hollande insisted on the call, as it believed that the army service would become indispensable for the political career.

Having served 2 years, the young man became a student of the most prestigious school at that time - the National School of Management, from the walls of which almost all successful politicians came out. After the end of the camp of staff, the biography of Francois Holland is closely related to the political world.

Back in student years, the future politician joined the socialist party, where he met the future prime minister of France Dominique de Vilpen and his civilian wife Segolen Royal.


Francois Holland's political career began in 1980, when, at the end of ENA, he got a job as an auditor in the Accounts Chamber. This position completely contradicted political ambitions and plans for the future president of the country, so Hollanda was trying to break through into the National Assembly and declared himself for the whole country.
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Then the politician lost the election, but the campaign allowed to take a step forward to the achievement of the goal and enter into political circles as an adviser and a trusted person, then the head of France Francois Mittera. Along with this, Hollande led political activities in the Currex Department, which was almost the second home for him.

In 1988, Francois Hollande once again decided to experience fate and a second time to break into parliament. This attempt was more successful to the first - the future French leader managed to get to the lower chamber of parliament, where he became the secretary of the Financial Committee and the Rapporteur for the country's defense budget.

In 1993, Oldland failed to preserve the political mandate and had to leave the political establishment by switching to legal activities. At the same time, Francois did not leave the ranks of the Socialist Party, which in 1997 returned a lawyer to the political arena, making his leader. This post Hollande occupied the next 10 years.

In 2008, the future president of France conveyed leadership in the socialist party Martin Obery, and he himself became the head of the corver, with whom the entire political career was connected. Politician completely devoted himself to work and developed such a small area to a significant level. In 2011, Hollande announced a desire to participate in the presidential race and in the 2012 elections won the chief opponent Nicolas Sarkozy.

To become President of France Francois, Hollanda was able to thanks to personal qualities and a well-thought-out election campaign, in which politician created a "his boyfriend" image for the people and, unlike the opponent, focused on mitigating financial policies and increasing social payments to the population.

The presidency of Francois Holland cannot be called outstanding for France, but several laws initiated by the policies were adopted by the government and played a key role in the fate of the French. The internal policy of the president was aimed at achieving social equality.

Holland offered to introduce 75% income tax for French millionaires earning more than € 1 billion per year. Analysts believe that this initiative and made Francois the most unpopular leader of the country, since the idea of ​​the president could lead to an outflow of capital from France. The Constitutional Court rejected the bill of Holland.

The achievements of Francois Holyland on top of power are practically absent, which is associated with its inexperience in administrative management. At the same time, Holland managed to achieve expansion of the rights of representatives of sex minorities in their native country, despite the fact that this law caused mass protests in France by the right opposition and the Catholic Church. On May 28, 2013, the legalization of same-sex marriages occurred in the country.

Foreign policy during the period of Holland's rule is even less remarkable. In 2013, France began intervention in Mali, and later to the Central African Republic. The operation was victorious, the control of the Government of Mali was restored over the region. For this, Francois Hollande intervention has received a large cross of the National Order of Mali.

Olland - a supporter of sanctions against Russia, in its activities on the Russian-Ukrainian issue, the French president shared the opinion of Germany. At official meetings in Moscow and Kiev, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande appeared together as representatives of the European position. The leaders of the two states advocated proposals to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

At the end of 2016, the next negotiations of four countries - Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany - turned into a scandal. Having finished discussion of problems in the Donbas, Merkel, Hollande and Putin continued to talk about Syria, asking the Ukrainian leader Peter Poroshenko to retire. The Ukrainian government considered herself offended.

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On December 1, 2016, Holland commented on the end of the presidency and further political plans. He stated that he was not going to run for the second term, and became the first president of the fifth republic, who did not want to reveal his candidacy. The motive of such a act was the rating of popularity policy, which by November 2016 fell to 4%. Francois Hollanda is the most unpopular president of France for the period of the fifth republic.

In the presidential election of 2017, Francois supported the candidate Emmanuel Macgron, who won and became the new elected President of France. Hollande handed the powers of Macron on May 14, 2017.

Personal life

Francois Holland's personal life is saturated with stormy events characterizing the French leader as a loving man, falling on women's charms. Francois has never taken into an official marriage, nevertheless has always been in relationships and until today shocks the Society with love connections.

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The first civilian wife of Holland was the Samo-Socialist Policy of Segolen Royal, with which he lived for almost 30 years. Four Children, Tom, Clemens, Julien and Flora, were born in Oldland and Royal Union.

The relationship of the President of France and his companions of life broke due to the enthusiasm of Holy Young Journalist Valerie Trierweiler, with which a politician after a gap with Segolen consisted in a civil marriage.

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But the novel from Valerie, who was the younger for 10 years, ended with the enchanting final - in 2014, Hollande again fell into the epicenter of the love scandal, during which the presidential relationship was emerged with a new mistress, the actress Juli Guy. However, over time, Francois stopped meeting her.

Later, Valerie wrote a book called "Thank you during this moment", in which he told about the years spent next to Francois, he had told about their feelings in the smallest detail, when he learned about the treason of her husband, and even attempting to suicide.

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According to an offended woman, the reforms, which are taught by Hollandes into bending of the presidency - no more than hypocrisy:

"He shaped the image of a person who does not like the rich. In fact, the president does not like the poor. In private conversations, he called the poor losers and at the same time was very proud for his sense of humor. "

Actual photos and videos on which the former French President is captured, published on official pages in "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Twitter". Francois is low for a man in 170 cm growth, and the photographers had one time to show wonders of ingenuity, taking off the president in the company of tall interlocutors.

Francois Hollander now

Francois Holland does not plan to fight for a political mandate in the near future, the ex-president said in an interview that he would like to write an autobiography and clarify the events, actions and phrases that voters understood incorrectly. In April 2018, 400-page memoirs of the former French president "Lessons of Power" were published. The work, according to media assessment, it turned out quite frankly, with some sharp, contained a number of unknown to the public of interesting facts.

The attention of professionals from politics attracted details of the Norman Four talks in Minsk in 2015. Private citizens learned about Barack Obama as a removed and cold man, who also does not like desserts. Vladimir Putin Hollande calls the "grateful hedonist", always staying in a good mood and knowing how to discharge the situation, whatever intense it is.

Now Francois Holland is still present in the international political arena. When President Donald Trump welcomed the Great Britain's decision to leave the European Union, he urged not to leave the attempted American leader to provoke split, because Europe does not need other people's advice.

Sanctions against Russia initially caused unfortunately in Holyland, since "This does not carry anything good for European countries." However, as you know, the rupture of the contract for the supply of helicopter monitor "Mistral" is just his decision. Then France compensated not only an advance for the construction of ships, but also the costs of training crews. According to the estimates of the French press, each resident of the country cost it in € 20, which also did not add to the president of popularity.

In 2019, the ex-head of France visited Kurdish autonomy in Iraq, met with the leader of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan Masud Barzani. Politicians discussed the results of the struggle for a prohibited terrorist organization ISIL. Together with Nicolas, Sarkozy Hollande participated in the rally against the persecution of the Jews. The wave of anti-Semitism arose against the background of protest movement, called "Yellow vests".

The reason for the excitement was the increase in gasoline tax, in the future the requirements of the manifestations spread to other social components. Francois Hollande supports protesters, but at the same time does not remove the blame for what is happening, considering that if the issues of his presidency were answered, conflicts could be avoided.

The former president is confident that the enlightenment of the younger generation is included in the list of liabilities. However, Francois does not intend to propaganda, but wants only to clarify the situation and share with young people. He plans to visit French schools and tell students about threats, which, in his opinion, proceed from both Russia and the United States.


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