Evgeny Yevtushenko - biography, personal life, photos, works, death and last news



The legendary writer Yevgeny Yevtushenko was born in Siberia in 1932, and from the very birth, his whole life was associated with change. Eugene's mother, Zinaida Ivanovna, replaced the surname of her husband on the maiden and recorded her son as Evtushenko. This is not surprising. The head of the family Alexander Rudolfovich was half a German, half a balt and wore the name of Gangnus. A little later, during the evacuation of the period of the Great Patriotic War, in order to avoid problems with the documents, the mother had to change the year in the birth certificate of Eugene for 1933.

Evgeny Yevtushenko in his youth

Evgeny Yevtushenko grew in a creative family: his father was a poet-amateur, and the mother actress, subsequently received the title of Honored Worker of the RSFSR culture. From the last years, parents have given him love for books: they read out loud, retells the busy facts from history, teaching the baby to reading. So, at six years old dad taught a little wife. For its development, the little Evtushenko chose at all of the non-children's authors, reading the works of Duma, Cervantes and Flaubert.

Evgeny Yevtushenko in youth

In 1944, Evgeniya's family moves to Moscow, and after some time the father leaves the family and goes to another woman. At the same time, Alexander Rudolfovich continues to engage in the literary development of the Son. Eugene was engaged in the poetic studio of the house of Pioneers, visiting the Poetry in Moscow State Evening with the Father. Evtushenko visited the creative evenings Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Tvardovsky, Boris Pasternak. And mother, being a soloist theater. Stanislavsky, often collected at home artists and poets. Mikhail Roshchin, Evgeny Vinokurov, Vladimir Sokolov and others came to visit a small wife.


In such a creative atmosphere, young Zhenya was developed without over the years and tried to imitate adults, also writing poems. In 1949, a poem of Eudoshenko was published in one of the rooms of the newspaper "Soviet Sport" for the first time.

In 1951, Eugene entered the Literary Institute named after Gorky and soon was expelled for the ingreed of lectures, but the true reason was walking in public statements, unacceptable for that time. By the way, Evtushenko received a diploma of higher education in 2001.

Evgeny Yevtushenko on stage

The lack of higher education did not prevent young talent to achieve success in creativity. In 1952, the first compilation of the "Scouts of the Future" is published, consisting of praising poems and pathoral slogans. And the start of a serious career of the poet was given poems "before meeting" and "car". In the same year, Evtushenko adopts the Writers of the USSR, and the twenty-year-old parenchy becomes the most young participant in the organization.

The young poet's true fame brings such works as the "third snow", "poems of different years" and "apple". In just a few years, Yevgeny Yevtushenko seeks such a recognition that his name is in poetic evenings. The young poet read their poems with such legends like Bulat Okudzhava, Robert Christmas and Bella Ahmadulin.

In addition to poems, from under his feather, the prose was published. The first work "The Fourth Meshchanskaya" was published in 1959 in the journal "Youth", later the second story "Chicken God" came out. Evtushenko released its first novel "Berry Places", and the next, "not dying before death", after eleven years.

At the beginning of the nineties, the writer moved to the United States, but also there did not stop creative activity: he read the courses of Russian poetry in local universities and even released several works. Evgeny Evtushenko publishes its collections so far. So, in 2012, "happiness and payback" and another year - "I do not know how to say goodbye."

During his creative life, more than one hundred thirty books were published, and his works are read in 70 languages ​​of the world.

Evgeny Yevtushenko on stage

Evgeny Alexandrovich not only received recognition among readers, but also deserved the countless number of awards. So, Evtushenko was the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature, the State Prize of the USSR and the "Teffi" premium. The poet was awarded the "Honor Sign" and the Medal "For Merit to Fatherland" - and this is only a small part of the awards. The name of the writer is called a small planet of the solar system, which is called 4234 EVTIUSHENKO. Evgeny Alexandrovich is an honorary professor of the Royal College in Queens, the University of Santo Domingo, the University of the New School in New York "Nonoris Causa" and at the University of Pittsburgh.


Poems poet inspire many musicians to create songs and musical impositions. For example, on the basis of the poem Evtushenko "Babij Yar" Composer Dmitry Shostakovich created the famous thirteenth symphony. This work has gained world recognition: "Babi Yar" knows for seventy two languages ​​of the world. Evgeny began to cooperate with composites in the sixties, working with such celebrities as Evgeny Krylatsky, Eduard Kolmanovsky and Yuri Saulsky.

Songs on poet poems became real hits. Probably there is no man in the post-Soviet space, which would not know the composition "And the snow goes", "when the bells call" and "Motherland". I managed to work as a poet and with musical groups: his poems went on the basis of the rock opera "execution of Stepan Razin" and "White Snow". The last work came out with the premiere in the Sports Complex "Olympic" in Moscow in 2007.


I managed to show myself Evtushenko and in the movies. The script for the film "I - Cuba", which came out in 1964, Evgeny Yevtushenko wrote in co-authorship with Enrique Pineda Barnet. In the painting of Sava Kulisha "take-off" the poet fulfilled the main role of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

Evgeny Yevtushenko as Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

The picture came out on the screens in 1979. And in 1983 the writer tried himself as a screenwriter and put the film "Kindergarten", where he played a small role. In 1990, he wrote a scenario and spoke director of the film "Stalin's Funeral".

Personal life

The poet and the writer was married four times. For the first time Yevgeny married in 1954 on the poetess Belle Ahmadulina. But the creative union did not last long, and in 1961, Yevtushenko led to the crown of Galina Sokol-Luconin. In this marriage, they had a son Peter.

Evgeny Yevtushenko with family

The third wife of the writer was his fan of Ireland Gen Butler, and, although the foreigner gave birth to Yevtushenko two sons, Anton and Alexander, their marriage was also collapsed.

The fourth choices was the doctor and philologist Maria Novikov. Evtushenko is in marriage for 26 years, raising two sons - Dmitry and Eugene.


On April 1, 2017, at the 85th year of the life of Evgeny Yevtushenko died. The legendary poet died in the US clinic, where he was hospitalized on March 31 in serious condition. The wife of the writer Maria Novikova reported that the doctors practically did not give the chances to Evgeny Alexandrovich for recovery, but fought for his life until the last minutes.

Evgeny Yevtushenko died in a dream from a heart stop surrounded by relatives and loved ones. He also managed to announce his last will - the death desire of the poet was pleased to bury him in the village of Peredelkino near Moscow near Boris Pasternak.


  • Scouts of the coming
  • Highway enthusiasts
  • Going white snow
  • I am a Siberian breed
  • Compromise Compromisovich
  • Almost finally
  • Favorite, sleep
  • I will break through the twenty-first century ...
  • Happiness and payback
  • I do not know how to say goodbye

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