Bulat Okudzhava - biography, photo, personal life, songs, poems, death



Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava, whose biography deserves tremendous attention, was the famous Soviet singer, composer, poet. The talented artist himself wrote songs to her verses, being one of the most famous representatives in the genre of the author's song. His creativity accommodated a whole era. The poet and the composer has long been alive for a long time, and the poems and songs of Bulat Okudzhava still sound in companies and from TV screens.

Bulat Okudzhava lived a complex, but interesting life. He was born on May 9, 1924 in Moscow in the family of Georgian Shalva Stepanovich Okudzhava and Armeniank Ashchen Stepanovna Nalbandian. His parents were communists by conviction: Father - a prominent party figure, mother also found a place in the party apparatus.

Singer, composer and poet Bulat Okudzhava

When Bulat turned two years, the family moved to Tbilisi, then to Nizhny Tagil. They always followed the Father, who rapidly made the party career. Shalva Stepanovich occupied important posts while a quarrel with Beria and false denunciations turned his life. Okudzhava-senior arrested, sent to the camp and shot there. The year of Bulat with mom and grandmother lived in Moscow, in a communal on Arbat. In 1938, the mother of Bulat exiled to the camp in Karaganda as a wife of a traitor to the Motherland, and the return of Ashkhen from there was only in 1947.

After his mother's arrest, Bulat lived in the family of relatives in Tbilisi. The boy studied at school, then entered the Tokarem to the plant. In 1942, the young man was signed by a volunteer at the front, participated in many brutal battles. In 1943 he was wounded by Mozdok. During this period, Okudzhava wrote his first song "We did not sleep in cold warm buckles."

Bulat Okudzhava in childhood

When the war ended, Bulat Shalvovich entered the Tbilisi State University to the Pedagogical Faculty. He graduated from the university in 1950 and began working as a teacher in a rural school. By distribution for two and a half years, the future bard came to the village of Kaluga region Shamordino. At this time, Okudzhava constantly wrote poems, many of which then became songs.

Literature and music

The start of his literary career dates back to 1954. Bulat Okudzhava was at the meeting of the writers N. Panchenko and V. Koblikova with readers, and after the end of the event she gained courage and offered them their poems. Poems liked - Soon the Kaluga newspaper "Young Leninet" began to print.

Bulat Okudzhava in youth

In 1956, in Kaluga, a collection of poetry "Lyrics" came out. Poems Bulat Okudzhava liked. In 1961, the Almanac "Tarusk Pages" printed the story of the writer "Be healthy, Scholyar". In 1987, the autobiographical work was published by a separate circulation. In just four decades, about 15 poetic collections were published, among which the "islands", the "cheerful drummer", "March generous", "Arbat, my Arbat".

In 1969-1983, Okudzhava published the story of the "sip of freedom", "Date with Bonaparte", "Travel of amateurs" and others. His novel "Photographer Zhora", published in the West, the author was always considered weak, so he did not publish in Russia.

Okudzhava Bulat on stage

Did not leave the Bulat Okudzhava and works for children and young people, the most famous of which became the fairy tale "Adorable Adventures". Children's story The writer created, describing his weekdays in Yalta with a fabulous tongue in letters to a small son. There is in the bibliographies of Bulat Chalvovich and one play, which he wrote in 1966, "the sip of freedom."

Bulat Okudzhava was engaged in translations from Arab, Swedish, Finnish languages, translated basically poems. Until 1961, the author worked as the editor of the "Young Guard" publishing house and became the department of poetry in the "literary newspaper". Then he quit and no longer worked for hiring - she was engaged in creativity.

Bulat Okudzhava

The poet songwriter Bulat Okudzhava became in 1958. By that time, the writer had already returned to Moscow - his parents were rehabilitated.

Skudzhava concerts took place with the manshlag: the poster in the capital was not, but the "Sarafannaya Radio" worked out. At the beginning of the 60s, Okudzhava Bulat was one of the most popular Soviet bards. His songs "On Tver Boulevard", "Sentimental March" and others remembered and loved by listeners. Gave tribute to the musician and his historical homeland - Georgia, creating a "grape bone" musical composition.

Composer and poet Bulat Okudzhava

The first official concert of Okudzhava took place in Kharkov in 1961. After that, the poet and the singer began touring the cities of the USSR. The performer became a bright representative of the Russian author's song - it was his main creative direction.

Creativity Bulat Chalvovich influenced the development of a bard flow, which also included Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Galich, Yuri Vizbor. Two songs of Okudzhava - "We take hands, friends ..." and "Prayer Francois Viyon" ("So far, the Earth is still spinning ...") - received the status of anthells of the author's songs. The festivals named after Bulat Okudzhava in Moscow, Perm, on Baikal, in Israel, operates and show the authors of the performers and friends of Sozov ... ".

Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava

In 1962, he wrote the first song for the movie - it was a composition for the "Chain Reaction" picture. Unfortunately, the film did not use success. But the next song for cinema instantly became superhit: "We need a victory," performed in the film "Belorussky Station", sounded on the radio and with tape recorders.

Bulat Okudzhava wrote songs to the paintings "Straw Hat", "Star of captivating happiness", "key without the right to transfer", "Pokrovsky Gate". The song "Your Honor, Mrs. Luck" to the cult film "The White Sun of the Desert" also wrote Okudzhava. In total, the Bard's song sounded almost 80 Soviet films.

In 1967, Okudzhava was in France, where he recorded 20 of his compositions - they became the basis for the record, which came out in Paris in a year. In 1974, Okudzhava recorded the first long-playing plastic in the USSR, but she came out in two years. In 1978, another disk was recorded, and in the mid-1980 there were two plates of songs about the war, which entered the already famous music compositions "Goodbye boys", "Tin Sinel, went home", "Song about infantry" and others.

The songs of Bulat Okudzhava are still not forgotten, they are performed by many pop artists - Vakhtang Kikabidze, Jeanne Bichevskaya, Marina Devyatova, Oleg Pogudin, Boris Grebenshchikov.

Bulat Okudzhava gave his last concert on June 23, 1995 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

Speaking about the biography of Bulat Okudzhava, it should also be noted its participation in cinema. The role of the artist was only episodic, he appeared in the role of Kameo, and sometimes it was not indicated at all in the credits. These are the films "Chain Reaction", "Key Without the Right of Transmission", "Zastema Ilyich", "Keep me, my talisman." The larger role went to Okudzhava in the eight-grader feature film "Strevy", where Bulat played an officer.

Bulat Okudzhava and Peter Todorovsky

I tried myself Okudzhava and as a filmcearist. With his participation, a scenario was created for the film "Loyalty", the director and the second screenwriter of which Peter Todorovsky became. The film told the story of a young soldier, a former ten-grader Yura Nikitina (Vladimir Chetverikov), who met his love - the girl Zoya (Galina Polish), when he was already a student of the infantry school. But a few days after the meeting, the young man is sent to the front, where he dies.

The film received the main prize of the II of the All-Union Film Festival, as well as the Prize of the Venetian Festival in the nomination "For the Best Debut". In the mid-60s, Okudzhava also participated in the creation of scenarios for the picture "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha" and a not set film about Alexander Pushkin.

Personal life

From the early years, Okudzhava was distinguished by big in love. Even at school, Bulat showed romantic feelings for classmates. Every time, due to the next move from the city to the city, Platonic relations collapsed.

Bulat Okudzhava

When, after the war, the Bulat Okudzhava returned to Moscow for a while, he met Valentina's girlfriend, who, like he, lived on Arbat. The lady of the heart studied in the studio. K. S. Stanislavsky and did not show interests towards a low black-eyed guy. Later, the girl was not less famous for the entire Soviet Union person - Valentina Leontyev was called the legend of Soviet television.

Okudzhava was able to coolant. A long-minded longing was affected by a young man was deprived due to the repression of parents, and then participation in the war.

Bulat Okudzhava and Olga Artzimovich

His first spouse - Galina Smolyaninova, studied with a makeup in one university. Students married in the second year. In this marriage, the spouses were born two children. But the daughter died at an early age, and the son of Igor, being an adult, addicted to drugs, went to jail. In 1964, the family broke up. Exactly one year later, on the day of the divorce, Galina died from a heartbroken: she was 39 years old.

Olga Artzimovich became the second wife, the physicist on education. The son was born the son of Anton, who went in the footsteps of his father and became a musician and composer. Relations in this marriage were happy, although little photographs and other evidence were preserved.

Bulat Okudzhava and Olga Artzimovich and Son

From the mid-80s, the personal life of Bulat Okudzhava was associated with another woman, singer Natalia Gorlenko. They lived in a civil marriage for several years, but Bard did not dare to parting with Olga. In the last days and the clock of the poet's life, it was Arzimovich was near the makeup.


The last years of Okudzhava spent in Paris. After the tragic death of the eldest son Igor's health, Maestro sink - Okudzhava always felt guilty for the fate of the firstborn. The poet was hospitalized to the hospital with the flu, which gave complication on the kidneys. Forecasts of doctors were not encouraged. Okudzhava always considered himself a believer and a few hours before death accepted baptism. Bulat Chalvovich was noticed in honor of John the Warrior.

Grave Bulat Okudzhava

Bard died on June 12, 1997 aged 73 years from renal failure in a military hospital in the suburbs of Paris. Buried Bulat Okudzhavi at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1956 - "Lyrics"
  • 1959 - "Islands"
  • 1966 - "Sungage of Freedom"
  • 1967 - "Front comes to us"
  • 1967 - "March generous"
  • 1971 - "Advice Adventures"
  • 1976 - "Arbat, my Arbat"
  • 1985 - "Date with Bonaparte"
  • 1987 - "Be healthy, Scholyar!"
  • 1991 - "Adventures of the Secret Baptist"
  • 1993 - "The Grace of Fate"


  • 1958 - "Goodbye, boys"
  • 1966 - "Song of the infantry"
  • 1967 - "Grape bone"
  • 1967 - Union of Friends "
  • 1967 - "Your Honor, Mrs. Luck! ..."
  • 1971 - "We need one victory"
  • 1974 - "Marily"
  • 1975 - Kavalerrad "Song
  • 1975 - "Song about the field of miracles"
  • 1975 - "Wish to friends"
  • 1982 - "He is not sewn, your outfit ..."

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