Astrid Lindgren - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books



The writer, who gave the children a surprisingly charming character of Carlson and the pretty Sadness of Peppi Long-roll, became native to all children of the world. It is difficult to find a family where they did not read good and exciting books Astrid Lindgren. Swedish writer, like no other, solved the children's soul and found a path to it. Similar words, she outlined the main problems and fears of small people, reminding adults that they once knew, but forgot.

Childhood and youth

Astrid Anna Emilia Eriksson, so he sounds the full name of the writer before marriage, was born in November 1907 in Sweden, on the farm carried. In the farm estate, the children's years of the future writer took place. Proximity to nature, the dimensional age of "Horses and the cabriolet" contributed to the spiritual openness and development of the creative start of young Swede.

Astrid Lindgren

In the house of Ericssons reigned love and consent. The parents of Astrid met on the market when Mom had 7, and the father is 13 years old. Children's friendship turned into sympathy, and later - in love. Samuel August and Hannah had four children's children: the firstborn - the son of Gunnar - and three daughters, the older of which was Astrid Anna Emilia.

Astrid Lindgren in childhood

Children surrounded the peasant life and pristine nature. The guys helped parents on the housework, and in their spare time they were worn around the farm in search of adventures. In the family, according to Astrid Lindgren, a surprisingly good atmosphere reigned: adults did not hesitate to show warm feelings to each other and children that in peasant families were rare.

Astrid Lindgren in childhood

Little Astrid Lindgren adored to listen to folklore - legends and legends who were often told to children on the farm. Not learned still to read Astrid for the first time heard a "book" fairy tale in the house at the girlfriend. Her children read Mom's kitchen. The impressionable girl was heard, plunged into the magic world and returned to reality for a long time. Soon Lindgren learned a diploma, and reading was her favorite occupation forever. Already in the elementary classes, the future writer demonstrated literary abilities, for which it was a joke called Selma Lagerlef (the first Nobel laureate in literature).

Astrid Lindgren in Youth

After graduating from high school, a 16-year-old girl got a junior reporter to the local periodical edition. Two years later, Lindgren's pregnant from a married man left the Vimmertle and went to the capital, wanting to get lost in a millionth city, where no one knows her. In Stockholm, Astrid Lindgren received a specialty secretary and before the birth of a child worked at the Royal Autoclub.


5 years later Astrid Lindgren, now the married lady, has become a housewife. In 1941, the family, in which he now grown up two kids, settled in Stockholm apartment, from the windows of which the picturesque Wasa Park is visible. Here the woman wrote all his works. At first Astrid Lindgren rejected the pen, working as secretary. Then she was fond of writing small tales and short guidebooks for family and children's magazines.

Astrid Lindgren in youth

According to the story, the first character of the children's adventure story was born thanks to a little karin. Sick inflammation of the light daughter, accustomed to mother's fairy tales at night, asked Astrid to tell the story about Peppi Longs. The name of the character girl invented. Lindgren performed the desire of the baby and composed a fairy tale. She liked her daughter so much that Mom stretched out the continuation of dozens of other evenings.

At this time, the thoughts of Astrid Lindgren occupied hot discussions about the upbringing of the younger generation. One part of society ratified for respect for the identity of the child and the necessary freedom of action, the second is for the classic, puritan education and restriction of freedom. Astrid was on the side of "Liberals" from pedagogy, which dictated the character of her pepi.

Astrid Lindgren and Peppi Longs

Each next novel about freedom-loving red-haired madness in multicolored stockings required continued. For five years, short stories "grown" in the story. When Daughters Astrid Lindgren turned 10, Mom made her a gift for the anniversary: ​​she illustrated a manuscript of several stories about Peppi and turned into a book.

The handwritten duplicate with the adventures of the Red Sorvigolov Lindgren attributed to a large Swedish publishing house Bonnierkoncernen. But the publisher was in no hurry to print a book leaving for the usual framework. Thinking, Boneroncerene returned Astrid's manuscript. The writer was naught, but did not lower the hands: she saw what the impression of the daughter was made by the stories about Peppy, and knew exactly what would continue to write for children.

Tales Astrid Lindgren

In 1944, the Swedish writer heard about the competition, held just that appeared by the publishing house "Rabn and Shegran". Before the authors set the task Write a book for girls. Three best essays publishers promised to print. Astrid Lindgren presented the story to the court "Britt-Marie pours the soul" and ranked second. So its creative biography began.

Next year, "Rabn and Shegran" invited Astrid to work. Lindgren gladly took the chair of the editor of children's literature and worked in this position until 1970, leaving him to achieve retirement age.

Books Astrid Lindgren

In the same happy for the writer in 1945, "Rabn and Shegran" published the first book about Peppi - "Peppi settled on the villa" Chicken ". The story was so liked by the young Swedam that it was revealed by MiG. Soon the essay was translated into dozens of languages ​​and was separated by the world by millions of chairs. In 1946 and 1948, the children's audience waited for the continuation of the story.

In 1946, Astrid Lindgren presented young readers a story about the adventures of the detective Calle Blumvista. In 1951, the children read the second part of Calle's more than more than 2 years later, the final part of the trilogy was published, called Calle Blumyvysist and Rasmus. Having invented the good detective, Lindgren suggested an alternative to the thrillerars, to which the young generation reached.

In the mid-1950s, Astrid Lindgren gave readers the first part of the Mio, My Mio's trilogy. " This is a fabulous and sad story about the boy who remained without parental heat. There were a lot of orphaned children after the war, and the maternal heart of Astrid their fate was worried. With his essay, she gave such children hope and consolation, helped to cope with difficulties and instill faith in a happy tomorrow.

A year later, in 1955, the first book of the trilogy appeared about "in the measure of the attic Karlson's attic tenant and a sad baby, a boy from a regular family, to whom busy parents do not reach hands. Entertain and comfort the kid flies the infantile lover of sweet with a propeller on his back.

Illustration to the fairy tale Astrid Lindgren

The book had a deafening success, commensurate with the adventures of Peppi. In 1962, the second part of the trilogy was published, and after 6 years - the third. The translation of the fabulous story about the baby and Karlsone for Russian readers did Lilianna Lungin. The first part appeared 2 years after the publication in Sweden, the Third - in 1974.

From 1963 to 1986, Astrid Lindgren composed for children cycle of 6 books about the little Torch, the stubborn and resourceful Emile Svnesson. The 6-year-old ledger regularly falls into alterations, but it is incredibly rapidly and often tells the father of unexpected solutions in the farm and business.

Portrait of Astrid Lindgren

Another bright and beloved millions of children Overactions Lindgren - fantasy fairy tale "Roni, daughter of the robber" - appeared in the early 1980s. This is an instructive and kind story of children's wisdom that adults should learn. Roni is the daughter of Ataman Mattis, the wrestling and competing with the robber, whom the son of Birk is growing. Siblings of sworn enemies penetrate sympathy and become friends. And when the warring parents prohibit them to be friends, run away from them into the forest.

The works of the Swedish fairy tale tens of times were apparel and put on theatrical stage of Europe, America and Asia. For the first time on the screens there was a story about Blumkivist: the premiere of the picture took place in 1947 for Christmas holidays. Two years later, small television viewers saw the adventure selection of Peppi.

In the Soviet Union, the creativity of Astrid Lindgren was widely known and loved. In 1976, the USSR children saw on the screens the film "The Adventures of Calle-Detective", in 1978 - a picture of "Rasmus-Tragging", after 6 years - "Peppi Longs" and "Torching". Cartoons about Carlson came out in 1968 and 1970.

Astrid Lindgren during his lifetime showered all sorts of awards. In 1958 she was presented with Medal Hans Christian Andersen, which equates to the Nobel Prize in children's literature.

Personal life

The first love Astrid Lindgren turned out to be unhappy. Her beloved - the editor of the Vimmerby magazine Axel Bloomberg - was married. A 18-year-old journalist got pregnant from the older man for 30 years when he divorced. And if on the trial they learned that Bloomberg changed the spouse of Olivia, his bank account would be empty. Therefore, pregnant Astrid left the city.

Young Astrid Lindgren with Son

In Denmark, they allowed to leave the name of the biological father in secret, so a young woman gave birth to Lars boy in Copenhagen. Up to 5 years, Lars was brought up in the family of foster Parents of Stevenson.

Astrid Lindgren with her husband

In Stockholm, Astrid got acquainted with Niels Sture Lindgren. After the wedding in 1931, Lindgren took the son, and after 3 years she gave birth to a daughter of Karin. Niels adopted Lars and gave him his surname. Spouses lived in a happy marriage of 21 years.


In 1952, the husband of the writer died. In 1961, Mom did not become, and after 8 years and the Father. Tragic turned out to be for Astrid 1974: the brother and friends of childhood were left forever. And the real mountain fell on a woman in 1986, when her son died.

Monument to Astrid Lindgren

Lindgren often reflected on the sacrament of care to another world, but, unlike Lutheran's parents who believed in eternal life, Astrid was a supporter of agnosticism. Astrid Lindgren died in January 2002 at the point of age - in 94 years.


  • In the year of the death of Astrid Lindgren, the Swedish government established a premium of memory of the famous writer in the amount of 5 million kroons, which every year award the best children's writer. In 2016, she was handed over to British Meg Rosoff.
  • In the spring of 2015, the Swedish bank released a new series of bills with advantage of 20 crowns, which depicts Astrid Lindgren.
Banknote with the image of Astrid Lindgren
  • The Swedes tremblely protect the apartment in Stockholm, where the famous writer died 60 years old. Museum housing was in the winter of 2015, when Sweden celebrated the 108th birthday of Astrid Lindgren.
  • The apartment-museum stores a souvenir dish, which in 1997 presented Astrid Boris Yeltsin.


  • 1945 - "Peppi settle in the villa" Chicken "
  • 1946 - "Peppie goes down"
  • 1948 - "Peppie in the country of Cheering"
  • 1946 - "Famous Detective Calle Bloomvist"
  • 1951 - "The Famous Detective Calle Blumyvist risks"
  • 1953 - Calle Blumyvist and Rasmus
  • 1947 - "We are all from the Bullerby"
  • 1949 - "Again about children from the bullure"
  • 1955 - "Kid and Carlson who lives on the roof"
  • 1962 - "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again"
  • 1968 - "Carlson who lives on the roof, refuses again"
  • 1963 - "Emil from Lenneberg"
  • 1966 - "New Emille Tracks from Lenneberg"
  • 1954 - "Mio, My Mio"
  • 1981 - "Roni, Rogue Daughter"

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