Gregory Pek - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Gregory Pek is the legend of American cinema, the Hollywood actor who took the 12th place in the ranking of the 100 greatest filmarters of all time according to the Institute of Cinema of America, the Oscar Prize laureate (1962).

Actor Gregory Pek

The future actor was born on April 5, 1916 in the California town of La Hoya not far from San Diego in the family of a pharmacy worker. At birth, the boy received the name of Eldred Gregory Pek. The ancestors of the Pie Parents were the Scots, the British and Irish. Father adhered to Catholic faith. In 1919, the mother left the family, and the grandmother was engaged in the boy's upbringing of Kate Aers.

Gregory Pek in childhood

Gregory since childhood showed interest in knowledge, helped his father, performing various orders. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Saint John Military Academy, then moved to Los Angeles, where he became a university student at Berkeley California. Gregory studied the world literature at the university, and first came to theatrical layouts. Since the peck was injured during his studies, the young man did not take into the army, and he escaped participation in World War II.

Gregory Pek in Youth

In 1939, Pek graduated from the University with a bachelor's degree and decided to radically change his life. The young man went to New York to study acting. Since the Father had no sufficient money for the son's content, Gregory had to work a lot. The pitch mastered the profession of a ticket, a guide, a mannequin, janitor, dishwasher, waiter.

Gregory Pek in old age

The young man regularly passed castings and listening to Broadway theater teams. Once Gregory was noticed by the Neighborhood Playhouse Theater managers and offered a student scholarship in the acting school. Already in 1942, the young artist played a "Morning Star" on the debut play, where film producers paid attention to him.


The creative biography of Gregory Peks in the cinema began with the execution of the lead role in the 1944 military drama "Days of Glory." According to the director of Jacques Turner, a young American as no other suitable for the role of Russian partisan Vladimir Dietykyko. Emigrant Ballerina Tamara Tumanova became partner Gregory in the scenic platform. In 1945, the film received a nomination for Oscar for the best special effects, but later came to the regiment due to accusations in Soviet propaganda.

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The scandalivity of the film was aroused in an interest in the novice artist, an interview with Gregory Pesch began to appear in the press, his photo - to fall into the collection of fans. After the first picture, the American handsome stands practically did not offer passing roles: for the entire film, the actor participated from the force in five episodes, the rest of the time getting solely the main roles. Having mastered the role of a positive hero in the first film, the pitch skillfully used him in other filmms, skillfully adding individual traits to each character.

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Overcoming in 1945 in the drama "Keys of the Kingdom" in the priest Francis Chesesholm, Gregory Pek received the first nomination for Oscar. In the late 40s, the name of Gregory Pek fell into the top ten of Hollywood Stars of class "A" along with Paul Newman, Clark Gablom, Cary Grant, Monti Clift. The artist almost annually received the nomination for Oscar.

Gregory Pek and Clark Gable

For the children's film "Olennok" and a military drama about the feat of the pilots "Vertical Takeoff" Pek was awarded the statuette of the "Golden Globe" in 1947 and 1950, respectively. The paintings of Alfred Hichkoka with the participation of Gregory Peka - "Wanted" and "Paradain's case" were used.

A favorite genre for Gregory Pek was Western. For the first time in the adventure film about the conquest of the Wild West, entitled "Duel under the Sun", the artist played in 1946, in two years the actor appeared in the film "Yellow Sky". In the subsequent decade, the Pek performed the main characters in the Westerns "Arrows" and "Bravados".

Gregory Pek and Audrey Hepburn

Gregory's popular peak fell 1953 after filming in the romantic comedy "Roman holidays", where the pec appeared in a pair with Audrey Hepburn. The story of the adventures of Princess Anna and the American journalist Joe Bradley on the streets of the Italian capital collected $ 12 million for the time of the Italian capital, and Gregory Pek awarded the BAFTA award in the nomination "Best Foreign Actor".

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In the 50s, the films "Night people", "Lilovaya Plain", "Mobi Dick", "Man in the gray flannel suit", "creating a woman", "Big Country", "Creating a Woman", "Big Country", "on the shore " The actor reincarnated in brave sailors, military, aristocrats, writers, antique heroes and reporters. In 1960, Gregory was awarded a registered sign on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory."

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In early 60s, Gregory Pek's filmography was replenished with a criminal drama "kill the casting", telling about the help of an African American lawyer in the case of a false accusation of rape. The film got a great resonance in society and many awards. Gregory Pek, the executor of the role of lawyer Attikus Finch, was awarded the Oscar premiums, "Golden Globe", "David Di Donatello". Roller profits amounted to $ 13 million.

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In these years, Gregory Pek starred also in the criminal thriller "Cape Fear" in the company Robert Mitchema, in the military comedy "Captain Newman, doctor of medicine" along with Tony Kertis, in the spyware melodrama "Arabesque" in a pair with Sophie Loren, in Western "Gold Macken "in a team with Telly Savalas, Omar Sharif and Ted Cassidy. In 1965, Gregory Pek became part of the National Council of Arts, and from 1967 to 1970, the artist served as President of the American Film Academy. In 1969, Gregory Pek was awarded the presidential order of freedom.

Gregory Pek and Sophie Lauren

In the past three decades, the actor lit in Horror "Ozen", the historical film "Red and Black", in the film "Boy from Brazil", in the remake of the film "Cape of Fear", shot this time by Martin Scorsese. Since the 80s, Gregory Pek has created a conversation program "Conversation with Gregory Pes", with which most major cities of America visited.

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At the show, the audience could live live with the legend of Hollywood and hear the history of his life from the first mouth. His work in the television film "Mobi Dick", the remake of the film of the same name, in which the actor once played the main character - Captain Ahaba once played.

Personal life

Gregory Pek was married twice. The first wife of the actor became the Finnish citizen Greta Kukkonen, from which Gregory was combined with a marriage in 1942. Three sons were born in the family - Jonathan (1944), Stephen (1946) and Carey Paul (1949). In 1953, changes in the personal life of Gregory aged occurred. The artist met an interview with the French journalist Veronik Mazani, which after the second date did not part until the end of his life.

Gregory Pek and Veronika Passan

In 1955, a divorce with Greta followed, the day after which Gregory married Veronik. The actor managed to preserve friendly relations with the first wife and sons. In the second marriage, Gregory was born two more children - the son of Anthony and the daughter of Cecilia, who devoted himself to the acting career.


At the end of the life of Gregory Pek suffered from heart failure. In the spring of 2003, the artist began pneumonia, which was the cause of the heart stop, which caused death on June 12, 2003.

The funeral took place in Los Angeles, where Gregory Pek lived. The grave of the actor is located in the mausoleum of the Catholic Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tsaritsa Angels.


  • 1944 - "Days of Glory"
  • 1945 - "Kingdom Keys"
  • 1949 - "Vertical takeoff"
  • 1953 - "Roman Vacation"
  • 1957 - "Creating a Woman"
  • 1962 - "Kill the crossbar"
  • 1966 - "Arabesque"
  • 1969 - "McKenna Gold"
  • 1976 - "OMEN"
  • 1989 - "Old Gringo"
  • 1991 - "Cape of Fear"
  • 1998 - "Moby Dick"

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