Kim Il Saint - biography, photo, personal life, mausoleum, North Korea



Kim Il Saint is the founder of the North Korean state, the Eternal President of the DPRK, Generalissimus. Under life and after death, he is the owner of the title "The Great Leader of Comrade Kim Il Saint". Now North Korea is managed by the grandson of the first president of the country Kim Jong Yun, although in fact the leader remains Kim Il Sen (in 1994 it was decided to leave the post behind the leader of Korea forever).

Portrait of Kim Il Sen

The cult of the personality is restored around Kim Il Seine and the subsequent leaders of Korea, similar to the cult of Joseph Stalin in the USSR. The cult of personality made Kim Il Sen Hedgehog in North Korea, and the country itself is one of the most closed in the world.

Childhood and youth

Biography Kim Il Sena consists of a variety of legends and myths. It is difficult to allocate which events at the beginning of the life of the future of the Great Leader of the Korean people really took place. It is known that Kim Son Zhu was born on April 15, 1912 in the village of Namnie Copkheon Cocker County Tedon (now Mangrowe) near Pyongyang. Father Kim Son Zhu - rural teacher Kim Hyun Zhik. Mom Kan Ban Juice, according to some reports, is the daughter of the Protestant priest. The family lived poorly. Some sources claim that Kim Hyun Zhik and Kan Ban Juice consisted in the movement of the resistance of Korea occupied by Japan.

Kim Il Saint in his youth

In 1920, the family Kim Son Zhu moved to China. The boy went to the Chinese school. In 1926, Father, Kim Hyun Zhik, died. Going to the senior class, Kim Son Zhu joined the underground Marxist circle. After the disclosure of the organization in 1929 he fell for bars. In prison, I spent half a year. Coming out of prison, Kim Son Zhu became a member of the Antiappon resistance in China. 20-year-old in 1932 he headed the partisan Antiappon squad. Then he took the alias Kim Il Saint (ascending Sun).

Politics and Military Career

Military career quickly walked to the mountain. In 1934, Kim Il Saint commanded the platoon of the partisan army. In 1936, he became the commander of the partisan formation, named "Division Kim Il Sena". On June 4, 1937, he led the attack on the Korean city of Horce. During the attack, the gendarm post and some administrative points of the Japanese were destroyed. A successful attack described Kim Il Sena as a successful commander.

Kim Il Saint in youth

In the period 1940-1945, the future North Korean leader commanded the 2nd Direction of the 1st Joint People's Army. In 1940, Japanese troops managed to suppress the activities of most partisan detachments in Manchuria. The Comintern (an organization that unites the communist parties of different countries) proposed to move the Korean and Chinese partisan detachments in the USSR. The partisans Kim Il Sena were based under Ussuri. In the spring of 1941, Kim Il Saint with a small detachment crossed the Chinese border and made a number of Antiappon operations.

Kim Il Saint in the Army

In the summer of 1942, Kim Il Saint was adopted in the RKKKA (Workers' and Peasant Red Army) under the name "Comrade Jing Libe Cheng" and was appointed commander of the 1st Rifle Battalion 88 separate Rifle Brigade. The brigade consisted of Korean and Chinese fighters. The 1st battalion consisted mainly of Korean partisans. Kim Il Saint, together with the commander of the 88th Brigade, Zhou Baochny met with the commander of the Soviet troops in the Far East Joseph Panassenko.

Speech by Kim Il Sen

As a result of the meeting, a decision was made to create the unified international troops. The union was strictly classified, the base of Kim Il Sene under Ussuriovsky was transferred to Khabarovsk, in Vyatskaya village. In a military dormitory, the village lived many future colleagues Kim Il Sena in the party. The 88th Brigade was preparing for sabotage partisan activities in Japan. After the surrender of Japan, the brigade was disbanded. Kim Il Saint, along with other Korean commander, was sent to help Soviet commandants in Korean and Chinese cities. The future Korean leader was appointed by the Assistant Commedan Pyongyang.

North Korean leader Kim Il Saint

On October 14, 1945, Kim Il Saint said a congratulatory speech in honor of the Red Army at a rally at Pyongyang Stadium. Captain RKKKA Kim Il Sayna Commander of the 25th Army, Colonel-General Ivan Mikhailovich Chistyakov presented as a "national hero." The people learned the name of the new hero. Began the rapid way to Kim Il Song to power. In December 1946, Kim Il Sen became Chairman of the Organizing Bureau of the Communist Party of North Korea. A year later he headed the Temporary People's Committee. In 1948, Kim Il Sen was elected Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the DPRK.

Kim Il Saint

By the decision of the Potsdam Conference in 1945, Korea was divided into two parts of 38 parallels. The northern part was influenced by the USSR, and South - occupied by American troops. In 1948, the Song of South Korea was the son of Man. North and South Korea performed complaints that their political system is the only right. On the Korean Peninsula, war was brewing. The final decision to start hostilities, on the assumptions of historians, was made during the visit of Kim Il Sena to Moscow in 1950.

Kim Il Saint and Joseph Stalin

The war between North and South Korea began on June 25, 1950 by a sudden attack of Pyongyang. Kim Il Saint took the post of commander in chief. The war lasted with the alternate success of the opposing parties until July 27, 1953, when a cease-fire agreement was signed. Pyongyang remained under the influence of the USSR, and Seoul - USA. The peace treaty between North and South Korea is not signed to this day. The war in the Korean Peninsula became the first military conflict of the Cold War. According to her models, all local conflicts with the backrest presence of world superpowers were built.

Kim Il Saint and Kim Jong Il

After 1953, the economy of the DPRK, supported by Moscow and Beijing, began a rapid rise. From the beginning of the Soviet-Chinese conflict, Kim Il Sayna had to show diplomatic qualities, having learned to lavish between China and the USSR. The leader tried to preserve the neutrality policy with the conflicting parties, leaving the economic assistance of the DPRK at the same level. The industry dominates the Tzanskaya system, which implies the absence of gerctic and material addiction.

Leonid Brezhnev and Kim Il Saint

Planning the farm country is conducted from the center. Private household out of law and destroyed. The work of the country is subordinate to the needs of the military-industrial complex. The number of the Korean People's Army reached 1 million people. By the beginning of the 70s, the DPRK economy entered the period of stagnation, the standard of living of citizens worsened. To maintain stability in the country, the authorities emphasized the strengthening of ideological processing of the population and total control.

Patriotic poster with Kim I Sray

In 1972, the post of prime minister was eliminated. For Kim Il Sena, the post of President of the DPRK was established. The cult of personality Kim Il Sena began development in 1946, when the photographs of the leader were postponed next to Carl Marx portraits, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin in places where rallies and meetings were held.

Monument Kim Il Sayna

The first monument to the North Korean leader was given in life, in 1949. The worship of the worship "Great Leader Kim Il Sayne" reached in the 60s and continues until now. The leader of the DPRK during his lifetime received the title "Iron all-facing commander", "Marshal of the Mighty Republic", "The Pledge of Liberation of Mankind", etc. Korean social commodities have created a new science "Studying Revolutionary Chiefs", which studies the role of the leader in world history.

Personal life

In 1935, in Manchuria, the future Great Leader met with the daughter of the poor peasant from North Korea Kim Chen Suk. From April 25, 1937, Kim Jong Suc served in the part of the Korean People's Army under the leadership of Kim Il Sen. The wedding of the Korean Communists took place in 1940. In the village of Vyatka under Khabarovsk, the son was born - Kim Jong Il. According to some data, the boy at the beginning of the life was called Yuri.

Kim Il Saint with the first wife and son

Kim Chen Suk died at birth on September 22, 1949 at the age of 31. Kim Il Saint forever retained the memory of Kim Chen Suk. In 1972, the Woman was posthumously awarded the title Hero of Korea.

The second wife of the Korean leader in 1952 was the secretary of Kim Son E. Children Kim Il Sayna: Sons Kim Jong Il, Kim Piong Il, Kim Man Ir and Kim Yong Ile, daughter Kim Hung Hee and Kim Kaiong-Jean.


On July 8, 1994, Kim Il Sen died from a heart attack at the age of 82. From the mid-80s, the leader of North Korea suffered from a tumor. In the photo of that period, bone markets on the neck of the leader are clearly visible. Mourning on the leader lasted in North Korea for three years. The power after the end of Merchant moved to the eldest son Kim Il Sena - Kim Jong Iru.

Funeral Kim Il Sen

After the death of Kim Il Seine, the leader's body was placed in a transparent sarcophagus and is located in the Khõmusan Memorial Palace of the Sun. Mausoleum Kim Il Sen and the second president of Korea Kim Chen Ira constitutes a single complex with the memorial cemetery of revolutionaries. The body of Mother Kim Il Sen and his first wife is resting at the cemetery. Memorial attend thousands of Korea citizens and other countries. In the halls of Kamsusan, visitors see the things of the leader, his car and a luxurious car in which Kim Il Saint traveled.


Kim Il Siena's memory is immortalized in North Korea by the names of the streets, university and the central square in Pyongyang. Every year Koreans celebrate the day of the Sun, dedicated to the birthday of Kim Il Sen. Order Kim Il Sena is the main award in the country. In 1978, cash bills depicted with the image of Kim Il Siena. The release lasted until 2002.

Mausoleum Kim Il Sen

To the seventieth anniversary of the leader in Pyongyang, the construction was opened second in height - a monumental stele from granite height of 170 meters. The monument is called the "Monument of the Juche idea". Juche - North Korean National Communist idea (Marxism, adapted for the Korean population).

Monument of Juche idea

Every place in North Korea, which has ever visited Kim Il Saint, marked by a memorial plaquel and proclaimed national heritage. The leader's work is reprinted repeatedly and are studied in schools and higher educational institutions. Quotes from the works of Kim Ire Seine are memorized by the work of labor collectives at meetings.


  • Hero of the DPRK (three times)
  • Hero Labor DPRK
  • Order of the Red Banner (DPRK)
  • Order of the Golden Star (DPRK)
  • Order Charles Marx
  • The order of Lenin
  • Order "Victory of Socialism"
  • Order of Clement Gotalda
  • Order of State Flag I degree
  • Order of "Freedom and Independence" I degree

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