Leshel - character history, image, power, fairy tales, photo


Character History

Russian folk tales are full of colorful and unique characters. In their good half there was a sick and hot-tempered lame - the keeper of forest wealth.

Mythology, image and character

The history of the origin of the fabulous hero takes the beginning in Slavic mythology, according to which every corner in this world had its own owner. The hut guarded the house, the swamps belonged to a greyhound, lakes and rivers - water, and led in the forest. The creature was subordinate to the wise of God-clouded veles and was endowed with unlimited power over forest races. Moreover, in each individual CHASH, the owner lived, who strictly punished people for violating the rules of staying in the forest.

Slavic mythology

Like loose, no one had the slightest concept, because it is impossible to see the creature. But folk fantasy does not know the limit. In the unwitted hair, Tina's colors with recite stuck the branches of trees and foliage, the skin of a gray shade, green glowing eyes - people were represented by him. Sometimes the face of the character decorates a uncooked gray beard, Lysina appears on his head, a chromota appears, and one eye mows or froze motionless.

A resident of the dense chassis is able to easily change the appearance and height: it is above the trees, then below the grass. The multipoint character absorbed various images. Able to change, turning into plants, animal, element (strong wind), spirit or man. However, telling the dark evenings of Byilichki, the ancestors did not risen to describe the appearance of the owner of the forest, considering such a liberty of a dangerous occupation.

Leshel can change the appearance

The keeper of the forest in its own way, without needing will not bring evil to man. In a good mood, it will show the way to mushroom and berry places, will act as a guardian angel for a child lost in the forest will help the hunter.

At the same time, the ledge - the character is unbalanced, it is better not to annoy it. Usually grandfather peacefully bypasses the forest; Calculate or save the animal that fell into the misfortune, eating other spirits applying to the territory. Unlimited physical strength allows you to pull a sore tree from the ground. But sometimes the fun attacked the old man, and then the forest inhabitants have to hide: the lying scares animals and birds, and at the same time and people waged in the gifts of nature. The counties are filled with multi-haired parodies on the beasts, lubber and axes disappear. And if you have frightened the victim, the lying loudly laughs and claps his hands.

Fabulous forest Leshego

Leshego's favorite entertainment is to pretend to be a relative or a neighbor, whom the mushroom picked up by chance in the forest. Already at home it turns out that that man at this time was completely different. But it is better than if the Lessel decides to pretend to be a dead acquaintance, such a joke is also in honor of the Spirit.

However, the forest caretaker is not so harmless. It is worth paining it, and he is capable even for killing a person. But usually not with their own hands - will lead in unknown paths right in the heart of the swamp rust or inject the predatory beast. In the extreme case, it will turn into a bear and drew to death.


Folk folklore attributes a hero to enmity with water and houses. Due to the slave and for women. If you like, what kind of beauty, who visited his possession, can steal it and make it his wife, because he is trotting the days alone. Children also stand with caution walking through the forests. Lie though immortal, but periodically tries to prepare a replacement. For this, the child steals and brings up for all the rules of the rash pedagogy.

Turning and customs

Leshego's image for many years managed to draw beliefs. Going into the forest, the guest is obliged to ask for permission to hunt and collecting berries and mushrooms. If the gifts of nature turned out to be much, it follows, returning home, say "Thank you" to Lesme for the help. Before Ivanov, a shepherd walked to it before Ivanov, so that the spirit would help protect the cattle from predatory animals. And on September 4, the people dressed in twisted Tulups, went out of a gum from the sworded grandfather, who narrowed to get straight into the village.

Rose Lees

The character even has its own day - October 16, when none of the charm saves a person from the possible ships of the Forest Spirit. This fabulous old man on the eve of Yerofeev's Day is increasing in a special buoyan and creates terrible things in the company, because the unclean is to disappear until the spring heat.

It is impossible to kill Leshego, but just scare and drive. He, for example, is afraid of copper. If you shoot a bullet from this metal into it, it will immediately disappear. Mib's mushrooms in the forests and swamps will help to find the way home turned inside out clothes. And the correct way to get rid of Char Lesgo is to get off or read prayer.

Grandfather Sad.

For those missing in the forests relatives and familiar, people came with gifts, if found not succeeded, threatened with the intercession of the saints. The lying does not tolerate the salt and is afraid of fire, so people wathered a salt in the handkerchief and hid in the left pocket, and in the forest with the slightest suspicion that he had the perfume, bonfire was bored.

Folk etiquette prescribed strict behavior in the forest. The owner is easy to eave loud songs, whistle, scolding and generally noise. According to beliefs, it is impossible to break the night parking lot on the path - suddenly, through her, it will take a stroll with his family through her, then death will not be accomplished.

In culture

Russian poets and writers adore the use of the forest keeper in the work. Since childhood, everyone is familiar with the lines from the poem Alexander Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila":

"There is a lover wandering, mermaid on the branches is sitting ..."

The old man can be found in the verse of Vasily Zhukovsky, Pavel Katrenina, Athanasius Feta, he lit up in the prose of Ivan Turgenev and fairy tales Alexei Remizov.

Spartak Mishulin in the role of Lesgo

Two hundreds of more than years, Leshel lives in books under different lichum: it is a restless wayward spirit, then the kind keeper of the forest, he acts as the main character, and then modestly sits in the "corner". Modern writers also pay attention to the character - at the end of the 90s fantasy lovers received from Angeya Sapkovsky stories "Saga about the Witcher".

Mikhail Kononov in the role of Leshgo

A rare film bar costs without Leshgo. The character complements the traditional set of "evil" heroes - Babu Yagu and the Koschery of the Immortal. The costume of the forest old man was trying on Vladimir Rudin ("Forest Song", 1961), Ivan Mikolaychuk ("Forest Song. Zavka", 1980), Sergey Yakovlev ("Nemukhinsky Musicians", 1981) and other famous Russian actors.

The magnificent Lesheme came out of Spartak Mishulin, who appeared in a fairy tale "in the thirteenth hour of the night" (1969), and from Mikhail Kononov, who starred in the film "Andrei and the Evil Wizard" (1981).

Georgy Shtil in the role of Leshgo

In 2011, the Russian cinema has enriched the picture of the "real fairy tale", where the forest owners played Georgy County. Interestingly, for the calm, this is the second appearance in the Leshego's image: In 1975, he entered the acting fairy tale "New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti"

From foreign filmmaster, the horror film "Lesy", created by director Brett Leonard, became bright. The basis of "Marvel" comics was based, therefore, with a character from Russian folklore, only the name is relative. In a mysterious resident of the deaf swamps, killing people, Conan Stevens reincarnated.

Conan Stevens in the role of Leshgo

And, of course, the fabulous hero is present in the margins of cartoons. Soviet children got acquainted with him in the cartoons "Adventure of Domunka", "Head and Kimikor", "Arrow flies into a fairy tale", "Dear Les". Voices of the old man were given George Vicin, Felix Ivanov, Yuri Volyntsev. In the first decade of the new century, the Lesus entered the plot of several more animated films.

Interesting Facts

  • Watching the bottomless migration of small animals from one forest to another, the ancestors were joking that the slave began to play cards. At the horse of the game - hares and proteins.
  • The keeper of the forest relates to folklore characters who are not averse to walk on a wide leg. For example, an old man loves to drink wine and often does it in the company with bears.

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