Oleg Gazmanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, children, wife, albums, concert, clips 2021



It is called Esual, sailor and unsurpassed acrobat. Oleg Gazmanov is a popular singer who is able to surprise the public not only incendiary music, but also a flawless appearance. He made his name back in the 80s, but today continues to produce new hits.

Childhood and youth

On July 22, 1951, the son of Oleg was born in the town of Gusev Kaliningrad region in the family of a cardiologist and a soldier. Celebrity parents were held by the Great Patriotic War, but met already in peace days. The father of the boy Mikhail Semenovich died early, so the mother of Zinaida Abramovna was engaged in education. In his youth, she worked as a nurse, was a nurse in a military hospital, then became a doctor. She dedicated to her touching song "Mom".

As a child, the future artist suffered from heart problems, because of what the doctors banned him physical exertion. Mother's friend advised to give the boy to the violin classes, because even then he demonstrated talent for music. But Gazmanov did not manage to find a common language with the teacher, and he secretly signed up in the Sport Gymnastics section. That is what eventually helped to improve health.

The young man was not destined to become a great athlete. He was injured and was forced to finish his career in the rank of master of sports. But the ability to perform complex acrobatic tricks was useful in the future, already when Oleg became a musician. But the path to glory was thorny.

After graduating from school, the future musician planned to enter Baumanka, but, appreciating my strength, I realized that there was little chances. Then a friend advised to submit documents to the Marine School in Kaliningrad. Another student a young man went out into the sea, engaged in scientific work.

When years of study were behind, Gazmanov was invited to work as a teacher in the school. There he lectured and wrote the dissertation, in parallel speaking together with the Collective "Atlantic". But soon he realized that he would like to tie life only with music.

Oleg became a student of the Kaliningrad musical school, where he received an education in the class of guitar. As he was credited to the day office, there was no time for the group. Then the artist began to perform in a restaurant at the local hotel.

After receiving a diploma, the performer began to invite to various creative teams, including the "Blue Bird" ensemble. Already then he gained popularity in Kaliningrad, but I realized that he was too close in this city. Gazmanov decided to conquer Moscow.


In the Russian capital, the star had to be difficult, he was taken for any job, just to be able to gain. During this period, the man began to cooperate with other performers who offered his songs. So, Valery Leontyev sang "White Snow".

The fateful for the artist was the composition "Lucy". She first hurried about his son Rodion and instantly conquered the audience as a clip. Later, the author admitted that initially the song was supposed to be about the girl, and not about the dog, but a small boy such a plot was incomprehensible and the words changed.

A father began to go to the scene on the scene with a young singer, who soon presented the solo track "Escadron". It was he who allowed Gazmanov to draw the attention of numerous listeners. After that, the artist created the group of the same name and began to actively tour.

The album "Escadron" had a stunning success: the whole country squeezed the star. For a month, the disc was Platinum, and the title song was kept on the leadership position of the chart-parade of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper. The track list also includes no less popular "Esaul" and "Putana". Soon, the performer went on tour in the country, at a concert in "Luzhniki" gathered 70 thousand spectators.

The album "sailor" with the same song of the same name became no less listening, after the exit of which the performer was literally born with vests. It was on the record and composition "officers", but she caused delight not everyone. The author criticized the appeal of the "Lord officers".

But criticism did not affect the popularity of the singer. Evaluated creativity and abroad: In 1992, Oleg Mikhailovich received an invitation to Monaco, where he was awarded the World Music Awards award. A few years later, he was toured in the United States.

A memorable for creative biography was 1997. The artist presented the song "Moscow", written in honor of the 850th anniversary of the capital. The composition has become an unofficial anthem of the city.

In the future, Gazmanov continued to regularly produce new hits. In his repertoire, there are many tracks about love and works for military topics. The year 2011 was marked by the release of the Programstava composition dedicated to border guards.

The singer did not stop at the Russian national festive celebrations. So, he participated in events dedicated to the Olympic Games in Sochi.

In 2018, the artist replenished his discography with another album, which was called "live like that!".

civil position

Gazmanov is called a patriot, but he himself belongs to this word with caution, speaking that he just loves his country and wants to make it better. The song "Forward, Russia!" The Song of Love is dedicated to the state, the release of the video to which the scandal provoked. The clip was blocked on "Youtyuba" in connection with the charges in militarism and unlocked only after publicity in the media.

No less discussion caused the fact that Oleg Mikhailovich supported Vladimir Putin's policies in Ukraine and in the Crimea. He repeatedly visited the peninsula and participated in the concert in honor of the opening of the bridge, because of which the Ukrainian authorities made it blacklisted.

I went to the artist and the Donbass, where he performed on the holidays and gave an interview to local journalists. In 2018, he presented in Donetsk the composition "Immortal Regiment".

Personal life

Gazmanov was married twice. With the first spouse, he looked at the relationship in 1975 and lived 20 years. Irina is a chemist in a specialty, but devoted himself to the family and home. She is the mother of Rodion, the eldest son of the star. The heir of the artist is famous not only by creative achievements. He graduated from the Financial Academy, worked in the field of business. Later, like the Father, decided to devote himself to the scene.

With the second wife, Marina Muravyeva, the singer met in 1997 during the tour in Voronezh. He accidentally saw a long-legged blonde near the concert venue. Himself to approach the beauty gave himself, sent a drummer. But Muravyova refused to visit to the singer than intrigued even more. For the second time, Gazmanov turned out to be more persistent: he invited the girl to the concert himself, and she agreed.

Marina, economist for education, at the time he worked in the specialty. She was not interested in the work of the musician and did not go to the speeches. But the main thing - the beauty was married to the scandalous creator of the "Mmm" of Sergey Mavrodi Vyacheslav. At the time when he was condemned, Muravyova was pregnant with the son of Philip. Oleg met from the hospital.

Lovers got married in 2003 after several years of relationship. In marriage, their daughter was born, which was called Mariana. The heir is devoted to the song "Docha" from the artist repertoire.

Now the personal life of the artist is established. His children warmly communicate with each other. On his page in "Instagram", Gazmanov often shares a photo with his wife, to which retained romantic feelings even after marriage years.

The improvised wedding was confirmed by mutual love, which spouses staged in June 2021 in honor of the presentation of the Marina's debut book. At the event in the Moscow House of Books, they exchanged wedding rings and danced under the song performed by Rodion Gazmanov.

Oleg Gazmanov Now

In 2021, the Contractor did not stop pleaseing the fans with new tracks, in February the romantic composition "Dream melody" came out. In the summer, the singer toured with the program "7: 0 in my favor" dedicated to his 70th anniversary. In July, in an interview with Gazmanov, he admitted that he was thinking about the completion of the musical career.


  • 1989 - "Lucy"
  • 1990 - "Squadron"
  • 1993 - "Sailor"
  • 1994 - "Towered"
  • 1996 - "Tramp"
  • 1997 - "Squadron of My Songs of Crazy ..."
  • 2000 - "From century to century. Favorites "
  • 2002 - "First Round - 50!"
  • 2004 - "Lord officers - 10 years"
  • 2008 - "Seven feet under the keel"
  • 2011 - Upgrade.
  • 2013 - "Anthology"
  • 2015 - "Forward, Russia!"
  • 2018 - "Live - so live!"

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