Stepan Plushkin - character history, image and character, quotes


Character History

Going behind the souls of the dead peasants, Pavel Chichikov, the main hero of the poem Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls", did not even imagine, with what bright personalities would like to meet. In all the variety of characters in the work of the mansion there is a squeak and a feet of Stepan Plushkin. The rest of the rich in literary work is shown static, and this landower has its own history of life.

History of creation

The idea, the basis of the work, belongs to Alexander Pushkin. Once a great Russian writer told Nikolay Gogolo, the history of fraud, which heard during the Chisinau reference. In the Moldavian city of Bender, in recent years they died exclusively people of military ranks, ordinary mortals were in no hurry to the world. A strange phenomenon was explained simply - hundreds of runaway peasants from the center of Russia stretched in Bessarabia in the early 19th century, and during the investigation it turned out that the "passport details" died were assigned to the fugitives.

Alexander Pushkin

Gogol found the idea of ​​the genius and, by reflection, invented the plot, in which the main acting person was an enterprising person who has enriched at the expense of the sale of "dead souls" into the guardian council. The idea seemed to him interesting because he opened the opportunity to create an epic work, to show the characters through the paint therapy all Russia, what a writer had long dreamed of.

Work on the poem started in 1835. At that time, the most of the year Nikolai Vasilyevich conducted abroad, trying to forget the scandal that broke out after the performance of the "Auditor" performances. According to the plan, the plot was supposed to take three volumes, and in general, the work was determined as comic, humorous.

Nikolay Gogol

However, neither the other was not destined to come true. The poem turned out to be gloomy, exposing all the vices of the country. The manuscript of the second book is the author that I did not start the third. Of course, in Moscow, flatly refused to print literary work, but Kritic Vissarion Belinsky was helped to help the writer, it was overwhelmed before St. Petersburg censors.

The miracle happened - the poem was allowed to publish, only with the condition that the name would acquire a small addition to remove the eyes from raised serious problems: "Chichikov's adventure, or dead souls." In this form in 1842 the poem and went to the reader. The new work of Gogol was again in the epicenter of the scandal, because landlords and officials clearly saw their images in it.

Stepan Plushkin - character history, image and character, quotes 1609_3

The idea of ​​Gogol truncated brilliant - first showed the shortcomings of Russian life, then planned to describe the resurrection path of the "dead souls". Part of the researchers are associated by the idea of ​​the poems with the Divine Comedy Dante Aligiery: the first volume is "hell", the second is "purgatory", and the third - "paradise".

It is assumed that Plushkin should have transformed from a greedy old man in a wanderer-benefactor, who tries to help the poor in every way. But Nikolay Gogol never managed to convincingly describe the ways of rebirth of people, in which after the burning manuscript confessed himself.

Image and nature

The image of a half-handed landowner in the work is the brightest of everyone who meets on the path of Chichikov's main hero. It was Plushin that the writer gives the most complete characteristic, looking even into the past character. This is a lonely widower who cursed her daughter and losing to his son's lover.


Periodically, the daughter with grandchildren visits the old man, but no help from him does not get - one indifference. Educated and smart in youth, a man over time turned into a "worn ruin", struggling and crumbling with a bad temper, becoming a mixture even for servants.

The product contains a detailed description of the appearance of Plushkin. At home, he walked in a grained bathrobe ("... to which not only was conscientious, but even ashamed"), and he was in a worn, but quite neat surpetuka without a single patch. At the first meeting, Chichikov could not understand who in front of him, a woman or a man: the creature of an indefinite sex was moved around the house, and the buyer of the dead soul accepted him for the key.

Appearance Plushkin

The storage of the character is on the verge of marasm. In his possessions 800 serfs, barns are full of rotting food. But Plushkin does not allow its hungry peasants to touch the products, and with the dealers, the disassemble "as a demon", so the merchants stopped coming for the goods. In his own bedroom, a man thoughtfully folds the features and pieces of pieces, and in the corner of one of the rooms, "good", selected on the street.

Life goals are reduced to the accumulation of wealth - this problem often acts as an argument for writing writings on the exam. The value of the image lies in the fact that Nikolai Vasilyevich tried to show how painful stupidity kills a bright and strong personality.

Plushkin and Chichikov

Multiply good - Favorite Plushkin's lesson, what is even talking about changing speech. At first, the old squeak meets Chichikova wary, specifying that "visa is not." But, having learned the purpose of the visit, the dissatisfied grumbling is replaced by undisguised joy, and the chief hero of the poem turns into a "father", "benefactor".

In the lexicon, the buyer is a whole dictionary of the swiss words and expressions, from "fools" and "robber" to "devils are sitting" and "channel". The landowner, all his life of the peasants who lived in a circle, spectacle with common words.

Plushkin House

Plushkin's house resembles a medieval castle, but dyed with time: in the walls of the slit, part of the windows are boarded by boards, so that no one is narrowing the richness hiding in the dwelling. Gogol managed to combine character traits and the image of a hero with his home phrase:

"All this fell into the storerooms, and everything got rot and rush, and he himself turned, finally, in some kind of rushing in humanity."


The work of Gogol was set in the Russian cinema five times. Based on the story also created two cartoons: "Chichikov's adventures. Manilov "and" Chichikov's adventures. Nozdrev.

"Dead Souls" (1909)

In the era of the formation of cinema, Peter Chardynin, to capture the adventures of Chichikova. A dumb short film with a trimmed Gogol plot was filmed in the railway club. And since the experiences in the movies are still just beginning, the tape turned out unsuccessful due to incorrectly selected lighting. Theatrical actor Adolf Georgievsky performed as a miser plush.

"Dead Souls" (1960)

The film-performance on the formulation of Mkat removed the director Leonid Trauberg. A year after the premiere, the picture received a prize of criticism at the festival in Monte Carlo.

Boris Petker in the role of plush

In the film, Vladimir Belokurov (Chichikov), Boris Livanov (Nozdrev), Anastasia Zueva (box) and even Yuri Nikulin (modest role of the waiter, the actor did not even come to the titles). And Plushkin brilliantly played Boris Petker.

"Dead Souls" (1969)

Another television play, who was conceived by the director Alexander Belinsky. According to estimates of the kinomanians, this film is the best of film stations of the unwanted work.

Alexander Sokolov as Plushkin

In the tape, the bright actors of the Soviet Cinema are also involved: Pavel Lupykayev (Nozdrev), Oleg Basilashvili (Manilan), Igor Gorbachev (Chichikov). The role of Plushkin went to Alexander Sokolov.

"Dead Souls" (1984)

The series of five episodes filmed by Mikhail Schweizer was shown on central television.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky in the role of plush

In the greedy landowner reincarnated Innokenty Smoktunovsky.

"Case of" Dead Souls "(2005)

The last filmmaker today, which represents the fantasy on the famous works of Gogol - "Auditor", "Notes of Crazy", "Dead Souls". In such an unusual mix, I decided to please the viewer Pavel Lungin, for persuasive gathered on the set color of modern cinema.

Alexander Abdulov appears on the screen, Konstantin Khabensky in Chichikova, Nina Usatov, from which the great wife of the governor came out. Also, the audience admire the game of Leonid Yarmolnik - the actor referred to in the picture Plushkin.

Interesting Facts

  • In the meaning of the character name, the motive of self-denial is laid. Gogol created a paradoxical metaphor: a rosy bun - a symbol of wealth, satiety, joyful content - is opposed to "moldy sugar" for which the paints of life have long been fed.
  • The surname Plushkin became a nominal. This is called unnecessarily crumbling, manic greedy people. In addition, the passion for the storage of old, useless things is the typical behavior of people with a mental disorder, which in medicine the name "Plushkin Syndrome".


"After all, it knows him, maybe he is just brake, like all these mothers: Norvet, Norvet, to talk yes, drink tea, and then go!" "The seventh dozen live!" Plushkin muttered something through the lips, for There was no teeth. "" If Chichikov met him, so unfolded, somewhere among church doors, then it was probably given to him a copper pen. But it was not a beggar before him, a landowner standing before him. "" I don't even advise you to know the road to this dog! - said Sobekevich. - apologue to go to some obscene place than to it. " "But there was a time when he was only a leaning owner! A family man was married, and a neighbor came to have lunch to him, listen and learn from his farm and wise misfortune. "

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