Prospere Merim - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Novels



French Prospere Merim is known to us as a writer. His books have long been translated into Russian. Based on its works, operas are written and movie casts. However, he was also a historian, an ethnographer, an archaeologist and a translator, academician and senator. If the reader wants to plunge into the past, described in detail to the smallest details, then the work of Merim is a good way to travel in time.

Childhood and youth

The only son of rich parents was born in Paris on September 28, 1803. General hobbies Chemist Jean Francois Leonor Merima and his spouses, in the greatness of Anna Moro, there was painting. At the table in the living room, artists and writers, musicians and philosophers were gathered. Talking about art has formed the interests of the boy: he considered paintings with great attention and enthusiastically read the writings of Volnoduims of the XVIII century.

Prospere Merim in childhood

He freely owned Latin and spoke English from early childhood. Anglo Film was a tradition in the family. Prababato Proster, Marie Leprins de Bomon, lived in England seventeen. His Grandma Moro married in London. Young British granted in the house, who anti-Jean Francois Leonora private painting lessons.

For several years of early childhood, Prosper spent in Dalmatia, where his father consisted of Marshal Marmon. This detail of the biography of the writer explains the deep and emotional perception of the folk poetry, the motives of which Merim fell into creativity. At eight years, Prosper Exteronic entered the seventh class of the imperial lyceum, and after the release at the insistence of his father he studied the right in Sorbonne.

Prospere Merim in youth

Father dreamed of a career career for a son, but the young man took this perspective without delight. After graduating from the university, young Merim was appointed secretary of Count D'Argu, one of the Ministers of the July monarchy. Later became the main inspector of the historical monuments of France. The study of art monuments and architecture stimulated the creative energy of the writer and served as a source of inspiration.


The path in the literature Prospere Merim began with a hoax. The author of the Piece Collection was named Spanish Clara Hasul, which did not exist in reality. The second book Merim is a collection of Serbian folk songs "Guzl". As it turned out, the author of the texts did not collect them in Dalmatia, and simply composed. Merim's fake was so talented that he misled even Mitskevich and Pushkin.

Prospere Merim in youth

The historical drama "Jacceria" no longer put the tasks of introducing a deception reader, but painted the picture of the medieval peasant uprising in all unsightly details. The struggle for the power of the feudal and clerics in the "Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX" is as realistic and realistic. - The only novel of the writer. The world glory of Merim's capsector brought novels.

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The most famous reader "Carmen". The story of the life of freedom-loving Spanish Gypsies was shifted for the scene, supplemented with music and colorful dancing, was shielded. The beautiful story of the tragic love of gypsies and the Spaniard still worries readers and spectators. No less vividly discharged images in the other "folk" and "exotic" novels. For example, a runaway slave in Tamango.

Prospere Merima

Traveling in Europe, Merima simply mentioned the characteristic national features of nations and endowed with the characters. Corsicans inspired him to create "Matteo Falcone" and "Colomba". The plot "Venus Illyskaya" writer also conceived on the journey. The creation of a mystical atmosphere was not easy to create, but he coped with work brilliantly. This story Prospere Merime called his masterpiece.

Personal life

Prospere Merim was not married and all his life enjoyed the position of the bachelor. Many of the details of the lovels of the writer opened in curious readers after his death. Friends and lovers published the preserved correspondence by opening the secrets, which, however, Prosper never hid. The rampant adventures of the young Hard in the company with the standabre created Merim a bad reputation.

Valentina Josephina Delesener

Lovely a love relationship with Charlotte Marie Valentina Josephine Delesel was launched. Banker Gabriel Delesener's wife, the mother of two children, gave a prosperity of his favor since the beginning of the thirties until 1852. At the same time, a novel with Zhenya (Zhanna Franção) was developed with this connection, which became famous thanks to the publication of the writer's letters.

Tied the correspondence girl. Wanting to get acquainted with the famous writer, she composed a letter on behalf of the fictional Lady Algernon Seymour, conceivedly illustrate the "Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX". Merime fell on the bait. Anticipating another intrigue, joined the correspondence with a stranger, along the way, in his English friends, trying to figure out her personality.

Prospere Merim and Female Daken

After several months of correspondence, on December 29, 1832, Merim met with a mysterious stranger in Buloni. Acquaintance from Nurse Daken Merim hid. Only close friends, Standal and Sutton Sharp, were informed. On the one hand, I did not want to compromise a decent girl from the bourgeois family, on the other - the "official" mistress he was already. The fleeting intrigue between Prosper and Female over time turned into a close friendship, which the death of the writer interrupted.

In the 50s, Merim was very lonely. After the death of his father, he lived together with his mother for fifteen years. In 1852, Anna Merim died. Relations with Valentina Deleselter ended in the final rupture. The kipache creative energy began to dry out. Old age came.


In the 60s, the health of Merim worsens. He is worried about the attacks of suffocation (asthma), legs swell, heartache. In 1867, due to progressive disease, the writer settled in Cannes, where he died in three years later - September 23, 1870. Gloomy premonitions overwhelmed him before death. On July 19, 1870, France declared War of Prussia, Merime was expected by the disaster and did not want to see her.

The grave of Prosper Merima

In Paris, burned his archive and the library, and the remaining things were torn and sold the servants. He was buried by Prospere Merim in the graveyard Grand Jas. After the death of the writer, the collection "Latest Novels" came out, the best of which critics call the story "Blue room". She became the property of readers and personal correspondence.



  • 1829 - "Chronicle of the reign of Karl IX"


  • 1829 - "Matteo Falcone"
  • 1829 - Tamango
  • 1829 - "Taking a Randut"
  • 1829 - "Federigo"
  • 1830 - "Batch in a thrill"
  • 1830 - "Etruscan Vase"
  • 1832 - "Letters from Spain"
  • 1833 - "Double Error"
  • 1834 - "Soul Purgatory"
  • 1837 - "Venus Illy"
  • 1840 - "Colomb"
  • 1844 - Arsen Giyo
  • 1844 - Abbot Oben
  • 1845 - "Carmen"
  • 1846 - "Lane Lesters Lucretia"
  • 1869 - "Lokis"
  • 1870 - "Juman"
  • 1871 - "Blue room"


  • 1825 - "Clara Gazul Theater"
  • 1828 - "Jacceria"
  • 1830 - "Unhappy"
  • 1832 - "Enchanted Rouge"
  • 1850 - "Two inheritance or Don Quixote"
  • 1853 - "Debut Aventurer"


  • 1827 - "Gusli"
  • 1829 - "Pearl Toledo"
  • 1832 - "Ban Croatia"
  • 1832 - "Dying Guyduk"
  • 1835 - "Jam on the south of France"
  • 1836 - "Tour notes in the west of France"
  • 1837 - "Etude about religious architecture"
  • 1838 - "Tour notes in Overl"
  • 1841 - "Tour notes on Corsica"
  • 1841 - "Experience about the Civil War"
  • 1845 - "Research on Roman History"
  • 1847 - "History of Don Pedro I, King Castile"
  • 1850 - "Henri Beil (Standal)"
  • 1851 - "Russian literature. Nikolay Gogol"
  • 1853 - "Episode from Russian history. Lhadmitry "
  • 1853 - "Mormons"
  • 1856 - "Letters to Panitzzi"
  • 1861 - "Rezind of Wall Razin"
  • 1863 - "Bogdan Khmelnitsky"
  • 1865 - "Cossacks of Ukraine and their latest Atamans"
  • 1868 - "Ivan Turgenev"
  • 1873 - "Letters to the Stranger"

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