Ivan Kozlovsky - biography, photo, personal life, songs, romances



In addition to natural talent, Opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky distinguished his cheerful character and stubbornness. The artist often checked over his colleagues, helped friends who fell into trouble and committed insane acts for the beloved. For example, to impress the second wife, Kozlovsky climbed the second floor of the drain pipe. But even without extreme antimony, a charming singer in one glance or execution of one note, the women smought out.

Childhood and youth

On March 24, 1900, a boy was born in the village of Maryanovka, located on the territory of the Kiev province, whose spouses of Kozlovsky called Ivan. Since infancy, the child grew surrounded by music. Both parents of Ivan, despite the fact that they were simple peasants, possessed musical hearing. Kozlovsky often spent the evening for joint singing.

Ivan Kozlovsky

In 7 years, the child was given to the Mikhailovsky Monastery. Spouses Kozlovsky did not consider music a worthy profession and insisted that Ivan got a san priest. However, the future opera singer himself and the boy teacher did not share the opinion of the parents.

Running out of the boning monastery, Ivan spent several months in the country, mining money with singing. Reaching the Kiev Music and Drama Institute, the teenager entered the educational institution. The admission committee appreciated the congenital data of Kozlovsky and enrolled Ivan after the first round.


In 1918, the singer first turns out to be on a professional scene. The young man acts as part of the Poltava Music-Drama Theater, until the artist is called into the army. However, the intercession of Colonel Chernyshev allowed the young talent to continue the speeches even during the war.

After the completion of the Kozlovsky service, it falls into the Kharkov Opera House, and in a year it moves to the Sverdlovsk Opera House. A. V. Lunacharsky. In 1926, the talent of the singer appreciated the leaders of the Bolshoi Theater - Kozlovsky moved to Moscow and from the very first exit to the scene conquers the love of the public.

A truly star performance of the young performer became the batch of whisk in opera Boris Godunov. In 1927, Kozlovsky appears in front of the audience in the image of Lensky (Opera "Eugene Onegin") and gets a laudatory reviews from Shalyapin, as well as other famous colleagues.

Singer Ivan Kozlovsky

In 1936, Repertoire Ivan expands. In addition to opera aria, the artist begins to sing jazz compositions written specifically for him. Soon the performance of solo parties ceases to satisfy the artist. In 1938, Kozlovsky organizes and assumes the leadership of the state ensemble of the USSR opera.

Such creative activity attracts the attention of government representatives, and in 1941, the opera singers are awarded the Stalinist premium of the first degree. Despite the favorance of the leader, Kozlovsky does not allow to go on foreign tour. The man was never released from the Soviet Union, the exception was a short trip to Romania.

The confidence is that music is able to heal and raise the spirit, has become an incentive for Kozlovsky in the war years. The artist with colleagues gives concerts in front of the military and ordinary residents, visiting the liberated cities. In 1944, Kozlovsky creates the choir of boys, who will develop in the future in the Choir School of Sveshnikov.

Mentioned conductor helped the singer organize the work of the choir, and after he took over the role of the head. After the war, Ivan Semenovich will record a joint composition with a children's choir - the Romance "Slayer to us, a quiet evening."

Ivan Kozlovsky and Alexander Vertinsky

The cooperation of Ivan Semenovich with a large theater continues until 1954. The reasons for the care of the artist with his beloved work are unknown, Kozlovsky did not explain the decision even to close people.

However, dismissal from the theater did not mean the completion of the career. Now in the work of Kozlovsky appeared more romances. It was Ivan Sergeevich who found notes and popularized the composition "I met you ...". Among the glorified Kozlovsky romances, I remember "I remember a wonderful moment", "" Do not tempt me without need "and" Evening ringing ".

Personal life

With the first wife Alexandra Gersik Kozlovsky met in the winter of 1919. The young singer worked in Poltava. The young man met the future spouse in the theater, where the girl held the position of leading actress. Alexandra was older than Ivan for 13 years, but it did not stop the singer.

Ivan Kozlovsky, his wife Galina Sergeeva, daughter and niece

In 1920, lovers got married and slightly moved to Moscow. And while Kozlovsky reached new vertices, Alexandra's career slowly went to no. A woman leaving ambitions aside, took up the economy and life. Marriage lasted 25 years, of which the last 3 years had a mistress. The charter from the thumbnails of her husband, Alexandra SAMA itself filed for divorce.

The second spouse of the opera singer was the actress Galina Sergeeva. Kozlovsky met a young beauty in 1934 in the Crimea, where he rested every summer. In this union, Ivan turned out to be a senior partner, the actress was a junior singer for 14 years.

Ivan Kozlovsky with family

Two children were born in marriage, the girls were called Anna and Anastasia. With the advent of the second daughter in the relationship between spouses, and before complete quarrels and scandals, problems began. The girl had congenital scoliosis. And soon after the difficult operation, which was held by the famous surgeon Chaklin, the actress threw a spouse. Galina went to the attending daughter's doctor. After the second divorce, Kozlovsky no longer started a serious relationship with women.


The inimitable voice Kozlovsky retained to death. True, the singer did not go to the scene last years. Despite the age, Ivan Semenovich paid attention to the day.

In order not to lose a grip, the artist created an outline of innovative musical productions. A couple of months before the death of Kozlovsky caught fire with a desire to put the "Snow Maiden".

The man saw himself in the image of any fabulous character, and the main role, on the idea of ​​the singer, was to execute Galina Vishnevskaya. Staging and remained at the development stage - the singer could not find the sponsor.

The executor of the opeker and romances died on December 21, 1993. The grave of the famous artist is located on the Novodevichy Cemetery.


  • 1926 - "Traviata"
  • 1927 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 1927 - "Loangrin"
  • 1928 - "Faust"
  • 1928 - Sadko
  • 1931 - "Seville Berber"
  • 1938 - "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
  • 1938 - "Snow Maiden"
  • 1941 - "Demon"
  • 1962 - "Mozart and Salieri"

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