Pavel Tretyakov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Patron, Gallery



The gallery created by Pavel Tretyakov, and today remains one of the main symbols of Moscow, and his charitable activity has become a real feat, thanks to which Russian art has acquired more than a dozen outstanding artists.

Portrait of Pavel Tretyakov

At the same time, not everyone knows that in his life, the patron was a very shy and modest person. Being one of the richest merchants of his time who spent more than 1.5 million rubles for the collection of painting, he walked in a simple surpetue and a drape coat, saved on domestic expenses and only cigars recognized from the excesses, and even then a day.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was born 15 (27) December 1832 in Moscow. They and Brother Sergey were the heirs of his father's business - Mikhail Zakharovich owned with papers of paper factories and bequeathed sons to keep and develop family enterprises.

Paul and Sergey Tretyakov

According to the tradition of Pavel, he received a home education and from the young age he was brought to the case: he played black work in the shops, called buyers, was procured. At the age of 15, he already conducted accounting books, and at 20 he became a full-fledged leader of enterprises.


The brothers, remembering the covenants of the Father, could not only save the family business, but also to develop it - soon, except for the factories, they were already heading for bread, firewood and cloths in local shops, and in the mid-1860s he headed the New Kostroma linen manuff.

Tretyakov House in Tolmach

Under the leadership of the Tretyakov Factory began to quickly gain momentum, despite the economic crisis of 1880. Soon she ranked first in terms of products in Russia. The brothers discovered the store in Moscow on Ilyinka, where they began to offer customers of the tissue of Russian and foreign production - velvet, wool, flax, battered, as well as scarves, tablecloths and blankets.

After that, Paul and Sergey acquired two income houses in Kostroma and Moscow, land plots in the Kostroma province. All profits were usually divided in half, but there were no hard division to "mine and yours" - the brothers wisely distributed capital, based on the marital status, the needs and interests of each.

Pavel Tretyakov

Tretyakov accompanied luck, but it would be unfair to say that they were simply lucky: both were heard honest, workable and energetic people who do not spare themselves for their beloved business. Entrepreneurs of the Tretyakov were impeccable partners and walked hand in his life, connected with real relational love and strong friendship, which was preserved until the end of days.

"It does not often happen that the names of two brothers are so closely with each other related," the historian Pavel Buryshkin wrote about them.

United Sergey with Paul and passion for art: they went to theaters and concerts together, and the famous collection of paintings would be more correct to call the Gallery named after Paul and Sergey Tretyakov.

Collection and patronage

As for most other representatives of the Moscow merchants, the Charity of the Tretyakov considered a matter of mandatory. The guardianship of schools and shelters, the donation of funds for the needs of society was part of their work. The basis of such views was the Christian principles: the donation was a mission of gratitude to God for success in affairs and tool to overcome the "disbuilt power" of money.

Patron Pavel Tretyakov

At the same time, the main form of assistance was "refusal to the will", during the life of the benefactor, large donations were made rarely - the means preferred to invest in turnover. In this regard, Pavel Tretyakov became an exception - he began to invest as soon as he received such an opportunity, and the year from year to year the volume of its financial assistance was grew.

He began with the guardianship of the educational institution for deaf-and-dumb children, did not refuse from non-public support for friends, neighbors, local churches - in short, almost everyone who appealed to him. In 1876, he agreed to partially pay the research expedition to N. N. Miklukho-Maclay in the southern seas, a few years later sacrificed a large amount for the construction of the Orthodox church in Tokyo.

Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay

As a child, Paul was fond of gathering small miniatures, engravings and lithographs, buying them on the market and in the shops. This was the forerunner of the Grand Collection, which he got, having received its own funds. Later, he set itself the task of creating a full-fledged collection of Russian painting and make it public domain.

Interesting fact - he gave preference to domestic artists not only from patriotic feelings, but also because at first it was unimportant to art and believed that it was easier to work with compatriots, but over time, the present artistic flair, and he got a reputation as a recognized Cognot art.

Tretyakov scoiled paintings at exhibitions in Russia and Western Europe, specially ordered portraits and landscapes of prominent contemporaries (with such requests he addressed Kramsky, Perov, Serov, Repin), acquired ready collection and series of paintings.

In 1874, Pavel Mikhailovich built a separate building for the gallery, and in 1888 he made her visit free. In 1892, he officially handed out the premises, and their contents as a gift from the city, and in the will made a note that interest from his capital was in the future spent on replenishment of the collection. To acquire new exhibits, he continued until the end of his life at his own expense.

Pavel Tretyakov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Patron, Gallery 13631_7

In the biography of Tretyakov, written by Lvom Anisov, the episode of the Gallery Transmission as a gift to Moscow is described. Alexander III, visiting the House of Industrialist in Lavrushinsky Lane, asked him to give him a picture of "Boaying Morozov", for which Pavel Mikhailovich replied that he could not do this, because he was from now on, the entire meeting belongs to the city. After that, the emperor retreated a step and lowered him low.

Pavel Mikhailovich moved exclusively disinterested motives. He did not receive a profit from paintings and gallery, but I couldn't tolerate in my address - Slavorah confused him not for a joke. It was rumored that when the critic of Stasov wrote about the patronage enthusiastic article, the Tretyakov almost fell ill from annoyance, but giving a meeting, he even left Moscow, not wanting to hear thanks.

Tretyakov Gallery

Despite generosity, Paul Mikhailovich was never a waste. His passion for art did not interfere with him to bargain, to seek the opportunity to buy cheaper and ask for a discount, which, however, was not geroidly dictated, but a simple calculation - the more profitable, the collection will eventually become a collection, because the money saved can be spent on one masterpiece.

On itself and the family, he preferred to save hard. All spending, right up to alms, patronage carefully recorded, and on the preserved records today we can judge the grand scale of its charitable activities.

Personal life

The famous entrepreneur married the famous entrepreneur: There were no time for your personal life, and Tretyakov's love passions were not interested. For the protracted bachelor life, friends nicknamed his archimandrite. Only at 33, he married the faith of the Mammoth, cousin of the colleague of the industrialist.

Pavel Tretyakov and his wife Vera

The bride did not shine with beauty, but he divided the passion for art, however, preferring music, and not painting. It was a union for love, and not by calculating, and their joint life eventually turned out to be peaceful and happy. By the end of the days, Pavel Mikhailovich and Vera Nikolaevna were inseparable - went to concerts, they were engaged in the economy and sent to each other from trips tender letters.

Wife gave him six children: Sons of Ivan and Mikhail, daughters Alexander, Maria, Love and faith. Unfortunately, only the girls lived to adult: Vanya died in 8 years from Scarlay, and Misha was born sick and soon died.

Pavel Tretyakov with family

In 1892, Tretyakov buried Sergey's beloved brother. He was also a collector, although not so passionate, and they ordered in advance about the merger of collections and transfer their city. His departure was sudden, and Pavel Mikhailovich was very worried about the loss.

"He was much better than me," he sighed.


By the end of the life of Tretyakov, the title of commerce advisor, a member of the Council of Trade and Manufactory and the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In recent years, he suffered from stomach ulcers. The disease delivered considerable suffering and caused death.

The grave of Pavel Tretyakov

Pavel Mikhailovich pre-prepared a testament in advance, which left large amounts to the children's boarding school, a house with free apartments for widows of artists, Moscow Conservatory, jetty, ordered scholarships and pensions for workers of their factory. He did not go around the household and did not forget to mention each servant in the house.

On December 4, 1898, the famous patronage died, taking to children to health and take care of the gallery. His wife faith gone after him - after his death she lived only 3 months, her grave was next to her husband. Pavl Mikhailovich was buried on the Danilovsky cemetery next to his brother, and in 1948 the dust of both Tretyakov moved to Novodevichi.


  • In Moscow, a monument to Tretyakov is installed in Moscow in front of the gallery building.
  • Name Pavel Mikhailovich Wear a street in Lipetsk.
  • On the island of the new land there is a hezenate glacier.
  • Anna Fedorets wrote the book "Pavel Tretyakov", describing its multifaceted personality with the help of a huge number of preserved documentary evidence.

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