Robin Hobb - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The story of the Universe of Elderling is one of the most noticeable literary works in foreign fantasy of recent years. Her creator of Robin Hobb in writing skill can be expelled Unless with George Martin, the author of "Songs of Ice and Fire", Robert Jordan and his "Wheel of Time", "Father" of the "Sword of Truth" by Terry Gudcind.

Childhood and youth

The writer Robin Hobb is also known under the pseudonym Magan Lindholm, but her real name is Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden. She was born in Berkeley, California, March 5, 1952. When the girl was 10 years old, the parents settled in Fairbank, Alaska.

On the early period of the biography of the Hobb, only key data is known. The future author of Fantasy graduated from Austin E. Lathrop High School, the year was held at the University of Denver. Already at 18 years old, he also bore himself as a marriage with a fisherman and, together with her husband moved to his native island of Kadyak, Alaska.


Books for children Most often fantasy: Animals are able to talk, and princesses come to life after a long sleep, as if by making a magic wand. Of course, Robin Hobb was brought up on such works. She calls her beloved story about the Bear of Winnie Pooh and the boy Christopher Robin, in honor of which, by the way, the writer and came up with one of the pseudonyms.

As an adult, Hobb came across the works of Edith unlapsed, which for his creative career wrote more than 60 works for young readers. Having studied her bibliography, Yuna American decided to write a story for children. Several of her stories created under the name of Magan Lindholm in the late 1960s appeared in the magazines Humpty Dumpety, Jack and Jill and Highlights for Children.

Over time, children's stories gave way to the shelves of the novels J. R. R. Tolkina and Ray Bradbury. These writers also had a significant impact on Magan Lindholm. In the 1970s, fascinating plots of the creator of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" convinced a woman to deepen in the study of fantasy, and then - in independent creativity. By the end of the decade, some fantasy stories Lindholm went out in the scientific journal Space and Time.

The professional debut of Lindholm became the nobility for Doulath (Bones for Dulath), which appeared in the Amazons fantasy anthology! In 1979. The collection won the title "Best Anthology of the Year" according to the World Fantasy Award. The first success pushed the beginning writer to the idea that fantasy genre is more profitable and common than fairy tales.

In 1983, the first novel Lindholm about the adventures of the girl named Ki and her lover Vandien - "Flight of Garpia". Their history began to develop in the "Bones for Dulat". This work together with the "wind spellcasters" (1984), "Rates of Limbret" (1984) and "Wheels" (1989) amounted to the collection "Wind corders. Quartet ki and vandire. "

Until 1985, publishers knew the author of fantasy solely under the name of Magan Lindholm. However, she returned to this pseudonym and in the 1990s, but more natively was the name of Robin Hobb, under which most of the fantasy masterpieces were released.

For the first time, Robin Hobb appeared herself on the cover of the novel "Pupil of the Killer" (1995), which marked the beginning of not only the trilogy of the dynasty of the seeing, but also the universe of Elderling - the personal world of the writer. Its classic composition includes 3 cycles: "Saga about seeing", "Saga about living ships" and "Saga about the jester and killer", in each series of 3 books. As of 2003, when the final novel about the Universe of Elderling "Fate Szut" saw the light, Hobb sold more than 1 million copies of these stories.

"Saga about seeing" is written in the form of the diaries of the main character - the killer at the courtyard of Fitz Chivel. He tries to tell not about his life, but about his native state, which rules the dynasty of seen. Chivel is not a wizard, but owns two skills: skill, that is, reading and broadcasting thoughts, and Whita, in a different empathy. His adventures are unfolded on the pages of the novels "Roman's student", "Royal Killer" (1996) and "Sanding of the Killer" (1997).

"Saga about living ships" tells about the Vestin family, which owns the "alive" ship "Razbarnitsa". Their adventures, joys and chants are devoted to the books "Magic Ship" (1998), "Mad Ship" (1999) and "Fate Ship" (1999). Already after the completion of the third part of the trilogy, "Sagita about the jealous and killer", Robin Hobb wrote two stories about the "ledge" - "Inheritance" (2000) and "Return home" (2003).

"Saga about the jersey and the murderer" returns to the history of the chivela Fitz 15 years after the events of the "Sagi Sagi". The royal jester, the most unusual hero of the Elderling Universe, the most unusual hero of the Elderling Universe. They are dedicated to the novels "Mission of Shuta" (2002), "Golden Jester" (2003) and "Fate" (2003).

As Robin Hobb once admitted in an interview, the trilogy was created in the form of her beloved fantasy genre - the quest.

"My characters can affect life events only if you collect the necessary tools, skills and people who can help. Only in this case, the hero will face difficulties and ultimately, as a rule, they will overcome them. Otherwise, life will remain unchanged, "the writer said.

After reading the final book of the Elderling Universe, the fans attacked Robin Hobb to the requirements of telling more about the magic dynasty. Unable to restrain the pressure, the author took over the continuation of the "saga of living ships". A series of 4 Romanov was called the "Raincase Chronicles". Representatives of the Vestiz family became secondary characters, and their place was taken by Dragon Trains.

The cycle includes the books "Dragon Guardian" (2009), "Dragon Harbor" (2010), "Dragon City" (2012) and "Dragon Blood" (2013). The last series in the history of Elderling is the "Trilogy of Fitz and Shuta", which will have a joint journey for the benefit of the state. Adventures are reflected in the novels of the "killer of the jester" (2014), "Judge Wearing" (2015) and "The Fate of the Killer" (2017).

The only major work of Robin Hobb, which does not relate to the history of the magic dynasty, became the cycle of the "Son of Soldier". The story is conducted on behalf of Nevar Burville, the son of Lord of the Non-existent Kingdom of Herney. It has a strict hierarchy, according to which the first heir to the ruler becomes the next owner of the throne, the second son - the military, and the third - priest. Here is Nevar and had to take up the weapon.

On travels of Burville tells the novels "Road of Shaman" (2005), "Forest Mag" (2006) and "Department Magic" (2007). The works of Robin Hobb were awarded a number of literary awards, but the most valuable of them is praise the idol of writer - George Martin. One day the author of "Songs of Ice and Fire" said that Fantasy Hobb "Like Diamonds in the Sea of ​​Zirkonov".

Personal life

In 1970, 18-year-old Robin Hobb married Freda Ogden fisherman. She was lucky to live with him all his life - there are no information about their divorce in open sources. Anyway, his personal life writer prefers not to demonstrate.

Once in an interview with Robin Hobb, noted that it creates novels with one goal - so that her children and grandchildren grew on high-quality literature. In favor of the version that the writer has repeatedly become a grandmother, they say the photo of unnamed babies in "Instagram".

Robin Hobb now

The writer continues to "exist" and as Robin Hobb, and as Magan Lindholm. It is noteworthy that the woman created a separate official website for each alias. True, none on one, nor on the other there are no news about fast literary innovations, and, if you judge the "instagram", now Hobb is engaged only by the garden and the upbringing of grandchildren.
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But the Russian fans of the writer only in 2019 received the transfer of the second novel of the trilogy "Saga about Fitz and Shuthe".


Cycles of the Elderling Universe:

  • 1995-1997 - "Saga about seeing"
  • 1998-2000 - "Saga about living ships"
  • 2002-2003 - "Saga about the jester and killer"
  • 2009-2013 - "Chronicles of the Raincase"
  • 2014-2017 - "Trilogy of Fitz and Shuta"

Other cycles:

  • 1983-1989 - "Wind Claviers"
  • 1988 - "Northern Deer people"
  • 2005-2007 - "Son of Soldier"

Separate works:

  • 1985 - "Pigeon Wizard"
  • 1991 - "split hooves"
  • 1992 - "Alien Earth"
  • 1992 - "Gypsy"

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