Wizard Oz (Character) - Pictures, Cartoon, Adventure, Dorothy Gale, Shoes


Character History

Wizard Oz - Character Fairy Tale Lymeman Frank Bauma about the magical country of Oz. The magician became a prototype of Goodwin, with whom the Russian reader is familiar. The image of the hero does not lose their popularity more than a century, and fascinating adventures are based on the basis of new adaptations of the original history of the American Writer.

History of character creation

Lymen Frank Baum in 1900 writes the work of the "Amazing Wizard of Oz". This fairy tale makes the author of the classic world literature and becomes the beginning of the cycle of works, which later popularized in the movies and musicals.

Baum himself worked on theatrical productions. Therefore, after 2 years after the publication of the history about the "great and terrible" in Chicago showed the Musical Displays. In 1914, Baum acts as director and fiberglass producer, filmed based on the book. The writer even wondered about the construction of the thematic amusement park, however, this plans were not destined to come true.

But the story of the magazine receives a continuation. The playwright and translator Alexander Volkov takes the adaptation of the book popular in America. Only instead of the additional transfer of history in Volkova, retelling with add-ons and ramifications of scene lines.

Enchanting a magician in place of basic action due to hurricane. Residents believe that he is a real wizard who is able to save them from the evil witch witch only because his name "OZ" coincides with the name of the country.

In fact, the hero is the name of Oscar Zoroaster Fadron Isaac Norman Henk Emmanuel Ambroz Diggs. Such a long and strange thing for understanding the boy's name was invented by his own father, which thus tried to "respect" a number of foreign states. At first, the boy tried to cut everything before the initials, but the resulting abbreviation on American sounded in translation, as a "stupid" or "fool". After it was called himself Oscar Digges, afterwarding the abbreviated form "OZ".

Wizard Oz (Character) - Pictures, Cartoon, Adventure, Dorothy Gale, Shoes 930_1

There are no officially confirmed information that the prototype of the wisdom-sorcerer was William McKinley - 25 US President.

Fate and the image of the Wizard of the Oz

Brought by hurricane, goodwine is facing the fact that he is considered a great and powerful wizard. Even the true sorceress of the locasta and the mlind bowed before its magnitude. In the first part of the cycle, the main character meets the little girl Dorothy Gale, who also got into this place because of the hurricane.

Together with her, the ironwood and a cowardly lion come to the audience. Each of them needs a "miracle." The main character wants to return home, the woodcutter - the heart, the Lion - courage, and the scary - brains. The ruler meets with them separately in different images. In exchange for its services, the sage asks the heroes to kill the evil witch of the West.

But after the new friends fulfilled the demand, "great and terrible" remains only to admit that it does not have magical abilities at all.

In fact, he is a magician and a worshiper who lives and works in Nebraska. He had a balloon on which the initials "OZ" were applied. On this apparatus, Oscar Diggs arrived in the Emerald City. Local residents immediately believed that this is a great wizard who was predicted. And Oscar decided not to argue with it and support the image of the magician. Fortunately, with the help of the props and talent of revenge, it was easy to do it.

But promises should be performed. Instead of the brain, he pisses the straw's head of the scary, the silk heart puts in the chest of the wood level, and Leo treats some potion so that he felt brave. It turns out more difficult with the desire of Dorothy. Thinking, Oscar decides to make a balloon and return home with her. After the aircraft is ready, the girl is trying to catch the slave-fledged puppy, which is why the imaginary magician flies alone. But a kind witch Mind gives a magic shoes traveler who are able to transfer a person to any place on Earth.

Wizard Oz in cartoons and films

There is a huge number of book history adaptations about great enchantial. More cinema and cartoons shot based on the Lymena Bauma cycle and the Soviet author Alexander Volkova.

The first musical film-tale did not have much success in the audience, although critics appreciated the picture positively. The picture of the director Viktor Fleming was filmed using a three-color "technicolore", the film itself took 6th place in the list of the best American film. The screening of 1939 is considered a culturally significant movie, which is noted on the IMDB portal produced 565 quotes.

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After 74, a fantasy film "Oz: Great and Horrible" came to large screens. The tendency of Hollywood to show old fairy tales in the new interpretation could not take advantage of the Walt Disney Studio. In 2011, the shooting of fairy cinema began. The main role of Oscar Diggs was invited by the actor James Franco, already known to the audience for the role of the villain in the "Spider Man." With regard to this film, the views of critics were divided. The weak point of the picture was recognized as the plot, which remotely reminded the literary option. Valery Kichin film reserves noted the franco weak game, making the conclusion that the film of 1939 was "Human".

An even more unsuccessful cinema of "Oz" was the same named television series of the NBC channel in 2017. Critics did not appreciate the game of actors, and the picture was considered too dark and oppressive by comparing it with the "Game of Thrones".

In Russia, the history of the wizard was reflected in the 1999 animation series. The tape includes 4 episodes: "Silver shoes", "The Mystery of the Great Wizard", "Koznya Old Mombi" and "Princess Oz".


And remember, my sentimental friend: the magnitude of the heart is judged by the strength of your love, but because how much love you.


  • 1900 - "Amazing Wizard from Oz"
  • 1904 - "Wonderful Country Oz"
  • 1907 - "OZDA from OZ"
  • 1908 - "Dorothy and Wizard in Oz"
  • 1939 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1959 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"


  • 1925 - "Wizard of Oz"
  • 1939 - "Wizard of Oz"
  • 1974 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1982 - "Wizard of Oz"
  • 1990-1991 - "Wizard of Oz"
  • 1999-2000 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1994 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 2013 - "Oz: Great and Horrible"
  • 2013 - "Legends of the Oz: Return to the Emerald City"
  • 2015 - "Wizard of Oz"
  • 2017 - "Dorothy and Wizard from Oz"

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