Lilia Gritsenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



In his youth, the Soviet actress Liliya Gritsenko was a star of the scene and the first beauty in the cinema. But with the arrival of old age, she faced the problem of unclaimed. The role performer was forced to live in the last months in an empty apartment.

Childhood and youth

Lily Olympievna Gritsenko appeared on the light 11 (24) of December 1917 in the Donetsk region. The artist family managed to live in Gorlovka, in Yasinovaya and in Makeyevka, because her father was a popular engineer. Celebrity mother possessed culinary talent, worked as a cook in a restaurant.

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Already in the early years, the girl showed the ability to work well, sang well and painted. She became the winner of amateur contests first in Donetsk, and then in Dnepropetrovsk, after which it was sent to study in Moscow. But in one talent, the family was not limited to: Brother Lily Nikolai Gritsenko also became an actor, a star of Soviet cinema.

Personal life

With her husband, the director Boris Ravensky - the artist met shortly before the formation of the Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky. The girl played a major role in the play of the future chosen one and soon received the status of his muse, and then his wife.

Boris took care that the Career Lilies would go to the mountain, made her star of his productions and films. But in return, the actress was supposed to endure the difficult character of the spouse who could shout at her with colleagues and even raised his hand.

According to the memories of contemporaries, Gritsenko Boris's Bogwasher. She followed him like a shadow and was ready to quietly wait in the corner until he communicates with fans. But Ravensky did not appreciate the devotion of the spouse and soon became interested in the young actress faith Vasilyeva. In addition, Lily was fruitless and could not give her husband the heir.

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Because of the change of Boris, the sense of women began to fade, and at this difficult period of her biography in Troupe, Alexander Schworine came to work, who easily conquered the heart of the artist. Even the fact that Gritsenko was 14 years older than the young beloved was not embarrassed. For the sake of him, she filed for a divorce from Ravenskiy and left the theater of Stanislavsky.

Next years, a woman lived in civil marriage with Alexander. But happiness was short-lived, and a joint life ended with the betrayal of the chosen one. During this period, Lily remained alone - abandoned and forgotten, without children and relatives.

But unexpectedly, she handed her hand to the help of Ravenskiy, who invited to work in the theater named after Alexander Pushkin. This seemed to return the meaning of the existence to the star, but I couldn't establish a personal life of the artist, even though she had a short novel with Pianist Maxim Kuznets.

Theater and films

On the stage of the Stanislavsky Theater, from which the acting career of Gritsenko began, she managed to play bright roles in the play "Masquerade", "fathers and children", "Griboedov", "Chaika", hitting the audience to the penetration, sincerity and purity of performance.

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Debut artists in the movie began with the main role. In the painting "Cherevichki", she embodied the image of the beautiful Oksana. After that, the Lily filmography was replenished with such projects as Belinsky, "Farewell, America!" And Rimsky-Korsakov, but the star glory she brought the image of Natalia Kalinina in the film "Faithful friends".

After the transition to the Pushkin Theater, Gritsenko also did not go without attention. At least the Museum of the Main Director at that time and was Tamara Lyakin, Ravensky did not leave the former spouse without roles. The woman shone in the "Romance", "Consul Burning" and "Blizzard", disrupting the ovations of the public.

In the cinema, the performer also retained the status of the favorites of viewers and directors. Fans admired her ability to be born into the image, emotionality, foulness and femininity, which forced to empathize to all her heroines. The actress played central characters in the films "Chauffeur Injury", "Merry Zhabokrichi" and "Farija Fantasy".

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But in the old age the popularity of the performer went to the decline. If in the movie she was still able to play the main roles, then in the Lily Theater remained to be content with episodic appearances in performances. And in 1988 she was retired at all.


After leaving the actress Theater did not live long. The woman could not come to terms with the loss of his favorite work. She died in January 1989, the exact date, as well as the cause of death, is unknown. I buried the star of Soviet cinema at the Novodevichy cemetery next to the grave of the brother. In memory of it there were numerous photos, movie polls and songs.


  • 1944 - "Cherevichki"
  • 1950 - "Farewell, America!"
  • 1954 - "Faithful friends"
  • 1958 - "Chauffeur Injury"
  • 1960 - "Alien trouble"
  • 1966 - "We have children"
  • 1971 - "Merry Zhabokrichi"
  • 1975 - "Colonel in resignation"
  • 1979 - "Far City Fantasy"
  • 1982 - "Private Life"
  • 1984 - "Parade Planets"
  • 1988 - "Work on errors"

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