FIDI - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, sculptor, architect



FIDIA - an ancient Greek architect, sculptor and artist, who brought the statues of bronze and chrysalefatin. The skill of the author was so high that it was glorified on a par with other ancient Greek artists of the era of the high classics by Praxitel and a policle.

Childhood and youth

On the biography of the fidiya preserved little data. Scientists put forward assumptions that his father was called Harmita, and the place of birth could be athens. Historians believe that the creative figure was born after the battle of the marathon, about 490 BC. NS.

Fidi and alkamen

The exact confirmations of the one who became a sculptor mentor was not preserved. In some sources, its potential teachers call Geety, Agelade and Polygnosta.

Fidium worked in Athens, and also engaged in architectural and artistic activities in payments, delfes and Olympia. The arrangement of the Greek Workshop In the last policy, mentions are preserved in the works of the commander of Pavania.

Personal life

Like many ancient Greeks that had attracted to creativity, FIDI consisted in romantic relations with young people. His beloved was the Elaisian young man Palitans, known for the fact that in 436 BC. NS. became the winner in the 86th Olympiad.

There is an assumption that the name of a person who has played an important role in the personal life of the sculptor, FIDID perpetuated, applying an inscription on the finger of the statue of Zeus Olympic. True, according to some reports, such a mark was on the sculpture of Athena Parfenos or on the monument dedicated to Uranian Aphrodite in Elise.


The first works of the Greek sculptor were made of copper and marble. The statues were dedicated to the gods or struck historical events. The innovation brought by FIDI on the professional sphere was that he began to combine elephant bone and gold in sculptures. Experts also pay attention to the author's skill in the image of a naked body under clothing.

Despite the fact that the works of the brew did not reach this day, the descriptions of the monuments made by him were preserved. The work of the sculptor is recognized as masterpieces of ancient Greek art. The debut work is dedicated to the marathon battle. The composition was reproduced by the image of Miltida, surrounded by the figures of the Greek gods and mythological characters. The monument was in Delphi. FIDIA worked on the design of the temple of the Tereus in Athens, and also became the author of the sculpture dedicated to Amazon. It was installed in the temple of Artemis.

In the period from 446 to 438 BC. NS. Ellin worked over the statue of Athena in Parfenone. It was made of gold and ivory using innovative equipment. The height of the monument, according to the testimony of Plin, reached 11.5 m, and in the hands of Athena held the goddess of the victory of nickname, the sword and shield. On the outside of the latter, the battle of Amazons was depicted. Sculpture symbolized the power of Athens and the heroic past of the policy.

Around 432, FIDI completed work on the sculpture of Zeus Olympic from chrysalefatin. The height of the sculpture was 14 meters. The body of God covered the golden cloth, and in the hands there were a scepter with an eagle and tiny nickname. Zeus Olympic became the third of the seven wonders of the world.

Determine the exact period of work on the statue helped excavations carried out from 1954 to 1956. In the course of research, archaeologists discovered the workshop of the Creator. Scientists have found preserved tools, clay forms and a cup with an inscription confirming the fidium belonging.

The architect created a new ensemble of Athenian Acropolis, destroyed by Persians. In addition, its authorship owns the statue of Athens Prosakhos, set about 460 to N. NS. On the Acropolis in Athens in honor of the triumph over the Persians.

The bronze monument is not preserved, as well as Athena Lemnia, the bronze sculpture, the description of which is available for descendants exclusively thanks to the copies. The sculpture of Athena Area, located in the payments, did not come. The date of its creation is considered the period from 470 to 450 BC. NS. Material for the statue served as a gold-plated tree and Pentelian marble.

Art historians classify the fidia to the founders of European art. His attic school of sculpture, organized in the second half of the 5th century BC. er, was popular, and the followers of the masters were created in the technique of high classics that combined the tendency of the era. The ancient Greek worked together with the apprentices, as well as in cooperation with the sculptors of Alkamen, Miron and Agorakrit. Master's disciples participated in the design of Parfenon. With a roll and panel FIDI worked on the image of the Olympic Zeus.


Fidium was a close friend and an adviser to the ruler of the pericles. This complements the glory of the architect, but contributed to the presence of misunderstanding with comrades. The sculptor was accused of embezzlement of gold when creating Athena Parfenos. In connection with the image on its panel of profiles in a duet with pericol, rumors of blasphemy began to spread. The enemies and envious masters took advantage of this and persuaded Menon, pericla assistant, convey to a friend of the ruler.

The sculptor was accused of stealing. At the People's Assembly from the statue of Athens, gold was removed, weighed, and it turned out that the accusations of unfair. The lack of evidence did not prevent the sculptor in prison, where he was in imprisonment, being under the severity of glory and public opinion. The cause of the death of the artist served as a mountain, which he survived, and deprivation, concomitant. According to an alternative version, Fidia poisoned poison. There is a place for the assumption that Hellen has expelled in Elima.


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