Vladimir Shatalov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, cosmonaut, Alexey Eliseev, Age 2021



The biography of Cosmonaut Vladimir Shatalov is unique even compared to the fate of the conquerors of space. Shatalov and his colleague Alexey Eliseev became the first Soviet people, three times visited in an near-earth orbit. Vladimir Alexandrovich's father was a hero of socialist labor. After death in 2016, aged 95 years of American astronaut John Glenn Shatalov became the oldest cosmonaut on earth.

Childhood and youth

The future twice Hero of the Soviet Union was born on December 8, 1927 in the family of the railway dispatcher of the city of Petropavlovsk Akmola province of the Kazakh ASSR (so from the mid-1955 to February 1936, the future Kazakh SSR) was called Alexander Borisovich Shatalov and his wife, the housewives Zoe Vladimirovna. Vladimir's father in his youth served in the RKKK airline.

At 45, Alexander Borisovich entered the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers and transported the family to the city on the Neva. The Son of the Railwayman in the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers was enthusiastically in the mug of aircraft modeling. Before the war, Volodya managed to finish 6 classes.

Vladimir Shatalov in youth

In the fall of 1941, a teenager in the repair and recovery train "Svyazmrem-1", who commanded his father, participated in the defense of Leningrad, restoring damaged areas of life. Before September 1942, Alexander Borisovich sent her son to evacuation to Petropavlovsk, where the whole rest of the Shatalov family was already located. In 1943, Volodya graduated from the sevenletk in Kazakhstan, and his father awarded the title of Hero of the Socratrud.

In 1945, the Jr. Shatalov completed training in the Voronezh special school of the Air Force, first in evacuation in Karaganda, and then returned at the "Registration" in the Chernozem. In July 1945, the young man, who dreamed of the sky, entered the military aviation school of the initial training of pilots, and when after a month it was closed, he moved to the Kaczynskiy aircraft named after Alexander Myasnikov, who was in Michurinsk Tambov region. At the age of 28, Vladimir who served as a pilot instructor, graduated from the team faculty of the Military Age Academy of the USSR Air Force.

Aviation and cosmonautics

By the time of enrollment in the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts, in January 1963, Shatalov flew more than two and a half thousand hours. Vladimir Alexandrovich has mastered the piloting of 14 modifications of yaks and migov, as well as the Mi-4 helicopter and the UT-2 aircraft, SU-7B, IL-14 and the first Soviet passenger airliner on the Tu-104 reactive rod, developed in KB Andrei Tupolev.

For the beginning of the cosmic career, the 36-year-old native of Petropavlovsk was somewhat old. However, shetals with glitter endowed all the tests and fully complied with the requirements for physical training, growth and weight.

Waiting for the first flight to Cosmos Vladimir Alexandrovich had to 6 years. In January 1969, the Son of the Railwayman became the commander of the Soyuz-4 ship (callsign "Amur-1"), in which Evgeny Khrunov and Alexey Eliseev returned to Earth. The flight became historical, since during it the first docking in the world was carried out. With Soyuz-4, "Soyuz-5, which was commanded by Boris Volynov, docked.

Vladimir Shatalov and Alexey Eliseev

The next cosmic "journey" of Shatalov took place after 8 months, however, the planned docking of the Soyuz-8 ship under his command with the KK Soyuz-7 did not take place due to equipment failure. Vladimir Alexandrovich's third flight in 1971 on the ship "Soyuz-10", together with Alexei Eliseev and Nikolai, Muzvechnikov became the shortest for the astronaut and lasted a little less than 2 days.

Since June 1971, Shatalov served as Deputy Prime Minister of the Air Force on Space, and at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the 20th century - the head of the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts. For his work, Vladimir Alexandrovich awarded many of Soviet, Russian and foreign awards. The photo has been preserved at which Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in 2011 awards a native of Petropavlovsk to the Order of Friendship in 2011 on the day of astronautics.

Personal life

Happiness in his personal life Vladimir Alexandrovich found in 1951 with a peer named Muse, who then became a candidate of agricultural sciences. A year later, the son of Igor appeared in the family, now the named after DF Ustinova in the BSTU. Even before flights to space, Vladimir and Muses were born daughter Elena, afterwards, like a brother, who chose a teaching path. Now Elena Vladimirovna works in the Diplomatic Academy.

Vladimir Shatalov with family

In the questionnaire on the Roscosmos website among the Hobbies of Vladimir Alexandrovich, the hunt, underwater hunt, garden work and cross-country skiing were indicated. Shatalov is the author of the books "10 years of space era" and "Hard roads of space", the second of which is autobiographical.


Vladimir Alexandrovich died on June 15, 2021. The cause of the death of a Russian who has completed three flights to space, did not disclose, but most of the media agreed that Shatalov's life was taken over age-related changes.


  • 1971 - "10 years of cosmic era"
  • 1974 - "Application of a computer in the system of control of the spacecraft"
  • 1975 - "People and Cosmos"
  • 1975 - "Meeting in Orbit"
  • 1977 - "Cosmonauts of the USSR"
  • 1978 - "Hard Cosmos Roads"
  • 1978 - "Cosmos: Workplace"
  • 1981 - "Cosmos - Earth"

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