Georgy Zhukov - Biography of the Communist Party, Personal Life, Photo and Latest News



Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov - the legendary Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, who was one of the key figures of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War and later received the nickname "Marshal Victory". After the death of Joseph Stalin in the biography, Georgy Zhukov appear ministerial positions - at first he was the first deputy minister of defense of the USSR, then he himself headed this department. But in 1958, Zhukov was excluded from the Central Committee of the Party, deprived of all posts in the army and sent forced resignation.

Georgy Zhukov in youth

The biography of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov takes the beginning at the end of the XIX century. He was born in the village of Strelkovka, which in the Kaluga province. Georgy leaving from a simple peasant family, so education received only the initial - three classes of church parish school, which graduated with honors. Then the boy was sent to Moscow, where he became an apprentice in a small speed workshop. By the age of 13, he had an excellent master, but the craving for study does not give the beetle of peace, and the teenager arrives at the evening general education courses and receives a certificate of maturity.

Georgy Zhukov in youth

When the First World War began, George calls on the imperial army and sent to the cavalry regiment. It is curious that thanks to education, he could go to the school of ensigns and become immediately an officer, but he ascended at the age of 19 years old by experienced soldiers, so refused. How Marshal Zhukov will later say - it was a happy thought, otherwise after the revolution he would have to emigrate. By participating in hostilities, the young cavalryer was injured, partly lost his hearing, but made a number of feats, including the German officer alone. For this, the future commander was awarded the St. George Cross.


During the civil war, Georgy Zhukov joined the Red Army and fought with the troops of Anton Denikin and Peter Wrangel. In 1920, Zhukov ends with Ryazan cavalry courses and becomes a platoon commander, later - squadron. It was his division that was engaged in the suppression of the peasant rebellion under the Tambov, the so-called Antonovsky rebellion. For the successful operation of Zhukov presented to the Order of the Red Banner. In the mid-20s, George agreed to a teaching position at the Belarusian State University, where military-pre-examination preparation was led.

Georgy Zhukov

In the 1930s, Georgy Konstantinovich again in the commander's session. He was entrusted by the 4th Cavalry Division, then appointed the Deputy Commander of the Belarusian Military District on Cavalry. Later, George Zhukov tried to compromise and blame with the links with the commander of the Belarusian district of Jerome's procurement unexpectedly became the enemy of the people. The commander was not confused and personally in the name of Joseph Stalin, as well as the Clement Voroshilov sent telegrams with a question: how he could not contact the direct boss on debt. The case was limited only to reprimand.

Georgy Zhukov

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, Politburo appointed Georgy Konstantinovich Chief of General Staff. The first thing Zhukov demanded to bring the whole army into combat readiness, since it was foresaw the attack of fascist Germany, but he was unable to convince the leader in all his ideas, about which after the war it was repeatedly publicly regretted.

From hostilities during the Second World War, it is necessary to especially allocate battles on the Western Front and command the breakthrough of Leningrad blockade. The commander of Georgy Zhukov ordered to shoot anyone who would throw a weapon, because of which he had in the future the fame of the cruel military man holder, but his actions brought progress. Also, Zhukov oversaw troops in the battle on the Kursk arc and perfectly spent the offensive operation "Bagration".

Marshal Zhukov

The title of Marshal Soviet Union Georgia Konstantinovich Zhukov was assigned in early 1943. He became the first officer who was awarded this rank from the beginning of the war. As Marshal, he took the surrender of fascist Germany, and also took the main parades of Victory in Moscow in 1945 on Red Square and in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate.

In a year, the famous "trophy case" was played, during which the legendary Marshal Victory was accused of illegally assigning various luxury items and inflating their merit in the defeat of the Army Adolf Hitler. Georgy Zhukov acknowledged that many furniture, carpets and other fashionable utensils really brought from Germany, and redefined that he did not inform the higher authority. As a result, he was transferred to the position of commander of the Ural Military District.

Georgy Zhukov

After the death of Stalin, the commander is returned to Moscow and, by order, Nikita Khrushchev are appointed First Deputy Minister of Defense, and later and Minister. By the way, Georgy Zhukov played a far from the last role in eliminating the power of Lavrentia Beria, who was his exposer in the "trophy business". According to the majority of researchers, Marshal Zhukov became one of the key figures in the suppression of the Hungarian anti-communist uprising of 1956 and conducted a rather bloody operation "whirl". After her, Khrushchev was frightened by the great influence of the Minister of Defense for the public and military leaders, so I achieved complete removal of George Zhukov from affairs and sent him to resign.

Personal life

About the Marshal in the people there are a lot of myths, including about the personal life of George Zhukov. Therefore, it is worth talking only about those romantic relations that he himself recognized. For the first time, Zhukov could marry another young man. He had an affair with a daughter of a housewife, which Georgy took off the Moscow apartment. But because of the First World War, those plans can have been in the fly. In 1919, in Saratov Lazarut, Georgy Zhukov met Nurse Maria Volokhov and between them immediately broke out feelings. But because of hostilities, young people broke up.

Georgy Zhukov and his wife and children

A year later, the future Marshal loved the young teacher Alexander Zuykov, who began to be considered his wife, although they were officially signed only in 1953. And then the fate again brought Georgy Konstantinovich with Maria Volokhova. Several years of Zhukov burst between two women. Interestingly, almost simultaneously the ladies made him by his father: Alexandra gave birth to the daughter of Era, and Maria - Margarita. By the way, both "wives" George Zhukov knew each other, but put up with the situation. Later, Volokhova married and broke the relationship with the beloved. And the official spouse gave Georgy another daughter Ello.

Georgy Zhukov with his wife

During the Second World War, Zhukov lived in a civil marriage with Military Feldscher Lidia Zakharova. She passed the whole war with Marshal, repeatedly went with him to the forefront and moved to the south of Ukraine, when he was appointed commander of the Odessa Military District. They parted only when Alexander Zuykova came to visit her husband. As a result, Georgy Konstantinovich broke a relationship with his mistress, but not for the sake of the spouse, but for the sake of the Military doctor Galina Semenova. They also lived in the actual union, but in 1965, Georgy Zhukov officially divorced Zuykova and went to the registry office with Galina, who gave him the fourth daughter Maria.

Georgy Zhukov and his daughter

All daughters George Zhukov received an excellent education. Margarita graduated from the Legal and Economic Faculty of Moscow State University, more than 40 years taught political economy in various metropolitan universities. It is the founder of the Public Foundation "Marshal Zhukov". Era and Ella finished MGIMO. The eldest of them was the employee of the Institute of State and the Rights of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the youngest became a journalist. And Maria Georgievna wrote and published a widely famous book "Marshal Zhukov - My Father."


In the last years of his life, Georgy Zhukov again began to attend the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, where he was invariably met long applause. Also, Marshal was a consultant of the documentary film "If your dear houses are your house" and "Pages of the Stalingrad battle", and he even starred in two series. The book was published and the book of memoirs of "Memories and Reflections", over which Zhukov worked for more than 10 years.

Monument to Georgia Zhukov

At the end of 1973, the wife of Georgy Zhukova, Galina Alexandrovna dies, after which Marshal began to feel worse and worse. He suffered a stroke, then a heart attack, and in the spring fell into someone. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov died in the hospital on June 18, 1974 after several weeks of stay in Koma. Despite the last will of the commander about the traditional burial, his body was cremated, and the dust burned in the Kremlin wall on the Red Square of Moscow. On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Marshal, George Zhukova, for the first time in the history of Kremlin necropolis, was served by a memorial.

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