Rudolf Nureev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Ballet



Rudolf Nureyev - the legendary artist of the ballet, which was in demand on the Soviet stage, and abroad. It is considered the most famous dancer of the 20th century, and the technique of Rudolph and his jump - the shrittostaty. After Parisian tour in 1961, he refused to return to the Soviet Union, asked for political asylum and became one of the most famous refugees in domestic history. After the end of the dance career, Nureyev tried himself as a choreographer, and as a film acter, and in recent years he was a conductor of the Paris Opera.

Childhood and youth

Despite the fact that in the biography of Rudolf Nureyev, Irkutsk was listed by Irkutsk, in fact he was born in a train, which followed Vladivostok, and at the railway station not far from Irkutsk there was only a toddler's appearance. Rudolph became a younger child in the family of a political armor of the Red Army of Hamet Phaseevich, Tatar for Nationality, and his wife Farid Aglyullovna. The ballet star had three senior sisters: Rosa, Rosis and Lydia.

Military childhood Nureyev passed in evacuation in Ufa. Already from 5 years old, the boy began to manifest interest in the dance. The father, who returned from the war in the rank of Major, was unhappy with the choice of his son. Hameta at first tried to instill Rudolph love for male hobbies - fishing and hunting, but the boy showed to the hobby of the father indifference.

Then the older Nureyev had to get the belt. Punishment did not doubled Rudik from choreography, and from 11 years he went to the scene among the participants of the ensemble of national dance at the House of Culture. At 15, the young man has already begun to try his forces in the Cordage of the Ufa Opera House, and in a year she became a full member of the troupe.

In 1955, at the age of 17, Rudolph Nureyev goes to Leningrad to continue their education in the choreographic school. But he did not take into account that children received children from 12 years old, so in age he lagged behind his classmates, did not find a common language with other disciples and subjected to ridicule. Because of the similar relationship, Nureyev could not live in a hostel, so I responded to the kind invitation of His mentor Alexander Pushkin and settled in his family.

Choreographic school Rudolph graduated in 1958 and immediately received an invitation to enter the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater and Ballet named after S. M. Kirov, which he was made at the ultimate request of Natalia Dudin's Prima Ballerina.


The first party, which Rudolf Nureyev fulfilled at a professional level, was the role of Frontoso in Laurency ballet. Later, the dancer participated in the VII World Festival of Youth and Students in Vienna, where the Golden Medal was awarded. For 3 years, Rudolph became an important link in the troupe, he had great hopes for him. He traveled to tour with the theater in Bulgaria, East Germany and Egypt, so Nureyev was issued without any problems, and he went to speak in the Paris Opera.
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But after several performances, the KGB requirement to remove the young ballet artist from performances and send back to the USSR. According to the official version, he "violated the regime of being abroad." But eyewitnesses believe that the bodies learned about non-traditional orientation of Nureyev. The dancer decided not to obey, requested political asylum in France and became the most famous "non-return" in the history of the Soviet Union, and in his homeland, an imprisonment was expected.

The escape of the dancer made the effect of a broken bomb, as 2 months ago the Soviet Union celebrated the victory after the first flight of a person in space. The artist was forever entered in the lists of traitors of the Motherland. However, after many years, in 1985, he allowed for three days to enter the country to visit the mother's funeral. At the same time, all people who knew the artist in youth were warned about the strict ban on communicating with him.

Previously, Nureev attempts to contact their relatives, but was helpless in front of the Iron Curtain. The ballet artist found a way out. At his request, the queen of one Arab state, which made a visit to the USSR, managed to include at its route a visit to Ufa. Here she handed the letter from Rudolf His mother and expressed her admiration for the talent of the Son. This interesting fact from the life of Nureyev subsequently became known for his fans.

In France, Rudolf joined the "Ballet Marquis de Cuevas" troupe, but six months later, he was forced to leave the country, since he was denied political asylum. But the Great Britain went to the talented artist towards the talented artist: Nureyev moves to London and together with the Ballerina Margo Fontein on the scene of the Royal Ballet Covent Garden creates a duet, still considered reference.

Later, the dancer became the Prime Minister of the Vienna Opera, as a result of which Austrian citizenship received. But he was not limited to performances in one particular country. Nureyev worked very diligently: in the 60s he gave 200 performances per year, and by 1975 he began to go on stage more than 300 times, that is, almost daily.

The glory of the dancer was deafening, in the West he shone not only on the best ballet scenes, but also became part of pop culture. His photo and interviews regularly fell on the covers and pages of glossy publications. Nureyev was friends with Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Diana, and Jacqueline Kennedy personally helped the dancer to create an interior of his apartment in New York. Rudolph did not miss the opportunity to show his sense of humor: he became a hero of one release of a puppet "Mappa show," where his performance was held with Miss Piggy's lead to the music from the Swan Lake.

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Due to its working capacity and fame, Nureyev became the richest artist of the ballet, accumulating a state of $ 80 million. The list of its real estate was replenished every year: he belonged to the luxury apartments in Paris, New York, London, estate in the USA, in France, Italy. Nureyev even acquired a small archipelago, on one of the islands of which built a villa with a ballet class and a swimming pool. It was not easy to do so, since there was no fresh water and electricity on the archipelago.

Movies and music

Back in the Soviet Union, Nureyev first starred in the film "Soul Flight", dedicated to the All-Union Israes of Choreographic School. Later, he was the main acting face of a number of films-ballet, for example, Romeo and Juliet, "I - Dancer", "Young and Death". But there is in the biographies of Rudolph and two roles in artistic cinema. He played Rudolph Valentino in the Valentino Biographical Drama and Daniel Jelina in the melodrama "In Presentation", where he collaborated with young Nastasya Kinski.

Rudolf Nureev as Rudolph Valentino (Frame from Valentino's movie)

Also, the legend of ballet is known as the balletmaster, which made its own variants of the classic performance "Nutcracker", "Don Quixote", "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", Swan Lake. In addition, Nureyev put the original ballets "Tankredi" and "Manfred".

When Rudolf headed the troupe of the Paris Grand Opera in the 1980s, he began to promote more and more young performers, often ignoring the hierarchy of soloists, leading soloists and premiers, which was innovation in world practice. In recent years of life, a man could no longer dance, but did not want to part with the theater and began to conduct an orchestra. Moreover, in this capacity, it was even specially invited to Russia and on the stage of the Tatar Opera House in Kazan was conducted by ballet "Romeo and Juliet" and "Nutcracker".

Personal life

Personal life of Rudolph Nureyev was connected with men: the ballet artist was open gay. Although some of his acquaintances argue that he had novels with girls in his youth. The dancer himself admitted that he could become a father twice, but his chosen was interrupted by pregnancy for various reasons.

Rudolf Nureyev and Margo Fontein

Also Rudolf attribute romantic relationships with his partner, the Great Ballerina Margo Fontein, which was older for 15 years. However, the dancers themselves called this relationship exclusively spiritual and friendly.

When the ballerina died of cancer, Nureyev paid all her medical bills and once said that if he could do Margo's wife at one time, then the life of both would have developed more successful. However, these words rather say not about the old novel, but about the reluctance to part with life - Rudolph knew that he himself dies.

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At different times, Nureyev, rumored, had love relationships with stars such as Rock musicians Freddie Mercury and Mick Jagger, Fashioner Yves Saint-Laurent and Singer Elton John. But the Danish dancer, Eric Brun, remained the main love in the personal life of Rudolf. Men were together for 25 years, right up to Eric's death in 1986. The relationship between them was not easy, because in temperament, Russian and Dane turned out to be a little complete opposites.


Back in 1983, the immunodeficiency virus was discovered in the blood of Rudolph Nureyev. The disease has evolved, and after 10 years, January 6, 1993, in the suburb of Paris, the great dancer died from AIDS.

The grave of Rudolph Nureyev

Under his demand, the body was buried in the Russian cemetery of St. Genevieve de Boua, and the grave is covered with a colored Persian carpet.


Despite the fact that the ballet artist refused to citizen of the USSR, in his homeland fans understood his decision and continued to appreciate the work of Rudolph. After the death of Nureyeva, his name was assigned to the Bashkir choreographic college, street in Ufa, and also opened the museum. In addition, the annual festival of classical ballet named after Rudolf Nureyev's classical ballet was held in Tatarstan, and in November 2018, a monument was opened in Kazan.

After the death of Matra, his person received the second life in art. In memory of him, the documentary tapes "Rudolf Nureyev. Rebellious demon "," Rudolph Nureyev. The island of his dreams, "in the theater of Roman Viktyuk, the play" Study Garden. Rudolf Nureyev ", and in the theater of Sergey Yankovsky - the production of a" jump in freedom ", in which Ilze Liepa and ballet artists participate.

Rudolf Nureev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Ballet 18400_4

In 2018, the premiere of the drama "Nureyev. White Raven "British actor and director Raif Fains, in which the ballet artists were played by Oleg Ivenko, Sergey Polunin, Russian actors Alexey Morozov, Chulpan Hamatov, Ravshan Kurkova, Anastasia Meskov. In 2019, the film was presented in Russian box office.

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