Peter I (Peter First, Peter Great, Peter 1) - biography, photos, personal life, history, reforms, wars



Peter I, for his merits to Russia received a nickname Peter the Great, - the figure for Russian history is not just a sign, but a key. Peter 1 created the Russian Empire, so he turned out to be the last king of all Russia and, accordingly, the first emperor of All-Russian. The son of the king, the king's sovereign, the king's brother - Peter and himself was proclaimed the head of the country, and at that time the boy was barely fulfilled 10 years. Initially, he had a formal co-guide Ivan V, but from 17 years already rules on his own, and in 1721 Peter I became the emperor.

Peter I.

For Russia, the years of the reign of Peter I were the time of large-scale reforms. He significantly expanded the territory of the state, built the beautiful city of St. Petersburg, incredibly raised the economy, founding a whole network of metallurgical and glass plants, as well as lowered to a minimum import of foreign goods. In addition, Peter the Great first of the Russian rulers began to adopt their best ideas from Western countries. But since all Peter's reforms of the first were achieved by violence against the population and the eradication of any dissent, the personality of Peter 1 in historians still causes diametrically opposite assessments.

Childhood and Youth Peter I

The biography of Peter I initially implied his future reign, as he was born in the family of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanova and his wife Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina. It is noteworthy that Peter first turned out to be the 14th child at his father, but the firstborn for the mother. It is also worth noting that the name Peter was completely unconventional for both dynasties of his ancestors, so historians still can not find out where he received this name.

Peter I in childhood

The boy was only four years old when the king father died. His senior brother and the godfa Fedor III, who took his guardianship over his brother and ordered to give this a good education to the throne. However, with this Peter the first turned out to be great problems. He was always very inquisitive, but just at that moment the Orthodox Church started the war against foreign influence, and all Latinist teachers were removed from the courtyard. Therefore, Tsarevich was taught Russian devices, who themselves did not have deep knowledge, and the Russian-speaking books of the proper level did not exist. As a result, Peter the first had a meager vocabulary and until the end of his life wrote with errors.

Peter I in childhood

Tsar Fedor III Rules is only six years old and died due to weak health at a young age. By tradition, the throne was supposed to take another king of the king Alexey, Ivan, but he was very painful, so the family of Naryshkin organized actually the palace coup and declared the heir to Peter I. It was profitable for them, since the boy was a descendant of their kind, but Naryshkina did not take into account The family of Miloslavsky will raise uprising due to the infringement of the interests of Tsarevich Ivan. The famous Streletsky Bunth of 1682, which was the result of which at the same time two kings - Ivan and Peter. In the Armory of the Kremlin still preserved a double throne for the kings brothers.

Peter I in youth

The favorite game of Young Peter I began classes with your army. Moreover, the soldiers from Tsarevich were not at all toy. His peers dressed in uniform and marched through the streets of the city, and Peter himself "served" in his shelf by the drummer. Later, he even started his own artillery, also real. The funny army of Peter I was called the Preobrazhensky regiment, to which the Semenov regiment was later added, and, besides them, the king organized a funny fleet.

King Peter I.

When the young king was still a minor, the eldest sister was standing behind his back, Tsarevna Sophia, and later Mother Natalia Kirillovna and her relatives of Naryshkin. In 1689, the brother co-gentleman V finally gave Peter all the power, although nominally remained co-king, until he was died at the age of 30. After the death of Mother, King Peter the Great freed himself from the hustover guardianship of the princes of Naryshkin and precisely since then we can talk about Peter the first as an independent rule.

Peter I.

He continued military actions in the Crimea against the Ottoman Empire, conducted a series of Azov campaigns, which was the result of the fortress of Azov. To strengthen the southern borders, the king built a port of Taganrog, but Russia has not yet had a full fleet, therefore the final victory did not reach. The large-scale construction of the courts and the training of young nobles abroad begins. And the king himself studied the art of the Tlowing of the fleet, even having worked as a carpenter on the construction of the ship "Peter and Paul".

Peter I.

While Peter the Great was preparing to reform the country and personally studied the technical and economic progress of leading European states, a conspiracy was conceived against him, and the first wife of the king was standing at the head. Having suppressed the Streletsky Riot, Peter first decided to reorient the hostilities. He concludes a peaceful agreement with the Ottoman Empire and begins the war with Sweden. His troops captured the fortresses of Noteburg and Nienshanz at the mouth of the Neva, where the king decided to establish the city of St. Petersburg, and at the nearby island Kronstadt placed the base of the Russian fleet.

War Peter Great

The above conquests allowed to open the exit to the Baltic Sea, which received the later symbolic name "Window to Europe". Later, Russia joined the territories of Eastern Baltic, and in 1709, during the legendary Poltava battle, the Swedes were defeated completely. Moreover, it is important to notice: Peter the first, unlike many kings, was not sitting in the fortresses, and personally led the troops on the battlefield. In the Poltava battle, Peter I even shot the hat, that is, he really risked his own life.

Peter I under Poltava

After the defeat of the Swedes under Poltava Korol Karl XII shelled under the patronage of the Turks in the city of Bender, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire, and today is located in Moldova. With the help of the Crimean Tatars and the Zaporizhia Cossacks, he began to force the situation on the southern border of Russia. After reaching the expulsion of Karl, Peter the first, on the contrary, forced the Ottoman Sultan to relent Russian-Turkish war. Rus was in a situation where you need to lead the war on three fronts. At the border with Moldova, the king was surrounded and agreed to sign the world with the Turks, giving them a back of the Azov fortress and access to the Azov Sea.

Peter I with a red hill

In addition to the Russian-Turkish and northern wars, Peter the Great pulled the situation in the east. Thanks to his expeditions, the city of Omsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Semipalatinsk were founded, and later Kamchatka joined Russia. The king wanted to carry out hiking to North America and India, but to realize these ideas did not manage. But he conducted the so-called Caspian campaign to Persia, during which he won Baku, Rasht, Astrabad, Derbent, as well as other Iranian and Caucasian fortresses. But after the death of Peter the Great, most of these territories were lost, since the New Board considered the region not promising, and the content of the garrison in those conditions was too expensive.

Peter I. reform

Due to the fact that the territory of Russia expanded significantly, Peter managed to reorganize the country from the kingdom to the empire, and since 1721 Peter I became the emperor. Of the numerous reforms of Peter I, transformations in the army were clearly distinguished, which allowed him to achieve large military victories. But no less important were such innovations as the transition of the church under the subordination to the emperor, as well as the development of industry and trade. Emperor Peter The first perfectly aware of the need to enlighten and fight an outdated way of life. On the one hand, his tax on wearing beard was perceived by the Samodogrya, but at the same time there was a direct dependence of the progress of the nobility on the service from the level of their education.

Peter I.

With Peter, the first Russian newspaper was founded and many translations of foreign books appeared. Artillery, engineering, medical, marine and mountain schools, as well as the first gymnasium in the country, were opened. And now, general education schools could visit not only children of noble people, but also siblings of soldiers. He really wanted to create a mandatory elementary school for everyone, but this idea did not have time to fulfill. It is important to notice that Peter's reforms of the first affected not only the economy and politics. He financed the formation of talented artists, introduced a new Julian calendar, tried to change the position of the woman, banning violent marriage. Also raised the dignity of subjects, obliging them to not put on his knees even before the king and use full names, and not to call themselves as before, "Senka" or "Ivashka".

Monument to Peter First

In general, Peter's reforms of the first changed the system of values ​​from the nobles, which can be considered a huge plus, but at the same time the abyss between victims and people increased many times and now was not limited to finance and title. The main minus of royal transformations is the violent method of their embodiment. In fact, it was a struggle of a despotism with uneducated people, and Peter counted the whip to instill consistency. In this regard, the construction of St. Petersburg, which was carried out in the most severe conditions. Many masters rushed from the catering work in the run, and the king ordered all their family to plant them in prisons, until the fugitives return with the obey.

Building St. Petersburg

Since the method of managing the state under Peter the first was not all like everyone, the king founded the body of political school and the court Preobrazhensky order, which later converted into the infamous secret office. The most unpopular decrees in this context was a ban on keeping records in a closed room, as well as a prohibition of adolescent. The violation of both of these decrees was punishable by the death penalty. In this way, Peter the Great fought with conspiracies and palace coups.

Personal life Peter I

In the youth, the king Peter I loved to be in German Sloboda, where not only became interested in ingenic life, for example, learned to dance, smoke and communicate to the Western manner, but also fell in love with the German girl Anna Mons. His mother was very alarmed by such relationships, so at the achievement of Peter 17th anniversary insisted at his wedding with Edocya Lopukhina. However, they did not have a normal family life: shortly after the wedding Peter first left his wife and visited it only for the sake of preventing rumors of a certain kind.

Evdokia Lopukhina

At Tsar Peter I and his wife were three sons: Alexey, Alexander and Paul, but two latter died in infancy. The eldest son of Peter the first should have become his heir, but since Evdokia in 1698 unsuccessfully tried to overthrow her husband from the throne for the sake of transferring the crown to his son and was concluded in the monastery, Alexey was forced to flee abroad. He never endorsed his father's reforms, considered Tyran and planned to overthrow the parent. However, in 1717, a young man was arrested and entered into custody in the Petropavlovsk fortress, and a death sentence was carried out by the future. The case did not come to the penalty, as soon Alexey died in prison under unclear circumstances.

A few years after the dissolution of marriage with the first wife, Peter first took the Skavron 19-year-old Marta in his mistress, which Russian troops captured as military prey. She gave birth from the king eleven children, and half - even before the legitimate wedding. The wedding took place in February 1712 after the adoption of a woman of Orthodoxy, thanks to which she became Catherine Alekseevna, subsequently known as Empress Ekaterina I. Among the children of Peter and Catherine are the future Empress Elizabeth I and Anna, the mother of Peter III, the rest died in childhood. Interestingly, Peter's second wife was the only man in his life, who could calm his violent character even at the moments of rabies and enclosures of anger.

Maria Kantemir

Despite the fact that the wife accompanied the emperor in all campaigns, he was able to captivate the young Maria Kantemir, the daughter of the former Moldovan gentleman, Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich. Maria remained the favorite of Peter the first to the end of his life. Separately, it is worth mentioning about the growth of Peter I. Even for our contemporaries, more than a two-meter man seems very high. But during the time of Peter I, it 203 centimeters seemed completely incredible. Judging by the chronicles of eyewitnesses, when the king and emperor Peter the Great walked through the crowd, his head was towers over the sea of ​​people.

Peter I. Death

Compared to its older brothers born to another mother from their common father, Peter first seemed pretty healthy. But in fact, almost all his life was tormented by the strongest headaches, and in recent years, Peter the first has suffered from renal illness. The attacks strengthened even more after the emperor, together with ordinary soldiers, pulled out the nerd bar, but he tried to not pay attention to no matter.

Peter I. Death

At the end of January 1725, the ruler could no longer tolerate pain and run in his winter palace. After the Emperor's forces are not left, he just moaned, and all the surroundings understood that Peter was dying. Death Peter first accepted in terrible flour. The official cause of his death doctors called inflammation of the lungs, but later the doctors had strong doubts about such a verdict. An autopsy was held, which showed the terrible inflammation of the bladder, which has already turned into Gangren. Peter the Great was buried in the cathedral under the Petropavlovsk fortress in St. Petersburg, and his spouse was the heir to the throne, Empress Ekaterina I.

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