Gandalf - biography, actor in the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings, quotes


Character History

Each self-respecting hero has the necessary acquaintances and connections. In bold knights, low-spirited men and Hogwarts students, wizards occupy a leading place as an assistant. One of the powerful sorcerers coming to mind first is the gray-haired old man from the trilogy "Lord of the Rings".


In September 1937, a fantastic fairy tale "Hobbit, or back and back", written by the teacher Oxford appeared on the shelves of bookstores. The adventure novel tells about the journey of the Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins and his associates, who went beyond the abducted golden gnomes.

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The story of the adventures of magical creatures was created by Tolkin exclusively for his own children. One day the eldest son of the writer noticed that the details of the fairy tales do not coincide, and the Pedantic Professor had to record a novel on paper. So the first part of the epic appeared on hobbits, elves and almighty magicians.

Fantasy's first edition received positive feedback. The publishing house came piles of letters with a request to print the continuation of the adventures of a little man and a great magician. Under pressure from the publisher, John R. R. Tolkin wrote new novels about the Mediterranean and its inhabitants. Only this time the books did not belong to the section of children's literature. The trilogy was named "The Lord of the Rings".

John R. R. Tolkin

During the preparation of manuscripts to Publication, Tolkin often sent detailed letters to the editor, which deciphered the characters' characters. In the next explanation (letter number 107), the writer mentions that he was the Gandalf "in the Spirit of Odin". No wonder, because Professor taught literature, including Scandinavian mythology. In a fantastic epopea, many veiled references to myths and legends.


The biography of the Great Mague begins in 1000 in the third era. The highest strengths send an elder in the Mediterranean to combat Sauron - sorcerer, bearing fear and destruction. A kind wizard personifies the element of the fire: The Handalph staff exudes the flame, the inhabitants of Shira remember the fireworks of the old man, and the eagle, on which the magician occasionally moves along the Mediterranean, is considered a symbol of the Sun.

Gandalf with staff

On the territory of the fictional world, Gentalf Gray is known under several names:

"I have a lot of names in different countries. Mithrandire among the elves, Tarkun among the gnomes; In his youth on the long-being forgotten West, I was Alorin, in the south - Inkanus, in the north - Gandalf, and I do not go to the east. "

The wizard travels among the inhabitants of the kingdom, getting acquainted with the traditions and habits of peoples. Often such research missions are incorporated in the form of a disembodied spirit.

Unlike classic Mages, Gandalf uses spells when they are saved in other ways it is not possible. In each confusing situation, the old man leaves the right to choose for existing persons. For interpretated travelers, Gandalf is a ray of hope, which directs the heroes to the right path.

Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins

On the approaches to the ultimate goal of the travel, the great magician dies in a fight with a demon. The death of the magician, like most events, also has a religious and mythical subtext. Donated, the wizard presented the chance to save the Mediterranean.

On the death and revival of a powerful elder, the writer expressed very sharply:

"I suppose the return of Gandalf and is indeed represented not in the best way ... Partly the reason for this - the omnipresent requirements of the narrative equipment. Gandalfu is supposed to return at such a moment, and here should be explained how he survived, in all allowable details, - but the plot develops rapidly, it is impossible to slow down the story for the sake of extensive reasoning ... "

After the revival and victory over the forces of evil, the wizard changes the name to Gandalf White, emphasizing his appointment to the position of chief magician Order of Istari. The journey of the Great Sorcerer in the country of Hobbits, Dwarves and Orcs ends. Collecting loved ones, the old man goes to his homeland - to the place called Valinor.

Friends and enemies

Key antagonists for the Great Maga are Sauron and Saruman. And if the first one carries destruction from the moment of appearance on Earth, the second betrays a good nature and supporters voluntarily. Saruman heads the Order of Istary, but does not receive recognition and glory. Obsessed with envy and the desire of power, the magician betrays the magic society and goes to the service forces of evil.


Sauron is a great destructive spirit - intends to absorb mediamiam and settle the country with obedient brown slaves. Therefore, it is important for Gandalph that the heroes entered into a fight with evil at a voluntary basis. An evil eye, which is watching the world of European, it is necessary to destroy that the residents of the Mediterranean have lost freedom.


In the fight against the impending danger of Gandalf, a very different company helps: a group of hobbits led by Frodo, Elf Legolas, Gnome Gimli and the future King Aragorn.

Hobbit Frodo.

Since the appearance in Mediterranean, Gandalf is experiencing a special location to the Hobbits. Therefore, the magician forgives the babies of pranks and rampant deeds. The wizard arises to protect the low people, realizing that only the hobbits can overcome all the tests and save the country from the enemy.

Elf Legolas and Gnome Gimli

The last leader of the trackers named Aragorn is a close wizard comanter. After the death of the magician, the man heads the army and inspires comrades to fight. It was Gandalf that places a white crown on the head of Aragorn, emphasizing the legality of his power.

Wanderer Aragorn

Gandalf's friends, like the wizard, are subject to heavy trials and do not always leave the battles winners. Tolkien has shown the reader in the epopea that even the strengths of this will make mistakes and do not control the situation.

Arguing in a letter about other scene development options, the writer claims:

"Gandalf as the lord of the rings would be much worse than Sauron. He would be "righteous", but only too confident in his righteousness ... Gandalf would put good in repulsive form, would like evil. "


Sir Ian McCellen suffered the image of a great magician from the pages of the book on a wide screen. For the role of an eccentric fighter with evil, the artist was awarded the US Actors Guild Prize. Modern technologies allowed to create a spectacular picture, but the creative process disappointed the actor. Most scenes man had to play alone on the background of green canvas:

"Yes, I actually cried. I said out loud: "Not for this I came to the movies." Unfortunately, my microphone was not turned off at that moment, and my words heard everything in the studio. "

Despite the differences with the film crew created by the actor, the image entered the 100 greatest characters according to Empire magazine. Sean Connery and Tom Baker invited the role of the Almighty Elder, but both actors refused - artists were not interested in the proposed scenario.

Ian McKellen in the role of the gender

Christopher Lee, the future Saruman - the only one of the members of the film crew who had the honor would get acquainted with the creator of the legendary about the Mediterranean. Tolkin expressed the opinion that the actor perfectly fit into the role of Gandalf, but the director of the trilogy suggested Sir Lee to play a negative character.

After entering the hire "Lord of the Rings", the Son of the writer condemned the film crew, saying that in pursuit of a beautiful picture The creators of the film poorly worked out the storyline.


"The magician does not come late, Frodo Baggins, and it does not come too early. It appears when necessary. "" You have to show tact, respect and a significant share of charm! That is why I will speak. "" The brave is the one who finds the strength not to take someone's life, but to spare her. "" It's hard to believe that the fire burns until it is touching him. But then, everything that you will tell you about the fire, will be in the heart. "

Interesting Facts

  • According to the writer of the trilogy, the main task of Gandalf in the Mediterranean - to ignite the souls of people in the shocking world.
  • The name of the elder in the Western language of the Mediterranean means "Elf with the Staff".
  • The appearance of Gandalph is borrowed by Tolkin from the postcard. In the picture entitled "Mountain Spirit" depicts an elderly bearded man with a wooden straight. The spirit is dressed in a pointed hat and feeds with the hands of a deer.
Gandalf - biography, actor in the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings, quotes 1835_11
  • Photographer from New Zealand launched a project that allowed tourists to feel Handalf, - a young man shoots people in a senior costume against the background of wildlife.
  • In the film "Brotherhood Ring", the wizard visits the house of Bilbo. The actor who played Gandalph did not calculate the sizes and hurts hit the crossbar. The artist did not spoil the double and continued the game. This scene entered the final version of the picture.

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