Lewis Carroll - biography, photo, personal life, books, fairy tales and latest news



Lewis Carroll was born in the village of Darsbury in English County Cheshire on January 27, 1832. His father was the parish priest, he also engaged in the formation of Lewis, as well as other children. In total, four boys and seven girls were born in the Carroll family family. Lewis showed himself a smartly smart and intelligent student.

Carroll was Leftche, which in the nineteenth century was perceived by religious people not so calm as now. The boy was forbidden to write with his left hand and forced him to use the right, which was the cause of psychological injury and led to a slight stuttering. Some researchers argue that Lewis Carroll is an autistic, but there is no accurate information about it.

Lewis Carroll

At a twelve-year-old age, Lewis began to study in a private grammatical school located near Richmond. He liked teachers and classmates, as well as the atmosphere in a small educational institution. However, in 1845, the boy was transferred to Rugby's fashionable public school, where great importance was attached to the physical training of boys and the attractive Christian values.

This school young Carroll liked significantly less, but he studied well in it for four years and even demonstrated good abilities to theology and mathematics.

Lewis Carroll in youth

In 1850, a young man entered the College of Christ-Church at the University of Oxford. In general, he studied not too well, but still showed outstanding mathematical abilities. A few years later, Lewis received the rank of bachelor, and then began to read his own lectures in Mathematics in Kraistch. He was engaged in more than two and a half dozen years: the work lecturer brought a good earnings to the lecturer, although he found it quite boring.

Since educational institutions in those days were closely interrelated with religious organizations, assumed to the post of lecturer, Lewis was obliged to take a spiritual san. In order not to work in the parish, he agreed to take the San Diacon, refusing the powers of the priest. Even during training in College, Carroll began writing small stories and poems, and then he came up with this pseudonym (in fact, the present name of the writer - Charles Littlezh Dodzhson).

Creation of Alice

In 1856, the Cherish Cherch college was changed by Dean. Philologist and lexicographer Henry Liddell, as well as his wife and five children arrived in Oxford to work in this position in Oxford. Lewis Carroll soon became friends with the Liddelov family and became their faithful buddy for many years. It is one of the daughters of the married couple, Alice, who in 1856 was four years old, and became a prototype to all the well-known Alice from the most famous works of Carroll.

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The writer often told the children of Henry Liddell funny fairy tales, characters and events that he composed on the go. Somehow, in the summer of 1862, during a boat walk, Little Alice Liddell asked Lewis for him to once again composed an interesting story for her and her sisters Lorin and Edith. Carroll gladly took care of the case and told the girls a breathtaking fairy tale about the adventures of a little girl who fell through the hole of a white rabbit into the underground country.

Alisa Lellem

In order for the girls to listen more interesting, he made the main character like Alisa in character, and also added some secondary character characteristics of Edith and Lorin. Little Leeddell was delighted with the story and demanded that the writer would record it on paper. Carroll did it only after several reminders and solemnly handed Alice a manuscript called "Alice's Adventures underground". Somewhat later he took this first story as the basis of his famous books.


His religious works - "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice in the Casmodist" - Lewis Carroll wrote in 1865 and 1871, respectively. His manner of writing books was not like any of the writer styles that existed at that time. As a person is very creative, with a rich imagination and the inner world, as well as an outstanding mathematician with an excellent understanding of logic, he created a special genre of "paradoxical literature".

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His characters and those situations in which they fall are not intended to hit the reader with absurdity and absurd. In fact, they all follow a certain logic, and this logic itself has been brought to the absurdity. In an unusual, sometimes even anecdotic form, Lewis Carroll subtly and gracefully affects many philosophical issues, argues about life, peace and our place in it. As a result, the books turned out not only in an entertaining reading for children, but also wise fairy tales for adults.

The unique style of Carroll appears in other works, although they were not so popular as the stories about Alice: "Hunting for Snarka", "Silvi and Bruno", "stories with nodules", "midnight tasks", "Euclidean and his Modern rivals "," What a turtle said Achillu, "Allen Brown and Carr".

Lewis Carroll

Some argue that Lewis Carroll and his world would not be so unusual if the writer did not use the opium on a regular basis (he suffered from strong migraines, and also still noticeably stuttered). However, at that time, opium tincture was a popular medicine from many diseases, it was used even with light headaches.

Contemporaries told that the writer was a "man with quirks." He led a fairly active secular life, but at the same time suffered from the need to meet certain social expectations and desperately eager to return to childhood, where everything was easier and could be in any situation to remain themselves. For some time he even suffered from insomnia, and spent all his free time for numerous studies. He really believed in going beyond the reality known to us and tried to comprehend something more than the science of that time could offer.


Charles Dodzhyson was really a gifted mathematician: perhaps partly therefore the riddles of his texts are so complex and diverse. When the author did not write his masterpiece books, he was often engaged in mathematical works. Of course, he did not in one row with the return of Galois, Nikolai Lobachevsky or Januschi Boyai, however, as modern researchers celebrate, did discover in the field of mathematical logic, leading his time.

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll has developed its own graphic technique for finding a solution to logical tasks, which was much more convenient than the diagrams used in those times. In addition, the storyteller virtuoso solved "dyspetes" - special logical tasks consisting of a sequence of syllogisms, seizing the conclusions of one of which becomes a prerequisite for another, while all the remaining parcels were mixed in such a task.


Another serious passion of the writer, to distract from which only his own fairy tales and heroes could have been photographed. His drawing of his photo execution belongs to the style of pictorialism, distinguished by staged manner of filming and installation of negatives.

Most of all Lewis Carroll loved to photograph children. He was well acquainted with another popular photographer of those times - Oscar Reylander. It was Oscar that made one of the best photographs of the writer, subsequently the classics of photo art of the mid-1860s.

Personal life

The writer led a very active secular life, including, was often selected in the society of various representatives of the fine sex. Since simultaneously with this, he wore the title of professor and the deacon, the family tried to communicate in every way Lewis who did not want to coach Lewis or at least to hide the stories of his stormy bareradity. Therefore, after the death of Carroll, his story of his life was carefully retailed: the contemporaries sought to create an image of a good-natured storyteller who loved the children very much. Subsequently, this is their aspiration played with Lewis's biography.

Lewis Carroll and children

Carroll really loved children very very much, including, in the circle of his communication, little girls were periodically - daughters of friends and colleagues. Unfortunately, a woman who he could try the status of "wife," and who would give him his own children, did not find Carroll. Therefore, in the 20th century, when to turn over the bottom of the biography of famous people and search for Freudian motives in their behavior became very fashionable, the storyter began to blame for such a crime as pedophilia. Some particularly zealous supporters of this idea even tried to prove that Lewis Carroll and Jack Ripper is the same person.

There were no confirmations of such theories found. Moreover: all letters and stories of contemporaries, in which the writer put out the lover of little girls, were subsequently exposed. So, Ruth Gamlen stated that the writer invited the "shy child of 12 years old" from the Bowman, while in reality the girl at that time was at least 18 years old. The situation is the same in the same way and with others allegedly minor girlfriends of Carroll, which were actually quite adults.


The writer died on January 14, 1898, the cause of death is inflammation of the lungs. His grave is located in Gilford, in the graveyard of the climb.

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