Louis Pasteur - biography, photo, personal life, opening



"The benefactor of mankind" was so called the government of France biologist and the Chemist Louis Pasteur. The contribution of the French scientist is difficult to overestimate, because he proved the microbiological basis for the fermentation process and the emergence of a number of diseases, invented a way to combat pathogenic microorganisms - pasteurization and vaccination. Prior to today, the opening of the founder of immunology and microbiology saves the life of millions of people.

Childhood and youth

The future microbiologist was born in the city of Doyle (France) on September 18, 1822. Father Louis, Jean Pasteur, was noted by participation in Napoleonic wars, and later opened a leather workshop. The head of the family was illiterate, but the son sought to give a good education.

Portrait of Louis Pasteur

Louis successfully graduated from school, and then with the support of his father began to study in college. The boy was distinguished by an amazing diligence than he was hit by teachers. Paster believed that in study, it was necessary to show perseverance and in correspondence with the sistems indicated that success mainly depends on labor and desire to learn.

Upon completion of the Louis College, Louis moved to Paris to enroll in the highest normal school. In 1843, a talented guy easily overcame the entrance examinations and four years later received a diploma of a prestigious educational institution.

Louis Pasteur in youth

In parallel Paster paid a lot of time painting and achieved high results. The young artist entered the directories as a great portrait of the XIX century. At the 15th age, Louis wrote portraits of mother, sisters and many friends. In 1840, Pasteur even received the degree of bachelor of arts.


Despite the versatility of talents, Louis Paster pretended to be engaged exclusively by science. At the age of 26, the scientist became a professor of physics due to the discovery of the structure of wine acid crystals. Nevertheless, studying organic substances, Louis realized that his genuine calling lies in a study not physics, but biology and chemistry.

Pasteur worked for some time in the Dijonian lyceum, but in 1848 he went to the University of Strasbourg. At the new work, the biologist began to study the processes of fermentation, which subsequently brought him a celebrity.

Experiments Louis Pasteur

In 1854, the scientist holds the post of dean at the University of Lille (Faculty of Natural Sciences), but not delayed there for a long time. Two years later, Louis Paster goes to Paris to work in Alma Mater - the highest normal school as director of academic work. In a new place, Paster spent successful reforms, showing brilliant administrative abilities. He introduced a hard examination system, which increased the level of knowledge of students and the prestige of the educational institution.

In parallel, the microbiologist continued to explore wine acids. After examining the wort of a microscope, Louis Paster revealed that the fermentation process is not a chemical nature, as Justus said Lubih background. Scientist discovered that this process is associated with the life and activities of yeast fungi, feeding and breeding in a wandering fluid.

During 1860-1862, the microbiologist was concentrated on the study of the theory of self-relocation of microorganisms, which many researchers adhered to at that time. For this, Paster took the nutrient mass, he heated it to a temperature at which microorganisms were dying, and then placed in a special flask with the Swan neck.

Flask Louis Pasteur with Swan Sheay

As a result, no matter how much this vessel with nutrient mass would be in air, life in such conditions was not born, since the spores of the bacteria remained on the bends of the long neck. If the neck was chicked out either rinsed the bends of the liquid medium, then microorganisms began to multiply soon. Consequently, the French scientist denied the dominant theory and proved that the microbes cannot self-relieve and each time are brought from the outside. For this discovery, the French Academy of Sciences awarded Pasteer in 1862 a special premium.


The breakthrough in scientific research scientists contributed to the need to solve the practical task. In 1864, winemakers applied to Pasteer with a request to help figure out the causes of damage. After studying the composition of the drink, the microbiologist discovered that it was not only yeast fungi, but also other microorganisms that led to the spoilage of the product. Then the scientist thought about how to get rid of this problem. The researcher suggested heating the wort to 60 degrees, after which microorganisms dying.

Experiments Louis Pasteur

The method proposed by the Pasteur began to be used in the manufacture of beer and wine, as well as in other sectors of the food industry. Today, the described reception is called pasteurization, by the name of the discoverer.

The discoveries described were brought by French scientist, but the personal tragedy did not allow the pasteer to quietly rejoice in his achievements. Three microbiologist children died of abdominal typhus. Under the influence of tragic events, scientists took up the study of infectious diseases.


Louis Paster explored wounds, ulcers and ulcers, as a result of which revealed a number of infections pathogens (for example, streptococcus and staphylococcus). Also, the microbiologist studied chicken cholere and tried to find the opposition to this disease. The decision came to the famous Professor by chance.

Vaccine Louis Pasteur

The scientist left a culture with cholera microbes in a thermostat and forgot about them. When the dried virus was injected with chickens, birds did not die, but moved the facilitated form of the disease. Then Pasteur again infected the chickens with fresh cultures of the virus, but the birds were not injured. Based on these experiments, the scientist discovered a way to avoid a number of diseases: it is necessary to introduce weakened pathogenic microbes into the body.

So there was a vaccination (from Lat. Vacca - "Cow"). This name is the discoverer used in honor of the famous scientist Edward Jenner. The latter sought to prevent the sickness of people with smallpasses, therefore, she overflow the blood of cows infecting harmless to the person's shape for a person.

An experiment with chickens helped a microbiologist to create a vaccine to combat Siberian ulcers. The subsequent use of this vaccine allowed the Government of France to save huge amounts of money. In addition, the new discovery provided passer membership at the Academy of Sciences and Lifetime Pension.

Experiments Louis Pasteur

In 1881, Paster witnessed the death of the girl from the bite of a mad dog. Under the impression of the tragedy, the scientist decided to create a vaccine from the deadly disease. But the microbiologist discovered that the rabies virus existed only in brain cells. There was a problem of obtaining a weakened form of the virus.

Scientific days did not leave the laboratory and conducted experiments on rabbits. The microbiologist first infected animals with rabies, and then the brain displaced. At the same time, Paster subjected to death hazard, collecting rabbits from the mouth. Nevertheless, a talented scientist managed to extrude the vaccine from rabies from the dried rabbit brain. Many are confident that this discovery has become the main achievement of an outstanding microbiologist.

Rabbits Louis Pasteur

Some time Louis Paster did not dare to apply a vaccine in humans. But in 1885, the mother of the 9-year-old Josef Maistera came to him, whom a mad dog was bitten. The child had no chance to stay alive, so the vaccine was the last opportunity for him. As a result, the boy survived, which indicated the effectiveness of the opening of Pasteur. A little later, with the help of a vaccine, 16 people crawled to be saved. After that, the vaccine was constantly used to combat rabies.

Personal life

In 1848, Louis Paster began working at Strasbourg University. Soon, a young scientist was invited to visit the Rector of Lauren, where he met the daughter of his boss - Marie. After a week, a talented microbiologist wrote a letter to the rector, in which he asked the hands of the girl. Although Louis communicated with Marie only once, he did not doubt the correctness of choice.

Louis Pasteur with his wife

The father of his elect, Pasteur honestly confessed that he had only good heart and good health. As can be judged from the photo of a scientist, the man did not differ in beauty, the Louis had no wealth or favorable kinship.

But the rector believed the French biologist and gave his consent. Young people got married on May 29, 1849. Subsequently, the spouse lived together for 46 years. Marie began for her husband not just his wife, but the first assistant and reliable support. Couple has five children, three of them died from the abdominal epidemic.


Louis Pasteur survived the stroke at 45, after which he remained disabled. The scientist did not move his hand and leg, but the man continued to work hard. In addition, the microbiologist was often dangerous during the experiments, which forced the family to worry about his life.

The great scientist died on September 28, 1895 from complications after several strokes. At that time, Louis paste was 72 years old. First, the remains of the microbiologist were resting in Notre Dame de Paris, and then moved to the Pasteur Institute.

Monument Louis Pastere

During life, the scientist received awards from almost all countries of the world (almost 200 orders). In 1892, the French government presented a medal specifically for the 70th anniversary of the microbiologist with a signature of "benefactor of mankind." In 1961, in honor of Pasteur, a crater on the moon was named, and in 1995, a brand was released in Belgium with the image of a scientist.

Nowadays, the name of an outstanding microbiologist wears more than 2 thousand streets in many countries of the world: USA, Argentina, Ukraine, Iran, Italy, Cambodia, etc. In St. Petersburg (Russia), the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology them. Pasteur.


  • Louis Pasteur. Etudes Sur Le Vin. - 1866.
  • Louis Pasteur. Etudes Sur Le Vinaigre. - 1868.
  • Louis Pasteur. Etudes Sur La Maladie des Verse à Soie (2 Volumes). - 1870.
  • Louis Pasteur. Quelques Réflexions Sur La Science en France. - 1871.
  • Louis Pasteur. Etudes Sur La Bière. - 1976.
  • Louis Pasteur. Les Microbes Organisés, Leur Rôle Dans La Fermentation, La Putréfaction et La Contagion. - 1878.
  • Louis Pasteur. Discours de Réception De M.L. Pasteur à l'Académie Française. - 1882.
  • Louis Pasteur. Traeitement de la Rage. - 1886.

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