Yakov Sverdlov - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death



Jacob Mikhailovich Sverdlov was born on May 22, 1885 (according to some data - May 23). The future political and statesman grew up in Nizhny Novgorod. The Bolshevik's career and the revolutionary led Sverdlov to the Central Committee of the RSDDP (b), RCP (b). One-party people knew Jacob Mikhailovich under the pseudonyms of "Smirnov", "Andrei", "Mikhail Permyak", "Max".

Childhood and youth

In the family of Mikhail Israelich and Elizabeth Solomonovna Sverdlovy, the son was born - Yakov. The only minimum boy was father. He worked by engraver. Mom led the economy. In addition to Jacob, there were five children in the Sverdlov family, including two daughters.

Portrait of Jacob Sverdlova

Experts believe that the real name of the future revolutionary is not at all Sverdlov, but Gaukhmann. Historian I.F. The carpenters think at all that at the birth of Yakov called Eshua-Solomon Movshevich or Yankel Miimovich.

In 1900, the tragedy comes in the family - the mother of Yakova Sverdlova dies. But widower shortly burned. Soon Mikhail Israelich married the second time and even took Orthodoxy's spouse. Maria Aleksandrovna Kormiltsheva became a stepmother of the revolutionary. She gave birth to Yakov two brothers.

Yakov Sverdlova's Childhood House

About childhood and youth of a young man knows little. Sverdlov completed training in the gymnasium on the fourth year, then began to study the pharmacy case. In Nizhny Novgorod, at a young age, Yakov became famous for underground affairs. According to the numerous photo, which remained in history, one can judge that Sverdlov constantly wore glasses due to poor vision.

Before the revolution

Yakov Sverdlov a year after the death of the mother joins the ranks of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party. Already in 1903, it begins to call himself a Bolshevik and a revolutionary. Yakov traveled in Russia with agitation speeches. He visited Yekaterinburg, Kostroma, Kazan. In the capital of Urals, he tried to become the head of the local committee of the RSDLP.

Yakov Sverdlov in youth

Sverdlov organized a group in which experienced underground workers entered, including a teacher of the working university N.N. Baturin, Maria Aveida, Mikhail Factory, head of combat squad F.F. Syromolotov, A.E. Minkin. Yakov Mikhailovich provoked the speeches of revolutionaries in Yekaterinburg. The underground spoken with the vowels E.S. Kadomtseva, and then arrived together with them to St. Petersburg. The organization of combat manuals among the working class helped Sverdlov to become popular.

Yakov Sverdlov

In Yekaterinburg, in 1905, Sverdlov founded the Council of Workers' Deputies. Later he moves into Perm. Jacob Mikhailovich often fell into the hands of law enforcement agencies and even was in prison, and then in the link. But even this time he used for the benefit - he was engaged in self-education. In 1910, Sverdlov, being in the Narym link, makes escape and begins a correspondence with V.I. Lenin.

Revolutionary years

Immediately after returning from the reference, Sverdlov goes to Ekaterinburg for the Ural Regional Party Conference. But in parallel with this, Jacob Mikhailovich was preparing for the proletarian uprising in the Urals. It was a backup option in case, if in Petrograd the coup is not going on the plan.

The February Revolution was successful, the Bolsheviks achieved renunciation from the throne of Emperor Nicholas II. The king together with the family is transferred to Tobolsk, and then to Ekaterinburg. The decision on execution was made in July 1918. The initiator of the execution was the Council of People's Commissars. While experts performed the sentence, Sverdlov was in Moscow. BUT LD Trotsky recalled later that Yakov Mikhailovich was not the last role played in making a decision on the execution.

Yakov Sverdlov and Vladimir Lenin

The first meeting of V.I. Lenin and Sverdlova took place on April 24, 1917, during the 7th Conference of the RSDLP. The leader gave various kinds of instructions to Yakov Mikhailovich. It was Lenin that contributed to the appointment of the Bolshevik by a member of the Central Committee and the Head of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. Sverdlov actively implemented the ideas of the leader. There was a lot of information around him that he could use to strengthen his positions. Jacob Mikhailovich managed to organize and send the masses to the right direction.

Lion Trotsky outlined in the book "Portraits of revolutionaries" his version of the behavior of Sverdlov. He believed that Bolshevik wanted the Presidency to have a political value. But it did not like the Council of People's Commissars and Politburo. Yakova Mikhailovich even had friction on this issue with members of organizations.

Yakov Sverdlov and Leo Trotsky

Sverdlov first presented the "Declaration of the Rights of the Worker and the Exploited People". This document made it possible to unite the Council of Peasant Deputies and the Council of Workers and Soldier's Deputies. The revolutionary was appointed Chairman of the RSKD Central Exhibition Center. For several months, Yakov Mikhailovich consisted of a bureau of the Committee of the Revolutionary Defense of Petrograd.

The Bolshevik was engaged in frames that ruled the country. Especially for their training was organized by the School at the ICI. Later he was renamed the Communist University. Ya.M. Sverdlova. In 1939, the educational institution was transformed into the Higher Party School.

Yakov Sverdlov on speech in Yekaterinburg

At the head of the Commission, which created the Constitution of the RSFSR, was also Yakov Mikhailovich. The revolutionary wanted socialism to flourish in the country. All the republics of the Councils could be free nations. At the request of the residents of the regions could create autonomous unions.

The village split politics on the camp of the poor and Kulakov Sverdlov said at a meeting of the WTCIK, which was held in May 1918. Probably, with the light hand of Yakov Mikhailovich, a directive appeared, which was allowed to apply tough punitive measures in the case of the uprising of the Cossacks on the Don. Left esters wanted to arrest the Bolshevik, but did not succeed. The leaders of the opposing party themselves were behind the bars.

Monument to Yakov Sverdlov

The Soviet Republic became a single military camping after an attempt on Lenin, committed on August 30, 1918. For this decision stood Sverdlov. During this period, Yakov Mikhailovich introduces the "red terror", directed against the enemies of the revolutionary movement in the country.

Sverdlov took over the responsibilities of the chairman of the SNK, while Lenin was treated. The revolutionary signed papers on behalf of the leader of the proletariat, went to meetings. Yakov Mikhailovich became an experienced organizer of political events. The Bolshevik organized the 1st Congress of the Communist International, participated in the congresses of the Communications of Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine and Latvia.

Yakov Sverdlov

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin responded about comedors with respect. The manager considered Jacob Mikhailovich valuable and important. According to the leader, the lack of Sverdlov will immediately become noticeable. After the death of Bolshevik, Lenin called him a professional revolutionary who achieved victory for the working class in the revolution.

The reasoning of contemporaries about the career of the Bolshevik is set out in the documentary film "Yakov Sverdlov. Bloody mechanic of Soviet power. " Experts have studied information on found 16 years after the death of Yakov Mikhailovich the Safe, which kept the gold of the royal family. Documentation officers tried to identify the relationship between Sverdlovy and the attempted Lenin.

Personal life

In the young age of Yakov Sverdlov related himself to the bonds of marriage with E.F. Schmidt. When the revolutionary turned 20 years old, daughter E.I. Born Sverdlova. But the marriage collapsed.

The Bolshevik soon married Claudia Timofeevna Novgorod. In Soviet circles, a young woman was represented by Olga Novgorod residents. The girl hid in his own apartment "Diamond Politburo". The money stored in Novgorod residents was required, in the event of the loss of power, to develop the movement of revolutionaries and the ever-minded existence of the Bolsheviks.

Yakov Sverdlov with his wife and son

In 1911, the son of Andrei Yakovlevich is born in the family. The young man was not friends with the NKVD bodies, twice got into the hands of law enforcement officers. In the personal case of the Son of the revolutionary, it is said that Andrei was planted for anti-Soviet statements.

Despite the dislike to the Soviet system, the son of Sverdlova entered the service in the NKGB and the MGB of the USSR. Being a colonel, Andrei again asked to jail, but the court escaped thanks to the death of Joseph Stalin. Two years later, the Sverdlov family became more children - daughter was born. About the life of the faith of Sverdlovaya is nothing unknown.


The death of Nastala Yakova Sverdlova unexpectedly. In the official biography of the Bolshevik, it was said that on March 6, 1919, the revolutionary went from Kharkov to Moscow. On the road, Yakov Mikhailovich fell ill with Spaniard. Dangerous disease quickly progressed. Only in two days, Sverdlov got to the capital. The state of health of the Bolshevik was estimated as severe. Yakov Mikhailovich lived until March 16.

Funeral Yakova Sverdlova

In those years, it was normal to make posthumous masks, so it is not surprising that experts fulfilled this order. The funeral of the prominent politician took place on March 18, 1919. Sverdlov's grave is located next to the Kremlin wall, descendants bring flowers to the monument to the Bolshevik.

Tomb of Yakova Sverdlova

The doctor of law sciences Arkady Vaxberg believes that the exact cause of the death of Yakov Mikhailovich has not yet been established. In those years, rumors went - allegedly Bolshevik beat workers during a trip to Eagle. The reason was the Jewish origin of the revolutionary. Citizens considered that it disgraces the revolution and incite the anti-Semitic passions.

A similar idea was put forward by the historian Yu.G. Felshtinsky. According to the scientist, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin attached hand to the murder of Sverdlov. But this hypothesis has not yet found official confirmation.


  • 1938 - "Great Garla"
  • 1940 - "Yakov Sverdlov"
  • 1957 - "Baltic Glory"
  • 1965 - "Conspiracy of Ambassadors"
  • 1965 - "Emergency Order"
  • 1968 - "Sixth July"
  • 1975 - "Trust"
  • 1982 - "Red Bells"
  • 1998 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2007 - "Nine Liberty Nestor Makhno"

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