Quasimodo - Character History, Actors, Photo, Esmeralda, Song


Character History

The first historical novel, created in French, saw the light in 1831. The playwright Victor Hugo wrote a work with which the public attracted the attention of the public to the Old and Unknown Temple of Paris. After years, the renovated Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God became a symbol of the French capital - the crowd of tourists make a photo against the background of a gothic building. And thank you for the safety of historical value you need the ugly ringing quasimodo.

History of creation

In 2010, the world flew out news: the hero of the novel "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God" is not the fruit of Viktor Hugo's imagination. Horbun lived in Paris simultaneously with the writer and was directly related to the dilapidated temple.

Victor Hugo

The name of the prototype Quasimodo - Le Boss (translated from French - Gorbun). The man worked as a sculptor and led the life of hermit. The theory of the prototype confirms the diary of the British architect, invited to France to restore the temple:

"For the cathedral, large stone figures cut out, and in the studio I met Monsieur Tray - the most decent, fatherly caring and pleasant person, which only existed on Earth. He worked under the beginning of the sculptor appointed by the Government, with whom I have never entroacted about, and about which I only know that he was a humpback and preferred smaller to communicate with the dramatic. "

Biography and plot

When and where Quasimodo was born, unknown. At 4 years old, the boy was thrown into the cradle of Mother Esmeralda. Taking into account the fact that the girl itself was raised by Gypsies, it can be concluded that Quasimodo was born in the Tabor, but was left by his parents because of external deformity.

Gorbun Quasimodo

The locals took the child for Satan and decided to burn the baby on the fire, but a young priest Claude Frollo interpreted for the boy. The man took the child, gave a name, and later taught the profession. Due to the disadvantages of the appearance of quasimodo from orphan years, attacked, insults and evil jokes:

"A quarreled nose, horseshoe mouth, tiny left eye, almost closed with bristly red eyebrows, while the right completely disappeared under a huge wart ... a huge head ... a huge hump between the blades and another, balancing it, on the chest."

From the children's years, Quasimodo lived in the atmosphere of hatred and malice, so the young man grew by an incredulous and rude. Communication with people with a young man was replaced by Bells - the priest taught the pupil to the stare craft. Because of the loud ring quasimodo completely flames.

The Cathedral of the Parisian Mother Lady, the only close man, Claude Frollo, became a house for Holboon. Rare crafts ended with problems and bullying. The word mentor has become a law for a young man. When the priest, obsessed with gypsy, ordered the girl to kidnap, Gorbun did not talk about the correctness of the act.

Claude Frollo

Quasimodo attacks Esmerald in a dark alley. The plan fell out, the girl runs away, and the hunchback, which the military caught, are judged for the crime. The deaf run does not understand what is happening while the first kick is low on his back. Quasimodo is punished with all possible rigor. The rhodium suffering from pain asks water from local, but again only ridicule and mockery.

The man saves Esmeralda. Gypsy is the only one who does not happen to hump. At this moment, a new adoration object appears in the quasimodo life. If earlier Horbun served only to his savior, now he is ready to die for an attractive dancer.

The rhodes realizes his own urgency, so cares about the beauty from afar. Gorbun watches gypsy views from the window of the cathedral and does not come across the beloved on the eyes. However, Esmeralda still would not notice the blind adoration of quasi-modo. The thoughts and heart of the girl are occupied by FEBOM de Shatoper - the captain of royal shooters. But the Hero-lover wounds the jealous Claude Frollo, and the crime accuses Esmeralda.

Realizing the danger, threatening beloved, Horbong abducts the gypsy and hides a girl in the cathedral. Quasimodo is ready to spend everything free time with beauty, but notes fear and disgust in the eyes of the heroine. Gorbun leaves Esmeralda alone, occasionally appearing from the dark corners of the temple.

Death Quasimodo

Rocking is happy - Favorite, despite rejection, next to him. All spoils the mentor, who did not leave thoughts to master the gypsy. But the beauty rejects a crazy Uhager. Having handed over the girl to the authorities, thereby condemning the gypsy to death, Claude breaks the heart of Quasimodo. The last straw for a man became a laughter of the mentor during the execution of Esmeralda.

Killing the only bright feeling in the soul of Horboon, Claude becomes a victim of the pupil. In the rustling of anger quasimodo dumps the priest from the tower of the cathedral. The ugly ringing has no close relatives. So, there is no point to live. Gorbun finds the body of his beloved in a public crypt and dies, hugging a slim female figure.


For the first time, the film about the hunchback and beautiful gypsy the audience saw in 1905. Kinokartina "Esmeralda" lasts 10 minutes. In a silent dramatic tape, the role of Quasimodo played Henry Vorins.

Henry Worins in the role of quasimodo

In 1923, the Drama "Gorbun from Notre Dame" was released on wide screens. The plot of the paintings is as close as possible to the original work. The image of Quasimodo embodied American actor Lon Cheney. To match the image, the artist was falling into the rubber hump, which weighed 36 kilograms.

Lon Cheney in the role of quasimodo

In 1956, the most famous film design of the Gygo novel was published. "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" starred on the streets of Paris, so kinocartine turned out to be large-scale and spectacular. The role of an ugly ringing was fulfilled by actor Anthony Quinn.

Anthony Quinn in the role of Quasimodo

In 1996, Disney Studio released a full-length cartoon "Gorbun from Notre Dame". The plot of the cartoon is different from the original - scenes are cut out from the script that are invalid to view children. Voice Gorboon presented actor Tom Hals.

Quasimodo in Disney cartoon

In 1999, the French criminal comedy "Quasimodo" came out. From the novel Hugo in the film only the names and appearance of the main characters remained. Actor and director Patrick Timsy embodied the image of the ugly hunchback on the screen.

Patrick Timsy in the role of Quasimodo

In 2002, the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" broke into the Russian stage. The basis of the work was the libretto Luke of Plamondon. The party of the in love quasimodo alternately performed Vyacheslav Petkun, Andrei Belyavsky, Valery Yaremenko and Timur Vedernikov. The audience had the soul of the song "Belle", which was performed by the male trio - Anton Makarsky, Alexander Marakulin and the previously mentioned Vyacheslav Petkun.

In 2018, the series "Quasimodo" will be released on the screens. The producers of the multi-seater film will be the actors who played Tyrion Lannerber (Peter Dinklidge) and Taiwin Lannerber (Charles Dance) in the "Games of Thrones".

Interesting Facts

  • The literal translation of the name of the Quasimodo - "as if" (Latin words Quasi - "As" and Modo - "as if"). The person's own name was received in honor of the holiday of Easter Octave (in Orthodoxy - Fomino Sunday).
  • US shelter for a long time looking for a house for the German Shepherd by the name of Quasimodo. The dog suffers from a short spine syndrome. Recently, Quasimodo gained a house and loving owners.
  • British scientists have discovered in living organisms a molecule that is responsible for the "internal clock" (shift phases of sleep and wakefulness). The molecule received the name "Quasimodo".

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