Sofya Sevirynova - biography, photo, personal life, news, wool track 2021



In 2017, the short-tracking of Sofye Proliskov turned 20 years old, but a TV list of a young athlete inspires respect. At 16, the girl became the three-time winner of the Winter Olympic Festival among juniors, at 17 he participated in the Sochi Olympiad, and at the age of 18 she was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Sophia was born in 1997 in the city on the Neva. There were no proscilical athletes in the family. Decision Write a little Sonya to the sports section of parents dictated the desire to send an excess of the energy of the yard child in a useful direction. The St. Petersburg School of figure skating was considered the best in the country, so the selection of the section for a 5-year-old daughter was obvious.

Sofya Zolirov with brother

Sophia quickly learned to stand on ice, after six months of classes easily slid on skates, but the girl's jumps were not given. When the rovels easily performed complex triple cascades, the young figure skater tears came to his eyes: Sonya hardly cheered double jumping.

When Sophieus Proliskova turned 11, coaches, not the crank, stated the lack of perspectives in the young figure skater. On the advice of teachers, Sonya moved to the section of the skaters, but the classic skates quickly bored. The athlete went to synchronous skating, but in a year realized that this is not her road.

Short Track

The short track in the sports biography of Sophia Celliranova emerged by chance and at first also did not cause admiration. Sonya dreamed of relaxing in the summer camp, but Mom secretly recorded it in a sports, with skaters. The young athlete became friends with the peers and responded when she was called for fees in Penza. Coach Nikolai Tretyakov saw Sophia Cephrinov at competitions and anept eye determined that there was a future star in front of him.

Sophia Hello with the Cup

There were three and a half months on persuasion. By giving agreement, the girl rapidly moved to Olympus. If, in the summer of 2013, no one knew about the 15-year-old short tracking from Peter, then in the fall all said: Zolirov successfully performed at the CCR Cup, having passed the selection stage in the national team to participate in the World Cup in Shanghai.

One and a half years needed an athlete to be in the youth team. Shanghai Sophia demonstrated brilliant, as for a beginner, result: ranked 4th at a distance of 500 meters. A year later, Zolirov became a three-time winner at the European Winter Olympic Festival among juniors and won bronze at the World Championships in the junior relay.

In 2014, an athlete from St. Petersburg as part of the national team went to Sochi and participated in the XXII Winter Olympics. In the same year, Sofye Zolirovaya got the title of champion of Russia: Sonya was leading in the race of 500 meters in Kolomna near Moscow.

Sofya Zolirov on a wool track

2015 brought a short-speaking new victory: Sofya Zolirov added 3 silver medals in the piggy bank (three-time winner) of the European Championship. And in 2016, the speech at the World Championships brought Petersburg bronze medal in the relay for 3000 m. In the same year, the girl became a contract military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, taking the position of an instructor in CSKA.

In 2017, Sophia Headded was pleased with the coach and fans of a short track two medals who brought from the European Championship. At a distance of 1500 m, Sonya came the second, and 3000 m overcame the third. In the all-around the girl received silver.

After graduating from school, Sophia entered St. Petersburg University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft. Soon, see the title of Master of Sports of International Class.

Pride for the selected sport Sophia Soligov felt after the Olympics in Sochi. The Russian short track made a breakthrough thanks to Viktor Anu and the national team, whose championship titles of world championships.

The athlete says that after the Sochi victories in the Short Trekist Section in Native Peter, children come who want to be similar to Ana. And if earlier in the section, due to the undeclaughter, they took all those wishing, today they take the best.

Sophia is pleased to be a change in the approach to the short track in the country and the hometown. If 5 years ago, the attitude towards short trackists was determined by the residual principle (the ice athletes were given at 6:45 or at 22:00), today the skaters become elite.

Sofya Zolirov, Alena Zavarzina and Vic Wilde

Zolirov with a smile remembers the first steps in the short track. When she first gave special skates and jumpsuit, she burst out. The baggy red and black jumpsuit was a couple of sizes more, the skates for the skaters could not withstand comparisons with those elegant that skaters put on.

Over time, after the first loud victories and medals, for the athlete there was a jumpsuit in size and figure. Skates Sofye Made by order, in the cast of the legs. Blades' care is not easy: if biathletes are a personal service manager, then the short-speaking trackers take care of the skates themselves.

At the competition, the girl takes 3 grinding stones and special machines. The care instrument takes a lot of space: each athlete is 2 suitcase only for shoes and care.

Sofya Zolirov in the Russian national team

In front of each sprint training session and her colleagues accurate and grind blades. The lesson takes away from 15 minutes to an hour.

Sophia argues that the short track has hardened the character. Falls on the track painful, falling, you need to be able to group, so that the landing becomes soft and does not end with a fracture. At the European Championships in 2015, a short-speaking traction from Hungary, who went to the track before Sonya, broke his leg. The exit after it demanded the courage and the ability to overcome fear.

Today for Sophia, seeing any extreme - pleasure. In Sochi, the girl first tried the Basejamping, jumping from a height of 207 m. Now dreams of repeating the jump and again get an incredible portion of adrenaline.

Personal life

A young athlete does not think about marriage and family. Yes, and the working schedule is such that there is no time about romantic relationships.

Sofya Zolirov

For Sony, the perfect day off is home, with family: with Mom Tatiana, Pope Sergey and the younger brother King. Sofia's brother did not follow the sister's footsteps and is fond of choreography.

The growth of the athlete is 1.67 m with weight of 60 kg.

Sofya Zolirov now

2018 was marked for the St. Petersburg athlete with the participation of two bronze medals on the European Championship in Dresden: Coswirvanov brought two bronze medals - from all-around and distance 500 m. And in the Russian national team, the girl became the leader: came the first at a distance of 3000 m.

Sofya Zolirov in 2018

In February 2018, Sophia Soligov went to the Winter Olympic Games in South Korean Pytenchan, having received an invitation from IOC. On the joyful news of the athlete informed the signatures of "Instagram" and the VKontakte account.


  • 2016 - Bronze Medal of the World Championships in Seoul (relay)
  • 2015 - Gold Medal of the European Championship in Dordrecht (1000 m)
  • 2015 - Gold Medal of the European Championship in Dordrechte (relay)
  • 2015 - Silver Medal of the European Championship in Dordrechte (500 m)
  • 2015 - Silver Medal of the European Championship in Dordrechte (1500 m)
  • 2015 - Silver Medal of the European Championship in Dordrechte (all-around)
  • 2017 - Gold Medal of the European Championship in Turin (1000 m)
  • 2017 - Silver Medal of the European Championship in Turin (1500 m)
  • 2017 - Bronze Medal of the European Championship in Turin (3000 m)
  • 2017 - Bronze Medal of the European Championship in Turin (all-around)
  • 2018- Bronze Medal of the European Championship in Dresden (Multi-Obory)
  • 2018- Gold medal of the European Championship in Dresden (relay)

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