
Character History

Scientists found out that a third of his life is spent in a dream: people spend on dreams from 15 to 30 years old, of course, depending on how much they live. And sometimes some dreams resemble fantastic ribbons of famous directors or the paintings of Salvador Dali.

The ancient Greeks believed that all these vision was formed not chaotically, and the God of dreams, the son of Hynos - Morp.

History of appearance


Ancient Greek mythology is tightly intertwined with the religion of this country. Moreover, initially in Greek culture there were prerequisites for animism (faith in animation of nature), and contrasting performances prevailed over abstract, as human-like gods and goddess are superior to their quantities of speculative deities.

When Morfei appeared, what is the story of its creation, it's hard to say, since the religion was built on bricks not one ten years. But the life of his father of Hynosa, who in the imagination of people was a person's personification, described the creator of "Iliad" Homer, who died in the VIII century BC. In his manuscripts, it was said that Hynzov was a messenger of the throat of Zeus and dwell on Lemnos Island.


Mornefie relates to ancient titans that are disliked the Olympic gods, kids of the Kronos and Rei. But when world domination has passed to the brothers and sisters of Zeus, they retained the life of morpheses and hypnos, as they have important qualities for humanity.

Among the gods, Mafherefi (in Roman mythology - fantasy) plays a minor role, however, people who suffered from nightmares, who were honored with Son Hynos and tried to respect his prayers to send them joyful dreams. Believers expressed the guise of young man, making the altar at home, where they put pieces of quartz and poppy petals.

God Hynos

Others were afraid of Morpheus, because they believed in his immediate connection with the otherworldly peace and in the interpretation of dreams. According to rumors, the Greeks would not be awakened by a sleeping person, considering that the soul, who left the body during sleep, could not go back.

It is noteworthy that some believe due to the Greek Divine and in the modern world. There are even stlash rites to appeal to the Lord of Dreams. According to rumors to achieve the location of Morpheus, you need to decorate the bedroom with black and silver colors, as well as use candles or poppy flowers.

MORFORS in Greek mythology

The meaning of the one who is some read, while others are afraid, translated from the Greek language as "forming dreams". Regarding the fact that the father of Morpheus is a hypnos, there is no doubt. Moreover, Ovid in its "metamorphosis" characterizes his kingdom as a cave in Mountain, where Ginnos sees Dreams, and a morphor destroyed in a dark robe.


But about Mother of God, there are different versions. Some believe that the Morpheus daughter Zeus and Evrinoma gave birth to Morphore - Aglaya, Aphrodite companion. Others are attributed to the Lord of Dreams Rodation from the goddess of the night - Nütte. The lady of the dark time of day was depicted with two babies in his hands: the first symbolized the dream, and the second is death.

If you believe Ovid, Morpheus has two brothers: a fobethor who knows how to take birds, and a fantasy, which is easily reincarnated into inanimate objects and imitates the phenomena of nature. Among other things, Morphey has unnamed brothers and sisters, and sometimes it is accompanied by Opeirs - spirits of dreams that resemble children with black wings.

Harites: Aglaya, Euphrosina and Waist

Gins in Greek mythology also appears as a god of sleep, but there are differences between the father and son. The first gives sweet peace and distributes dreams between deities and ordinary mortals. And the Moronee bursts into the dreams of any person and God. For example, His Char did not leave the Thunderwast Zeus and the Lord of Sea Waves Poseidon.

Morphors comes to sleeping, taking any image, whether it is a person or an animal. He knows how to "copy" not only the appearance of the one who is reincarnated, but also appearance, voice and manner of behavior. Therefore, it is sometimes impossible to distinguish a dream from reality.


In mythology, the son of Hynosa is represented as a young man with angel appearance and small wings on the temples. This is exactly the way it is depicted on the picture of the artist Gerenes "Morfe and Irida." On the canvas to the morpius, the henger of the gods of the Irida descends, which initially in mythology personified the rainbow and was after the rain in cloud or water splashes.

However, in late culture, Morfei portrayed as an elderly man with a beard and poppy flowers in his hands. Sometimes he was represented in a wreath of scarlet colors, and the drawings with his image of the Greeks were decorated with vases, and the Romans were sarcophages.


Also, the Morpheus symbol is black, which can be easily traced an analogy with a night sky. Artists often depict the son of Hynosha in a dark dress, decorated with silver stars, and in his hands he holds a cup with poppy juice, which has a sleeping pills and a relaxing property. In addition, the Divine has the main emblem in the form of a dual gate. The gates are skillfully made from ivory dice are designed for false dreams, and the horny gate is for true.

Interesting Facts

  1. In 1804, the German pharmacologist Friedrich Serrtierner was synthesized from opium a narcotic substance for the name of Morphine. Alkaloid received its name thanks to the Greek Divine Morp. The substance has acquired the distribution after an injection needle was invented. In medicine, morphine was used as an painful agent, but the patients had detected dependence. This drug devoted his work by the author of Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov.
Friedrich Serrtierner
  1. Scientists found out that people who lost their eyesight during life see colored dreams along with moays.
  2. Throughout the night, a person sees from four to seven dreams, but he can only remember a couple of them.
  3. The picture "Morfe and Irida" was written by Gerin in 1811 by order of the Russian collector Nikolai Yusupov. Two pre-sketch of the canvas are also preserved: one is drawn with a pencil, and the second one.

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