Bear Jap - Biography, Photo, Image, Personal Life, Quotes, Actor



Criminal authorities often become heroes of literary works and cinematic tapes. They are surrounded by a romantic fler adventurism and risk attracting young people, a women's audience and men who love to remember the old years.

Bear Jap - a thief in law, whose history did not limit himself to fraud and hooliganism. He is the leader of Odessa bandits, the bikes about which still do not subside in their homeland. Full adventures The life of this person is surrounded by rumors and gossip, because he managed to subordinate to himself the criminal world of the city, famous for his slut-spirited spirit.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the hero is saturated with adventures and outstanding events. He was born in the center of Moldavanka in 1891. According to the passport, the future celebrity Odessa was listed by Moishe Yakov Wolfovich Vinnitsky. Vinnitsky's family was big and friendly, despite the harsh temper of her chapters.

Real Photos of Bears Jap

Bear was educated in a synagogue, visiting her for several years in a row. The father planned that the Son would continue his work, engaged in the worker-industrial activity, and the mother dreamed that Moyshe Yakov devoted himself to spiritual ministry. The boy himself considered both options boring and wanted to build a life otherwise.

Mischi captivated secular life - hiking on theaters and restaurants surrounded by adorable ladies. In view of the fact that the available resources did not have to such a life, he swore to the teenager to conquer Odessa. The nationality and origin of the hero played a significant role in its formation.

Mom and young jar brother

Moldavian was famous for being a place, abounding smuggling. To get into business was not easy, everyone who was engaged in them were tied with each other. Bandits, whose shelter served this area, was industrialed by the fact that in collaboration with the owners of the borough yards, yamchiki and shopkeepers carried out raids enriching the participants of the transaction.

Rumors about crimes were spread quickly, and the "glory" of Moldavanka went around the district, and children playing raiders supported a generally accepted opinion. They dreamed of a better life and those who managed to climb, became heroes. Among them was a Jump Japanese, who, watching everything, was planning "cases" and calculated individual plans.

Criminal activities

For the first time, Bear participated in an organized crime in 16 years. In the courtyard stood 1907. The case was in a flour shop. The next object on which the choice of a young robber, was rich apartments.

The first arrest happened after a couple of months, during the plaids of the police in a public house. After finding out the circumstances, the court sentenced a bear by 12 years of conclusion. Here, it would seem, the life of the Hero should overstate the prospect of terrible impressions of prison, local contingent and existence conditions. But he did not fell into confusion. Vinnitsky realized how to go to freedom ahead of time, and the remaining years had been leaving for him another person.

Japane Bear Pit on Moldova

The deception was rapidly uncovered, but I did not want to report anyone about the policism of the police, and they were jammed. Bear at this time decided that it was time to conquer Odessa. In 24, he asked for a gang to Mayer herrsha, where he later received a nickname Japanese. In a short period of time, the man became known as criminal authority.

Scribed his own gang, he kept in fear of manuff and shop. Two years later, the criminal world of Odessa considered the Mishka leader, and Meyer Gersh turned out to be an assistant. Thousands of gangsters and smugglers united under the leadership of a Jap, who everywhere had "their" people, gave bribes and deftly bypassed the clouds.

The criminal syndicate organized by the bandit was united by groupings in the regions of the Russian Empire. He became the first one who managed to rally around himself the coalition of the enemies of the law and justice. Jap's links were so great that he screamed resources from the treasury, and the criminal cartel had a clear structure and hierarchy. With a light hand, a man was formed by the "Code of the Ray", which provided for punishment for disobedience and a set of rules in relation to robbing activities.

Modnik Japanese walked along the main street of the city, accompanied by the guard, and accepted bows from others. An intellectual and calculating person, he was aware of commercial affairs and aspects of business. The personal life of the hero at the same time was not inferior to the "professional". Frequenter of opera and literary evenings, the hero was present in secular events and supported friendship with cultural and art figures. For gorgeous techniques and parties that suited a Japanese, he was called him in Odessa king.

The criminal authority was able to keep power even during the civil war. The trick and quietness allowed the numerous detachment under the leadership of the raiders, which easily reflected the attacks of disagree with the king of Odessa. A japan did not take any Denikinian General Shilling, nor Bolsheviks. White Guards had to establish relationships with him, but the constant tense and conflict situation did not allow anyone to relax.

The Bolsheviks resorted to help authority in organizing public events. Posters who promised peace in the city were often found on the streets with the signature of the leader of the Odessa Mafia. When it was time to show who is the true owner of the city, the Reds decided to oppress the Japanese and took extreme measures like executions without warning. The hero was quickly oriented in the current situation and came up with a cunning plan: entered into the ranks of the Red Army.

Personal life

The Japanese Bear family is known enough to make a few assumptions about his upbringing and a situation in which the nature of the future leader of the gangster Odessa was formed. He was born in a family belonging to the famous Jewish dynasty of Korotichi. From the village of Kherson Province, parents together with children moved to Odessa. Bears had four brothers and sisters. Abram, Grigory and Yuda died at the front, and Isaac moved to America and died in New York. A Jap's sister died in 1919 from the Basned Disease.

Cily Averman, Japane Bear Wife

Hero's father died early. But the stern worker, who loved drinking and a strong little word, made the character of the boy hardened since childhood. Family values ​​mean a lot for a Jap. It was explained by his origin and an intelligent warehouse, so his wife and children were not weakened to the public. Bandit's wife, Cily Averman, was a beautiful woman who gave him the daughter, which He called Hell. The girl was born at the time of the formation of a Japanese of the Ukrainian regiment.

Hell Vinnitskaya, daughter of a Japane

Having learned about the death of her husband, Cily left abroad with her husband's husband's sister, whose arms found consolation. The daughter of criminal authority remained in Odessa on the upbringing of mother-in-law. Cily managed to live in India and in France. Constantly looking for ways to pick up the daughter, but everything was unsuccessful, the Japane mother pulled out any attempts.

Hell died in Baku in 1983. For a long time, it came to parcel from Mother from France. The biography of Cili after departure and subsequent events in the USSR confirmed that her decision to shoot was true.


Loud statements about the participation of the Japane Bars in the Civil War provoked by themselves, and describe the moments when he decided to join the ranks of the Red Army. The man gathered the regiment, numbering 2,500 people, and went to the front. Odessans were proud of their fellows, which from the raiders turned into a soldier. The Jap's regiment was in the Kotovsky Brigade, and the influence of his wards on those who used to be a peaceful resident, soon seriously disturbed the leaders of the Red Army. The warlords lured the hero trap, and the criminal leader was killed.

Tomb of a Japanese bears

A Japaneman knew about the conspiracy in advance and when he was sent for the replenishment, a new title, ordered the regiment to come back to Odessa to Odessa. Taking a detachment, he went to replenishment, captured Echelon and sent the train to Odessa. The hero did not get to the city, as the traitor was found among the proxies. He passed the commander, and in Voznesensk, the division of cavalrymen arrested deserters. The Japaneman refused to capture, and was shot by Nikifor Ursulov, the commander of the capture detachment. The causes of the death of a Jap became betrayal and two shots in the back.


About the life and adventures of the Jump of a Japanese shot not one movie. In many of them, real photos were used, and in scenarios, the best phrases are prescribed, according to rumors belonging to the raider itself. All paintings demonstrate places where the hero lived in Odessa, and some - even the place where is buried.

Mikhail Water in the role of a Japane

In 1968, a film of the joint production of the USSR and Bulgaria was released on large screens. In it, the actor Nikolai Gubhenko portrayed the Lamp of the Barronic, the prototype of which was the image of a Japane Barshik. Mikhail Waternaya, tried on the role of a well-known character in the 1965 film "The SCADE goes to the West."

In 1989, Nikolai Karachentsov played in the Rent "Deja Nu" of the USSR and Poland of the Japanese. This character can be seen in the 2006 painting "Rocks. Song Long in Life "In the embodiment of Alexey Gorbunov and Mikhail Shklovsky.

Evgeny Tkachuk as a Japane Bars

The most exciting project about the legendary bay was the series 2011 "The Life and Adventures of the Japane Bars". Served Evgeny Tkachuk. The multi-sieuled film does not claim historical accuracy, but the cast involved in it helped the project to decline the love of the public and make quotes from the painting in demand among the audience. The series is particularly valid by the Love Motive of the Jap and Cili. Actress Elena Shamova embodied on the screen the main female image of the series.

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