Princess Olga - biography, photo, personal life, holy, baptism, reform



Princess Olga - the wife of the Great Russian Prince Igor Rurikovich, the mother of Svyatoslav Igorevich, rules Rus from 945 to 960 years. When birth, the girl gave the name of Helga, the husband called it his own name, but the female version, and when baptism began to be called Elena. Olga is known for the fact that Christianity voluntarily adopted the first of the rulers of the Old Russian state.

Portrait of Princess Olga

Dozens of films, TV shows were removed about Princess Olga. Her portraits are in Russian art galleries, according to the old annals and found my relics, scientists tried to recreate a photo portrait of women. In the native Pskov there is a bridge, the embankment and the chapel of Olga and the two of its monument.

Childhood and youth

The exact date of the birth of Olga was not preserved, but in the power book of the XVII century it is said that the princess has died at eighty years, and therefore she was born at the end of the IX century. If you believe the "Arkhanghegodorodsky chronicler", then the girl married when she was ten years old. Historians are still arguing about the year of the Birth of Princess - starting from 893 and ending 928 year. The official version is recognized as the 920th, but this is an approximate year of birth.

Princess Olga in youth

The oldest chronicle of the "Tale of Bygone Years", describing the biography of the princes of Olga, indicates that she was born in the village of Discuss, Pskov. Parents' names are not known, because They were peasants, and not specimens of noble blood.

The story of the end of the XV century states that Olga was a daughter of the thing Oleg, who ruled Russia, until Igor will grow up, the son of Rurik. He, according to legends, and married Igor and Olga. But this version of the origin of the princess is not confirmed.

Governing body

At the moment when the Trees killed Olga's husband, Igor, their son Svyatoslav was only three years old. The woman was forced to take power into her hands until the son would grow up. The first thing that the princess did - dismissed the rafts.

They immediately after the murder of Igor sent to Olga Svatov, who persuaded her to marry their prince - Mala. So it wanted to merge the lands and become the largest and powerful state of that time.

Princess Olga meets the body of Prince Igor

Olga buried the first matchmaker, I buried alive with the rook, making sure that they understand that their death is worse than the death of Igor. Male Princess sent a message that he deserves the best woven from the strongest husbands of the country. The prince agreed, and these wovets closed the woman in the bath and burned alive, while they were soaked to meet her.

Later, the princess arrived with a small friend to the Ridges, in order to play a trian on the grave of the spouse according to the tradition. During Trenna, Olga ran the razlyan and told the soldiers to chop them. In the chronicles, it is indicated that the rallies then lost five thousand fighters.

In 946, the princess Olga went to the open battle on the land of Drevlyan. She captured their capital and after a long siege, applying the trick (with the help of birds, the incendiary mixes were tied to the paws), burned the whole city. Part of the Drevlyan died in the battle, the rest were submitted and agreed to pay tribute to Russia.

Princess Olga - biography, photo, personal life, holy, baptism, reform 15299_4

Since the gown son of Olga most of the time spent in military campaigns, the power over the country was in the hands of Princess. She spent a lot of reforms, including the creation of trade and exchange centers, which allowed us to collect it easier.

Thanks to the princess in Russia, stone construction was born. Looking at how the wooden fortresses are easily burning, she decided to build their homes from stone at home. The first stone buildings in the country were the city palace and a country house of the government.

Olga has established the exact amount of taxes from each principality, the date of their payment and frequency. They were called the "Fitules". All the subjects of Kiev, the land were obliged to pay it, and the Princely Administrator - Tiun was appointed in each administrative unit of the state.

Princess Olga

In 955, the princess decided to adopt Christianity and was baptized. According to one source, she baptized in Constantinople, where Emperor Konstantin VII was personally baptized. During the baptism, the woman accepted the name Elena, but in history is still more famous as Princess Olga.

She returned to Kiev with icons and church books. First of all, the mother wanted to baptize his sole son of Svyatoslav, but he only mocked those who took Christianity, but did not forbid anyone.

During the reign of Olga, there are dozens of temples, including the monastery in Native Pskov. The princess personally went to the north of the country to baptize everyone. There she destroyed all the pagan symbols and put the Christian.

Holy Princess Olga

Duples with caution and dislike reacted to a new religion. They strongly emphasized their pagan faith, they tried to convince Prince Svyatoslav in the fact that Christianity will weaken the state and it must be banned, but he did not want to reach his mother.

Olga never was able to make Christianity the main religion. The warriors won, and the princess had to stop her hiking, closing in Kiev. She brought up the sons of Svyatoslav in the Christian faith, but did not dare to baptize, fearing the wrath of the son and the possible killing of grandchildren. She secretly held a priest with him, so as not to give a reason for the new persecutions of people of Christian faith.

Church of Princess Olga in Kiev

There is no accurate date in history when the princess handed over the Brazda government to the state to his son Svyatoslav. He was often in military campaigns, therefore, despite the official title, the country of Olga. Later, the princess gave his son power in the north of the country. And, presumably, by 960, he became the ruling prince of all of Russia.

The influence of Olga will be felt during the reign of her grandchildren of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich and Vladimir Svyatoslavich. They both were brought up with her grandmother, got used to the Christian faith and continued the formation of Rus on the path of Christianity.

Personal life

According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the prophetic Oleg married Olga and Igor, when those were still children. Also in the story it is said that the wedding was in 903, but, according to other sources, Olga was not even born then, so there is no accurate wedding date.

Princess Olga and Igor Rurikovich

There is a legend that the couple met at the crossing under Pskov, when the girl was a boat carrier (she changed into men's clothing - it was only for men). Igor noticed a young beauty and immediately began to pester what he was reversed. When it was time to marry - he remembered the wayward girl and ordered her to find her.

If you believe the chronicles describing the events of those times, the prince of Igor died in 945 from the hands of Ridge. Olga came to power until her son grow up. She did not get married, it was not mentioned about connections with other men in the chronicles.


Olga died of diseases and old age, and not killed as many rulers of that time. In the chronicles, the princess died in 969. In the 968th Pechenegs first made a raid on Russian lands, and Svyatoslav went to war. Princess Olga with grandchildren locked in Kiev. When the son returned from the war, he removed the siege and wanted to immediately leave the city.

Monument to Knyagin Olga in Kiev

Mother stopped him, warning that he was very sick and feels the approach of his own death. She was right, after 3 days after these words, Princess Olga died. She was buried according to Christian customs, in the ground.

In 1007, the grandson of Princess - Vladimir I Svyatoslavich - suffered the relics of all saints, including the remains of Olga, in the Church founded by the Saint Virgin in Kiev. The official canonization of Princess took place in the middle of the XIII century, although the miracles of her relics were attributed long before that, he was read as holy and called equivalent.


  • Olginskaya Street in Kiev
  • Holy Olginsky Cathedral in Kiev


  • 1981 - Olga ballet
  • 1983 - The film "Legend of Princess Olga"
  • 1994 - cartoon "Pages of Russian history. Earth ancestors "
  • 2005 - the film "Saga ancient Bulgarians. Talk Olga Saint "
  • 2005 - the film "Saga ancient Bulgarians. Vladimir's pallet Red Sunny
  • 2006 - "Prince Vladimir"


  • 2000 - "Az God I see!" Alekseev S. T.
  • 2002 - "Olga, Queen of Rus." Boris Vasilyev
  • 2009 - "Princess Olga". Alexey Karpov
  • 2015 - "Olga, Forest Princess". Elizaveta Butlerkaya
  • 2016 - "Unified Power." Oleg Panus

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