Nikolai Parfenov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Nikolai Ivanovich Parfenov - an actor remembered by fans of cinema. In the service record of this charming and charismatic person, more than one hundred cinematic works, where Parfenov performed predominantly episodic roles.

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Simple Soviet people were given to Nikolai Ivanovich with a bang. He played engineer, policeman, peasant, bus driver - those people who could easily meet on the street. Despite the fleeting appearance in films, Parfenov forced the audience to remember their characters and think about their fate. The actor played in such films as "Damn with a briefcase", "Where is the Nofette?", "To me, Mukhtar!" and other famous paintings of great directories.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Ivanovich was born on July 26, 1912 in the village of Sergiev-Gorki, which is in the Vladimir region. Ros and brought up in a large family, along with brothers and sisters.

Family of Parfenov was considered by the standards of that time provided, since the father of Nicholas managed to do let from the ordinary peasant to the assistant to the ship, which rushed along the Volga. While the head of the family earned money, the mother of the actor was sitting at home, led a household and engaged in children.

Nikolai Parfenov

In the autumn of 1917, a vague and unstable time for Russia related to political coup was coming. The October Revolution was reflected in Parfenov, but after the victory in her, his father appointed the director of the flax plant.

But soon in the house there was a misfortune - the head of the family unexpectedly died. Therefore, all the concerns fell into fragile shoulders of children: at the time of the death of the main breadwinner, the child was 14 years old, and Nikolai was seven.

Nikolai Parfenov in youth

It is worth saying that the family of Parfenov always lived together and guided by the motto "one for all and all for one." Even the tragedy did not make them lower their hands. The children helped those who were discouraged from the grief of the mother as they could: Kolya Firewood, mowed the hay, cared for cattle. Even the old grandfather tried to help at the farm.

Thanks to the optimism and the work of Parfenov rose to their feet, but a new trouble happened. In the 1930s, the degradation began. At the rural meeting, where they demanded to point out the wealthy peasants, envious neighbors chose the most hardworking fellow villagers.

Nikolai Parfenov

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Parfen family was "disbanded." The mother was sent to the north, where she was engaged in the development of peatlands, and the children left for relatives, someone in Perm, and others in the capital.

In Moscow, the brothers and sisters of Parfenov found their calling, and Nikolai Ivanovich himself firmly decided to become an actor and enter the theater school. True, before applying for documents, the young man worked as an assembler at the Sickle and Hammer plant. However, Nicholas to work was not accustomed to work.


Not all the actors brothers became students from the first time, but Nikolai Ivanovich can be called lucky. The young man submitted documents to the studio at the Moscow Theater. Mosovet and was accepted immediately. It is noteworthy that the admission committee gave the guy the following characteristic: "Funny and uncovered." The teachers saw in the eccentric and sincere Nicolae talent, which was useful on the comedy scene.

Nikolai Parfenov as Mitrofanushki

The graduate educational institution of Parfenov was adopted in the theater's troupe, in which he worked most of his life, playing roles in the famous productions of the works of great writers. For example, in the performance of Denis Fonvizin "Nepali" Nikolai Ivanovich fulfilled the main role incurred by Mitrofanushka. Also, the actor participated in Masquerade Lermontov, the "Brothers of Karamazov" Dostoevsky and other productions.


The first appearance of Nicholas in front of the directing cameras took place in 1944, which became the start of his filmography. Parfenov starred in the picture "Native Fields", where I reincarnated in the new chairman of the collective farm. In the actor titles, they did not indicate that they did not prevent directors to invite him to their paintings.

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Nikolai Ivanovich never played the heroes-lovers or protagonists who face turmoil or challenges in the life path. But his fleeting appearance in the paintings were cherry on the cake of Soviet cinema. Perhaps it is difficult to imagine the film "To me, Mukhtar!" (1964) without a guide of Gubareva or a picture "Beware of a car" (1966), where there would be no prosecutor at the court hearing.

In 1975, Nikolai Ivanovich won the roles in the film "Afonya". In this picture, the actor played the chairman of the Moscow Boris Petrovich. The plot of the film tells about the unborn plumbing of Athanasia Borschev, who cannot live without hot drinks. Leonid Kuravlev, Evgeny Leonov, Nina Maslov, Raisa Kurkin and other stars of Soviet cinema were also played in the comedy.

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Also in the service list of Parfenov, you can highlight the pictures "The Last Day" (1972) "Live in Joy" (1978), "Evening Labyrinth" (1980), "Wizard" (1982), etc.

In 1992, Nikolai Parfenov played in his last film, which is called "on Deribasovskaya, good weather, or rains come to Brighton Beach." Director Leonid Gaidai presented to the audience the plot telling about the end of the Cold War. In this tape of Parfenov, Petrenko fulfilled the role of Colonel Petrenko and played on one set with Dmitry Kharatyan, Andrei Soft, Emmanuil Vitorgan and other actors.

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Among other things, Parfen was filmed in vowels. So, for example, it can be seen in the episode of the project Boris Grachevsky "Yeralche". In the ninth issue, which is called "a wonderful moment," Nikolai Ivanovich was brilliantly reincarnated in the author of the "War and Peace" of Leo Tolstoy. In another, 51 issuance, he played the bus driver.

Personal life

From the biography of Nikolai Parfenova, it is known that he was married twice. With an actress, Olga Vasilyeva, the actor met in his student years and made her a proposal of his hand and hearts. The spouses were born daughter Irina, however, in the future their relations were separated by seams. Further, Parfenov met his true love, theater worker Larisa Alekseevna, with which he lived for 47 years. There were no common children from spouses.

Nikolay Parfenov in recent years

According to rumors, at the end of the life of Larisa Alekseevna was paralyzed and could not care for himself, so most of the time the actor cared for his wife. Also, in some media it is said that at one time Nikolai Ivanovich tried to get into the nursing home, but he was denied due to the fact that the man refused to transfer an apartment in the hands of the state.

It is also known that Nikolai Ivanovich in his life was the same sociable person as on the TV screen. The man adored to be in the market in the market. There, he not only looked after the purchase, but also watched the life of citizens, which is important for the actor. In his free time, Nikolai Ivanovich loved to communicate with people and played chess. Close actors told that he never smoked, did not drink alcohol and adhered to a healthy lifestyle.


Christmas Eve on January 7, 1999, Nikolai Ivanovich died. The cause of death is hemorrhage into the brain.

Mogila Nikolai Parfenova and his relatives

It is said that at the time when the mourners put flowers on his coffin, they were broadcast on TV with a comedy with actor participation. Parfenova's grave is located on the 59th sector of the Khimki cemetery.


  • 1958 - "Life passed by"
  • 1960 - "Spring Thunderstorms"
  • 1961 - "Battle of the Way"
  • 1961 - "At the beginning of the century"
  • 1961 - "Adventures of Cross"
  • 1968 - "Our acquaintances"
  • 1968 - "Seven old men and one girl"
  • 1968 - "served two comrades"
  • 1969 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 1992 - "Let's do without focus!"
  • 1992 - "Hermit"
  • 1992 - "Waiter with a gold tray"
  • 1992 - "On Deribasovskaya, good weather, or on Brighton Beach again come rain"

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