Isis - Biography of the Goddess, name, image, symbol


Character History

Isisa is an ambitious goddess, which is the main debt of which is considered to take care of the family, never forgot about its own importance. Therefore, the beauty attached so much forces to return the throne to his own son, after all, to be a mother of Pharaoh much more honorable than a simple beggles. However, even without a brilliant Mountain and faithful Osiris, Isis took an important place in the Egyptian pantheon of the gods. The patroness of women and fertility knew what simple mortals need.

History of origin

The origins of the cult of the goddess lie in the small town of Cebennitis, located in the Nile Delta. Before taking the place of the patroness of Pharaoh, Isis was revered in mainly Egyptian fishermen. The place of worship the goddess was considered the city of Buto.

Goddess Isida

The initial image of a woman is noticeably different from later images of beauty. Isida portrayed from the cow's head, but the spread of the cult was reflected in the appearance of a woman. When the influence of Osiris's wife expanded to the entire ancient Egypt, the unattractive cow face was replaced by a beautiful face. On the previous image were reminded only the horns remaining at the same place.

The goddess gradually acquired relatives, as well as his own myths and legends. With the arrival of the ancient kingdom of Isis gained the status of his wife and assistants of the Divine Pharaoh. And if the previously beautiful woman was perceived as the patroness of the sky, now the duty to control the wind was entrusted for Isida. From that moment on, the goddess was depicted by a winged Virgin.


The merger with the cult of Osiris provided a woman with great influence and more duties. Now Isido perceived as a defender of the dead, patroness pregnant women and a symbol of loyalty, femininity and maternal love.

The goddess began to depict with loose hair. A woman dressed in a silver dress, in the hands of the goddess often kept a bucket (spill Nile) and a musical instrument of a syster. Often, the statue of beauty was turned around by a cloak, the hem was expanded by flowers. This served as a reminder that Isis is an expense of therapeutic herbs and decoctions.

Image of goddess Isisa

By the time of the formation of the new kingdom of Isis, it became known in Egypt more of his own spouse. The cult of the goddess spread to the territory of Greece, where it was originally renamed the cult of demeters. But later, the woman received fame under his own name. True, the essential value of the goddess has lost, while gaining erotic symbolism.

In the 2nd century BC, the name of Isis rang on the territory of Ancient Rome. In honor of the goddess erected temples in Pompeiy and Benevent. From there, the cult has spread to Europe and Asia. The researchers argue that some elements of the worship of the Egyptian deity were reflected in Christianity.

Myths and Legends about Isis

Isis - the eldest child of the Land of the Heba and the goddess of the sky. Shortly after the birth of the girl four more heirs appeared: Osiris, Seth and Oil. After Osiris was proclaimed by the pharaoh of Egypt, the goddess married the younger brother.

God set

The marriage that surrounding was considered political was built on love and mutual respect. Therefore, when an evil set killed Osiris, a woman sent all the strength to return his beloved.

The suffering widow was looking for a lover's body for a long time and accidentally discovered the coffin with Osiris in a sprouted tree on the shore. Isis turned the crucible, hugged the body of the deceased husband and, by saying the spell, resurrected Osiris. Alas, the magic was enough only to go out with God of love. After that, Osiris returned to the world of the dead, and Isis was left alone with a newborn baby mountain in her arms.

Goddess Isis with baby mountain on hands

The outstanding wife of Pharaoh was blinded by his son and tried in every way to return the throne of Egypt to the legal heir. When the mountains became quite an adult, Isis convened the Board of the Gods and demanded justice. Knowing that the truth is not on the side, the set insisted that Isido did not let the Council.

A woman with the help of magic turned into an old woman and, deceiving the guards, headed into the chambers of Pharaoh-invader. Before entering the younger brother, the goddess took the face of an unfamiliar beauty. Seth, who has always paid attention to attractive women, did not stand up this time.

Goddess Isis - Art

The man tried to master the stranger, but the disguise the goddess asked first to listen to a sad story. Isis told that he was married to the shepherd, who was killed. And the foreign stranger seized the cattle of her husband, having deprived the son of the shepherd of inheritance. The blinded set cried out that a stranger should be turned and return herd to the heir. In the same minute, Isida again became herself.

However, even such recognition did not bring Andido and the mountain to the throne. There was still a series of tests. Mother who wanted to help his beloved son, Mespun's Garpoon in Settlement during the fight. The younger brother straightened his sister to free it. Despite the hatred of Tirana, Isis was complicated over the killer of her husband. Seeing that the goddess freed the set, the angry Mountains of the sorry cut off the mother's head.

Of course, the Great Patron of the Dead did not die. The head immediately increased to the neck back. A loving mother did not even be angry with her son and forgave the proud young man for a fermented gust.

God of Ra

Having achieved justice for the Son, the goddess wanted to elevate his own name among the gods. To get more influence, Isis decided to learn the secret name of God's God. Such knowledge would provide a woman with influence and power.

Noticing that RA is already old and sick, the goddess began to collect the dripping saliva of the patron of the sun. Mixing the liquid with dust, Isis created a snake that bit the god. RA, suffering from severe pain, called on the gods. Isis responded to plenty of help. The woman promised to cure God, if he tells the goddess his own secret name. The old man obeyed, and Isis received the status of the mistress of the gods.

Interesting Facts

  • The literal meaning of the name of the goddess - "Trone", but the Egyptians translated "Isis" as "that that is worth the throne."
Knot Isisa
  • The symbol of the beloved Osiris - the pharaoh throne, which the goddess decorated her head. The second most important amulet of Isis is considered to be, or the "Isis node". Sarcophages and Pharaohs are decorated with a similar pattern.
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that the spill of the Nile was associated with the Deity: the river coming out of the shores because of the tears, which shed Isis for a lost husband.

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