Boris Sheremetev - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, warlord



Boris Sheremetev is a talented diplomat, who was made by military merit. Being in difficult relationships with the sovereign Peter I, he won respect for the exploits. Sheremetev became one of the first Feldmarshals in Russia. In his possession, there were lands received as award and transferred inheritance. For more than 50 years, Boris Petrovich participated in state affairs and was the associate of ruling monarchs.

Childhood and youth

Boris Petrovich Sheremetev, a leaving from the ancient noble kind, was born in 1652 in Moscow. The impressive state of Sheremetev was the result of serving the state and associations of boyars. Like the novel dynasty, their generic branch originates in ancient times. Among the ancestors of the warlords were governors, the governors and the near the yard of the face.

Boris Sheremetev

In the 17th century, the influence of this kind on the state of state affairs was significant. Boris Sheremetyeva's father was a good bill. Relatives, educated and respected people, were famous for diplomatic inclinations and connections abroad. Sheremeteva often became the closest imposed states.

Boris was the firstborn from Marriage Peter Vasilyevich Sheremetyev and his first spouse Anna Fedorovna Volynskaya. 6 children were born in the union of this couple. All of them subsequently occupied important ranks and were close to the Yard of the emperor. After the death of his wife, Sheremetev-Sr. was combined with marriage with Maria Ivanovna Shishina, and the children had a stepmother.

Portrait of Boris Sheremetev

They raised to the European manner, as the father was a commitment to cultural trends and trends. The family was accepted to shave the beard, dress in European outfits and adhere to modern etiquette. Sheremetev did not keep up with the generation, ahead of him, but did not hear reproaches, because he was prominent administrative and military leader.

Boris was a disciple of the Kiev College, where he was educated, worthy of origin. He knew foreign languages, including Latin and Polish, took widespread Europeanization and was attached to foreign culture. By tradition, the leaving from the noble family entered the service to the sovereign. The young man was 13 years old.

King Alexey Mikhailovich

In the post of household worn Sheremetev accompanied the king on traveling to church shrines and monasteries, was a squire Alexei Mikhailovich, served in the rooms, and with the solemn ceremonies in the parade journey it was not far from the ruler to fulfill any request.

Boris Sheremetyev's career during this period did not have rapid development. Boyarsky rank man achieved by 30 years. From that moment on, he could take part in the Duma meetings and to represent the interests of the country as a diplomat and a soldier.

Military service

Boris was able to show their talents in 1681, when the troops led the opposition to Tatars in the status of Tambovsky governor and the leader. He demonstrated diplomatic skills in Moscow negotiations with a respondent's speech to conclude the "eternal world." The ratification of the allegation agreement was controlled by being in Warsaw as the head of the embassy.

Warlord Boris Sheremetev

Boris Sheremetev was a companion of Peter I sister, Sofia Alekseevna, and was in friendship with her favorite Vasily Golitsyn. Having quarreled with approximate, Sophia sent Sheremetyev as a commander in Belgorod. There and in Sevsk, Boyarov led the repulsive of the Crimean comprehensive raids. After the arrival of Peter I, Boris joined the king who climbed to the throne. In 1695, he participated in the Azov campaign, but was not in the epicenter of events, but led the troops holding the head of the Crimean Tatars on the Dnieper.

Two years later, the boyar arrived in European countries, including Italy, Austria, Poland and Malta. In 1698, Sheremetev became the first cavalier of the Maltese Order of the Big Cross, adopting an award from the hands of the Grand Master. So the Russian state has supported the Knight's association in the fight against Crimean Khanate and Turkey.

Boris Sheremetev on horse

To the joy of Peter I, Sheremetev returned to his homeland, adhering to foreign fashion and manner, and the new title now appeared in all official documents. Caution and prudence of the commander was obvious during the Northern War. Boris Petrovich managed to deserve the location of the emperor.

The commander was not easy for the defeat that occurred under Narva, when he, leading Connection, did not resist the Natius troops of Charles XII. But Sheremetev redeemed misses in 1701, breaking the Swedes from Ehretefer. The reward for this achievement was the Order of Andrei the First-Called and Chin General Field Marshal. For 1702-1704, the warlord conquered Volmar, Noteburg, Marienburg, Coporye and Derpt.

Portrait of Boris Sheremetev

In 1704, the uprising of Cherkasy Cossacks against Europeanization ended with the taking of the king's messengers. Peter I chose Sheremetyev to solve the problem, since his only one could not be considered involved in innovations. There was no relation to the actions of the king, the representative of the sphere of foreign policy did not participate in the life of the country and therefore was a profitable figure.

In 1705-1706, the Astrakhan occurred a rebellious rebellion of the Archers, and the king again resorted to the help of Sheremetyev. People were against the introduction of the German dress and did not want to cut a beard, resting against the governor who fulfilled the order of the king. At that time, the beard of the rebels demolished straight on the streets, and the clothes were shortened by the scissors we had. For the decision of the conflict, Boris Petrovich became the first person in the state, which was given to the title of the graph.

In the battle under Poltava, the warlord led the whole Russian infantry. In 1709-1710, the capitulating Riga was taken with its help. After a short triumph, Sheremetev went to the Prut Cam. In the latter, he showed himself as a thoughtful commander and brave warrior. The Count personally saved the soldiers and was forced to leave his own son in captivity.

Poltava battle

In view of the age, the Count has been in military service and expressed a desire to get into the monks. But this was not part of Peter I. The king was suggested by Sheremeteva Anne Petrovna Saltykova and made the leader of observations in conflict with Turkey in 1712-1714, as well as expeditions in Porosania and Mecklenburg to assist Prussian troops in confrontation of the Swedam in 1715-1717.

Boris Sheremetyev's biography is full of interesting facts. He confirmed patriotism and worship before the king's will on a military and diplomatic field, but won trust not immediately. For some time, Peter I even placed the beastful, who watched the actions of the graph, and each time he was convinced of his intention.

Personal life

When Boris Sheremetyev was 17 years old, he was first combined with a marriage. His wife became the daughter of Sochnik, Evdokia Alekseevna Chirikova. The only heiress had a large attached, which included estates, villages, villages, serfs. In honor of the marriage of Sheremetev received a gift from the sovereign in the form of a financial present and 2 hundred yards in Rzhevsky county. So gradually increased the state of Sheremetyev. Being engaged in the service, he trusted the management of property to the elders.

Peter Sheremetev, Son Boris Sheremeteva

Wife gave birth to a warrod 3 children: 2 daughters and son. Death of Evdokia Alekseevna in 1697. The spouse issued his daughters at an early age, and his son defined for military service. In the second marriage with Tatiana Lopukhina, Sheremetyev was born the son of Peter, subsequently became a senator at the court of Catherine II.

After the death of the loop personal life, the King himself, who did not want to let the subordinate on peace. He organized the marriage on Anna Naryshkina, and at 60 Sheremetev again turned out to be a fiance. In the third marriage, Feldmarshal had 4 children.

Anna Naryshkin, Third Wife Boris Sheremeteva

Boris Sheremetyeva's condition was great: 18 Votchin, more than 20 thousand peasants. All this he bequeathed his younger son Peter. Other kids received content and jewelry. The younger daughter Catherine did not mention the testament at all. Such a coincidence has become possible due to the decree of the king about the union. After the abolition of the law it turned out that Sheremetyev's relatives are unhappy with his will and reproached his brother, Peter Borisovich, in the injustice of the property of the ancestor.


The cause of the death of Boris Sheremetyeva was the disease, struggling it in 1719 in Moscow. In recent years, he rarely appeared in the capital and lived in Kiev. The graph died at the age of 66, without surviving several months before the birthday. Contrary to his will of the burial in the Kiev-Pechora Lavra, the body of Field Marshal buried in the Lazarevsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra created by Peter I.

Posthumous portrait of Boris Sheremeteva

The memory of Boris Sheremeteva is stored thanks to literary and historical sources. The museum meetings contain portraits of the companion of Peter I. In the 1830s, a family residence was organized in the fountain house in St. Petersburg. This house belonged to 5 generations of Sheremetev.

Awards and titles

  • General Feldmarshal
  • Cavalier of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called
  • Cavalier of the Black Eagle Order
  • Kavaler of the White Eagle Order

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